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SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Urban Institute tabulations of March 2012 Current Population Survey, Bureau of the Census. Medicare and Medicaid.

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Presentation on theme: "SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Urban Institute tabulations of March 2012 Current Population Survey, Bureau of the Census. Medicare and Medicaid."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Urban Institute tabulations of March 2012 Current Population Survey, Bureau of the Census. Medicare and Medicaid provide health coverage for three in ten women Medicare and Medicaid cover 30% of adult women

2 SOURCE: Medicaid data: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of the 2009 Medicaid MSIS. Medicare data from the 2010 CMS Data Compendium. Women comprise the majority of the Medicaid and Medicare programs Medicaid is the coverage program for low-income individuals. Women have lower incomes and are more likely to qualify for Medicaids categories: pregnancy, parents, disability. Medicare is the federal health coverage program for seniors and younger adults with permanent disabilities. On average, womens life expectancy is nearly 5 years longer than mens. 25.7 million women 22.4 million women

3 NOTE: The federal poverty level was $18,530 for a family of three in 2011. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Urban Institute tabulations of March 2012 Current Population Survey, Bureau of the Census. Women on Medicaid are poorer and sicker than women with private coverage

4 Medicaid finances 75% of publicly- funded family planning services Medicaid pays for more births than any insurer. Almost half (48%) of all births in the U.S. are paid for by Medicaid. SOURCE: Sonfield A and Gold RB, Public Funding for Family Planning, Sterilization and Abortion Services, FY 1980–2010, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2012. Sonfield, A., et al. The public cost of births resulting from unintended pregnancies: National and state- level estimates. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 43(2). 94; Kaiser Family Foundation, Medicaids Role for Women: Current Issues and the Impact of the Affordable Care Act, 2012. Most women on Medicaid are in reproductive years and Medicaid is a primary payer for womens reproductive care

5 SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey; Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured estimates based on CMS National Health Accounts data, 2009. Most recipients of long-term services and supports are women

6 SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. Women on Medicare Have Higher Rates of Health and Social Challenges and Spend More on Care Than Men Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 2009:

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