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235 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 400

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1 235 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 400
Atlanta, GA Phone: (404) Fax: (404) December 11, 2017

2 Study Team Griffin & Strong, P.C. Project Team Fuse, Inc.
Midwest Litigation Services

3 TECHNICAL APPROACH Policy and Procurement Process Review
Collecting and Cleaning Data Relevant Market Analysis Legal Analysis Utilization Analysis Availability Analysis Private Sector Analysis Disparity Analysis Anecdotal Evidence Collection and Analysis Final Report with Recommendations

U.S. 8 Surrounding States State of Missouri St. Louis MSA ConOguous CounOes St. Louis County

Construction - St. Louis County Goods- St. Louis MSA, State of Missouri & State of Kansas A&E - St. Louis County & Contiguous Counties Other Professional Services - St. Louis MSA & State of Missouri Other Services - St. Louis County & Contiguous Counties *By Award Dollars

All Contracts Award Threshold Number of Awards Percent of Dollars Under 5,000 53,123 87.72% $39,266,602 5,000 to 10,000 2,657 4.39% $18,493,855 10,001 to 50,0000 2,985 4.93% $66,100,931 50,001 to 100,000 750 1.24% $52,302,380 100,001 to 250,000 584 0.96% $91,650,067 250,001 to 500,000 201 0.33% $68,467,429 500,001 to 750,000 68 0.11% $41,943,445 750,001 to 1,000,000 51 0.08% $44,445,133 1,000,001 to 1,500,000 45 0.07% $54,842,669 1,500,001 to 2,000,000 29 0.05% $49,675,699 2,000,001 to 2,500,000 20 0.03% $45,404,836 2,500,001 to 5,000,000 34 0.06% $121,752,759 Over 5,000,000 14 0.02% $176,709,447 Total 60,561 100.00% $871,055,248 Griffin & Strong, P.C. 2017 Average: $14,380 Median: $360

7 UNUTILIZED CAPACITY St. Louis County Disparity Study Unutilized Capacity by Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Highest Award # of Awards at this Level by the County % Surveyed with Revenues in Excess of the Highest Award (Unutilized capacity) Category of next highest awards African American $921,597 1 25.01% $1,000,000 or more Asian American $376,198 66.67% $500,000 or more Hispanic American $850,000 43.49% Native American $19,511 100.00% 0-$100,000 Women $2,570,195 2 38.01% $2,500,000 or more Non-Service Disabled Veteran $14,100 100% Service-Disabled Veteran $12,000 Non-MWBE Over $5,000,000 14 0% Griffin & Strong, P.C. 2017

Construction (FY12-15) African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman Unident. MWBE Total MWBE Non MWBE Utilized 0.11% 0.00% 0.09% 0.20% 99.80% Available 20.17% 0.74% 1.72% 0.25% 9.47% 1.35% 33.70% 66.30%

A&E (FY12-15) African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman Unident. MWBE Total MWBE Non MWBE Utilized 4.32% 0.12% 0.00% 5.51% 9.95% 90.05% Available 9.07% 2.83% 0.85% 15.30% 0.57% 31.44% 68.56%

Other Professional Services (FY12-15) African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman Unident. MWBE Total MWBE Non MWBE Utilized 0.07% 0.03% 0.00% 0.42% 0.52% 99.48% Available 12.28% 2.21% 1.50% 0.71% 12.42% 3.35% 32.48% 67.52%

Other Services (FY12-15) African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman Unident. MWBE Total MWBE Non MWBE Utilized 3.39% 0.11% 0.00% 1.42% 0.13% 5.05% 94.95% Available 9.63% 1.22% 0.69% 0.30% 9.59% 2.17% 23.60% 76.40%

Goods (FY12-15) African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman Unident. MWBE Total MWBE Non MWBE Utilized 4.33% 0.39% 0.01% 1.35% 0.09% 6.17% 93.83% Available 6.59% 1.10% 0.87% 1.00% 13.94% 1.06% 24.56% 75.44%

Construction (FY12-15) African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman Unident. MWBE Total MWBE Non MWBE Utilized 0.00% 19.81% 80.19% Available 20.17% 0.74% 1.72% 0.25% 9.47% 1.35% 33.70% 66.30%

VOB/SDVOB by Other Services Dollars (FY12-15) Non Service Disabled Veteran Service Disabled Veteran Total Veteran Non-Veteran Utilized 0.02% 0.00% 99.98% Available 2.74% 0.72% 3.46% 96.54%

VOB/SDVOB by Goods (FY12-15) Non Service Disabled Veteran Service Disabled Veteran Total Veteran Non-Veteran Utilized 0.00% 100.00% Available 3.69% 1.10% 4.79% 95.21%

VOB/SDVOB in Construction (FY12-15) Non Service Disabled Veteran Service Disabled Veteran Total Veteran Non-Veteran Utilized 0.62% 0.00% 99.38% Available 1.48% 1.11% 2.58% 97.42%

Underutilization of MWBEs in Prime Contracting Construction A & E Other Professional Services Other Services Goods African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman

Underutilization of MWBEs in Construction Subcontracting Construction African American Asian American Hispanic American Native American Woman

Underutilization of VOB/SDVOB in Prime Contracting Construction A & E Other Professional Services Other Services Goods Non-Service Disabled Veteran Service Disabled Veteran All Veterans

