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Mother Earth…. How are you? Genesis in Reverse.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother Earth…. How are you? Genesis in Reverse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mother Earth…. How are you? Genesis in Reverse

2 God saw everything that he had made and indeed, it was very good. And there was morning and there was evening, the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

3 In the beginning God created this world
In the beginning God created this world. God loved this world and saw that it was good. God prepared everything and made it good before a human was created. Then God created man in His image, in the divine image God created them, male and female. And God took them and placed them in the Garden of Eden to till and take care of it.

4 Everything was set before them so that they may be able to see and taste its beauty. In the end God has given them a covenant, that is, to care for it and make it more beautiful for the future generations. And so humans lived upon the earth. And they said: Let us build skyscrapers and expressways. And they covered the earth with steel and concrete. And they said: It is good.

5 They looked upon the clear and blue waters of the earth
On the Second day, They looked upon the clear and blue waters of the earth And they said: Let us dump sewage and wastes into the waters. And they did. The water became dark and murky. And they said: It is good.

6 On the Third day, They gazed at the forest on the earth
On the Third day, They gazed at the forest on the earth. They were tall and green. And they said: Let us cut the trees and build things for ourselves. And they did. And the forest grew thin. And they said: It is good.

7 They saw the animals leaping in the fields and playing in the sun.
On the Fourth day, They saw the animals leaping in the fields and playing in the sun. And they said: Let us trap the animals for money and shoot them for sport. And they did. And the animals became scarce. It is good.

8 On the Fifth day, They feel the cool breeze on their nostrils
On the Fifth day, They feel the cool breeze on their nostrils. And they said: Let us burn our trash and let the winds blow away the smoke and debris. And they did. And the air became dense with smoke and carbon. And they said: It is good.

9 On the Seventh day they rested.
And the earth was quiet and deathly still For humans were no more. And the earth said: It is good.

10 10 Great Ways to Help The Environment
Walk more, Drive Less  Buy a More Efficient Car Use Cloth Grocery Bags  Buy Recycled/Recyclable Goods  Then Recycle Them  Compost  Save Water  Houseplants  Plant a Tree  Teach Your Children Well

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