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Explicitly Radiation Hard Fast Gas Cerenkov Calorimeter

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Presentation on theme: "Explicitly Radiation Hard Fast Gas Cerenkov Calorimeter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explicitly Radiation Hard Fast Gas Cerenkov Calorimeter
Luminosity Monitor (Task#56)

2 Explicit radiation hardness
Characteristics Explicit radiation hardness Silent to low energy e± and gamma Fast (50-100ps) Energy resolution ~10% Satisfies the requirements of the Luminosity Monitor.

3 Explicit radiation hardness…
… explicit radiation hardness is hard to achieve with atoms, especially those in solid form – damage remains in the active medium and can be achieved only with metal and gas. Gas+Metal

4 … silent to low energy(<10MeV) e± and gamma…
Index of refraction for gas differs by very small fraction from unity (i.e. n=1+δ) Xe: δ =.007 Isobutane: δ = 0.019 etc. Threshold energy for emission of Cerenkov radiation …comfortably above radiactivation energy

5 “Lasagna” (“accordion ”) geometry

6 Simulated performance I

7 Simulated performance II
Time resolution of ps (pancake of light commoves with shower which has spread of the order of cm ) ~10% of energy resolution (comparable with HF quartz fiber calorimeter at CMS)

8 How do you collect signal every 1.4ns from such calorimeter?
Use mirror to redirect photons off shower axis in order to minimize noise in PMT Hamamatsu has very fast PMT – 100ps rise time; goes down to 200nm! Pricy, but such superior performance can be lowered for the sake of price… FPGA – capable of digitizing data at rates of GHz, allow parallel readout, storage of the train of events, etc…Inexpensive! Crossing by crossing readout is feasible!

9 Mechanical manufacturing?
“Lasagna” design is very robust – no need for complicated milling, machining, can be assembled from on-shelf components -metal plates, bars, shim; The only critical part is shim surface and its aluminization. Robust and inexpensive to build

10 Current status Geometry is understood; generic design is developed;
Expected performance (G3) - 10%/√E, 100ps, rad.hard, silent to noise ; High quality of s.s. shim is achieved; …technology is being developed (in UA) for mass manufacturing; …as well as quality control of optical surface… Final design … depends on where monitor will be placed; GEANT4 simulation of this particular geometry is almost completed (I need to get rid of some minor bugs) Find optimal gas (minimize scintillation light), geometrical parameters - gas/absorber ratio, It is feasible to make and test prototype at H2 facility at CERN (maybe somewhere else?)

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