Underutilization of VOB/SDVOB in Subcontracting Construction A & E Other Professional Services Other Services Goods Non-Service Disabled Veteran Service Disabled Veteran All Veterans

The Private Sector Analysis indicated… There IS an explicit link between MWBE/VOB/SDVOB status and public contracting outcomes.  Being an MWBE, in the County IS associated with lower firm revenue, which impacts their capacity to compete.  Except for Hispanic American and Biracial/Multiracial owned firms, MWBE/VOB/SDVOB status has NO statistically significant effects on entering the market as a new firm.  Except for Hispanic American, Veterans, and Women, MWBE/VOB SDVOB firms ARE NOT less likely to submit prime bids.*  African American, Hispanic American, Native Americans, and Disabled Veterans were LESS LIKELY to have served as prime contractors on St. Louis projects. But in the location of St. Louis County Asian American, Hispanic American, Biracial/Multiracial, and Disabled owned firms were LESS LIKELY to have served as prime contractors.  African American, Hispanic American, Biracial/Multiracial, Disabled Veterans, Veterans, and Women are LESS LIKELY to have served as subcontractors on St. Louis County projects and except for Veterans, the same is true in the location of St. Louis County. *Higher and statistically significant odds for Native American firms and lower but not statistically significant for Hispanics, Women and Veterans.

  Certification is “limiting” in the amount of work you receive. Difficult to move beyond subcontracting.   A strong desire for outreach from the County to make them aware of upcoming opportunities.   Many do not believe the St. Louis County marketplace is supportive of MWBE development.   Non-Minority firms believe Minority firms are unqualified and costly to do business with, many find ways around participation in goals programs.   Fronts, Pass-Throughs and Informal Networks limit opportunity.   Union affiliation is a requirement to compete for contracts.

23 ANECDOTAL ANALYSIS Findings Cont. Issues with slow paying vendors.
  Double standards in work performance on County job sites.   Unsavory work conditions.   Concerns about workforce.   Concerns about the goal-setting process.   Certification and Registration limitations.   Tension between established and emerging minority groups

24 RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Robust Certification Review
1. Allocation of Resources 2. Annual Goals in Subcontracting 4. Small Business Reserve Program 5. Strengthen Forecasting 6. Supportive Services 8. Small Business Financial Assistance Program 9. Modify Restrictive Policies and Streamline Ordinances 7. Prompt Pay Ordinance

25 Recommendation #1 – Allocate Resources, Including Three Staff Positions
¨  Already have committed resources to fill three positions: Chief Diversity Officer (CDO), Contract Compliance Officer and Contract Administrator ¨  Issue RFP for national search firm to assist in hiring CDO ¨  Submit CDO candidate suggestions to

26 Recommendation #2 – Create Annual Goals in Subcontracting With Combined MBE Contract Goal and Separate WBE Contract Goal ¨  Begin immediately tracking subcontractors for all contracts as subcontracting offers opportunities ¨  Ramp up to matching full availability within 4-5 years ¨  Focus first on hiring staff, building program and MWBE outreach as County is starting from scratch ¨  Base aspirational goals on availability ¨  Combine MBE aspirational goal ¨  Separate WBE goal because of race and gender issues

27 Recommendation #2 – Create Annual Goals in Subcontracting With Combined MBE Contract Goal and Separate WBE Contract Goal ¨  Measure availability by service area: ¤  24% MBEs and 9.5% women owned firms available for construction ¤  16% MBEs and 15% women owned firms available for architecture and engineering projects. ¨  Review subcontracting participation after one year ¨  Aggressively enforce goals

28 Recommendation #3 – Conduct Robust Certification Review Process
¨  Partner with existing MWBE certifying agencies such as Lambert St. Louis International Airport ¨  Aggressively review certifications to help reduce creation of “shell” or “front” companies

29 Recommendation #4 – Create Small Business Reserve Program to Increase Participation
¨  Designate certain contracts for bid only for businesses with revenues or employment numbers below Small Business Administration thresholds ¨  Provide opportunities for small firms to gain valuable experience and become prime contractors

30 Recommendation #5 – Strengthen Forecasting of Future Services/Goods for More Outreach Time
¨  Be more aggressive in identifying a broad range of companies able to do work and contact them well ahead of bidding deadlines. ¨  Provide mandatory pre-bid conferences

31 Recommendation #6 – Provide Supportive Services
¨  Improve current one-stop shop business assistance center dedicated to providing supportive services to businesses ¨  Dedicated telephone line already operational for business owners to call with questions and get assistance ¨  Make County’s website’s procurement section more helpful resource ¨  Listen to business owners and add additional supportive services as needed

32 Recommendation #7 – Mandate Prompt Pay Ordinance
¨  Support mandating that prime contractors pay small businesses promptly ¨  Work with St. Louis County Council to determine most effective ways to ensure prompt payment

33 Recommendation #8 – Provide Financial Assistance Program
¨  Work with banks and other financial institutions to offer financial assistance to small and minority businesses ¨  Allow companies to borrow against their invoice payment.

34 Recommendation #9 – Remove Restrictive Policies and Streamline Ordinances
¨  Review all procurement ordinances and guidelines with the goal of: ¤  Clarity ¤  Consistency ¤ Inclusion ¨  Pledge to have our personnel work with all contractors to develop innovative approaches to make access to apprenticeship programs available for all

35 For More Information, visit:

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