Coordination of Middleware Development & Standardization

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1 Coordination of Middleware Development & Standardization
Sergio Andreozzi INFN-CNAF EGI-DS WP3 Consolidation Workshop 29-31 Jan 2008, CERN

2 Outline EGI and Grid middleware development Why should I care?
What can I do? The experience of OMII-Europe Standardization Development R&D

3 Why a Middleware function in EGI
Multiple middleware stacks are in use in EU They exist in order to satisfy different needs All evolving in functionalities and technologies the progress in the standardization, convergence and full interoperability of the major stacks is expected to be long Required by NGIs see WP2 use case collection Commercial providers not appearing, nor will probably appear soon No Infrastructures without middlewares

4 Why a Middleware function in EGI
Enhancements will continue to be needed also in the steady state current VOs still are evolving their modus operandi most users are researchers who are expected to evolve their way of using the Grid and keep on the cutting edge of technology new VOs/Scientific Communities normally need new functionalities e.g. WISDOM requiring the usage of different middleware stacks to access different types of resources pushing forward the evolution of the current components standardization process towards uniform interfaces and NGI’s to support more than 1 stack The users/VOs and the EGI “operation branch” will continue for quite some time needing specific enhancements in performance, reliability and/or functionality

5 Main Grid Middleware Stacks Available Today
From Europe gLite universe UNICORE ARC OMII-UK From US: Globus, Condor/VDT From Asia: NAREGI, CrownGrid Europe plays a key role in middleware development

6 Grid Subsystems made in EU
OGSA capability gLite UNICORE OMII-UK ARC Security.AttributeAuthority VOMS+SAML use VOMS-SAML VOMS-Client Security.Accounting DGAS, APEL RUS SGAS Data.Management.Storage StoRM, DPM SMS SMART-SE, ARC Gridftp Data.Management.Transfer FTS UNICORE FTS Data.Access.Relational OGSA-DAI Data.Access.FlatFiles GFAL TSI Information.Model GLUE GLUE (future) Information.Discovery OpenLDAP CIS Grimoires Information.Monitoring GridICE, R-GMA CIS, RUS-based LLView GridMonitor ExecMan.ExecService GT2 Gram, CREAM+BES TSS GridSAM GridManager ExecMan.JobManager WMS XNJS Taverna & BPEL Man. Workflow ExecMan.CandidateSetGen Service-Orchestrator BrokeredClient ExecMan.ExecPlannService For a complete list, see

7 The Role of EGI for Grid Middleware
Sustain European Grid Middlewares Coordinate the evolution of the current EU Middleware stacks: To introduce in an efficient and compatible way new functionalities and improvements To complete the transition towards the WS-world To adopt a complete agreed set of standards Promote convergence

8 The Role of EGI for Grid Middleware
Evolve current middleware stacks towards: Achieving standard-based interoperability systems/organizations able to provide/accept services from other systems/organizations and to use the services exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together Adding new functionalities based on requirements from: supported VOs potentially new VOs operations

9 Interoperability Definition of coherent set of standards/profiles
Participation/contribution to standardization bodies To consolidate the available standards by bringing feedbacks from productions environments To promote and contribute to the definition of missing standards To contribute to the definition of compliance test suites standards/ profiles requirements production environments standard bodies contributions software components

10 Interoperability Development
Moving away from gateway-based interoperation towards standard-based interoperability Automatic standard conformance verification via test suites (supported by ETICS) Definition of common organizational procedures Priorities identification Decision making Program execution

11 The OMII-Europe Experience
Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe EU-funded project: FP6, RI Duration: May > April 2008 Involved middleware stacks: gLite, UNICORE, Globus, OMII-UK, CrownGrid, VEGA-GOS Mission: Enabling of e-infrastructure interoperability by providing standards-based middleware components leveraging existing work and activities

12 OMII-Europe Working Cicle
Standards Compliance Testing and QA JRA2 SA2 New Components Standards Implementation JRA4 Components JRA1 IN Globus Benchmarking Repository OUT SA1 OMII-UK Components CROWN Supported Components on Eval. Infrastructure JRA3 Integrated Components SA3

13 OMII-Europe Main Contributions To Standard Adoption
OGSA-BES Functional interface for executing activites CREAM-BES and UNICORE-BES GLUE Common definition/representation of Grid entities Definition as OGF standard, reference implementations VOMS-SAML Functional interface for retrieving user privilege attributes Enabling UNICORE to access VOMS privilege attributes Accounting/RUS Functional interface for exchanging accounting information Exchanging accounting information across gLite, UNICORE and Globus

14 EGI and R&D In connection with Investigation of new approaches
operation and middleware experts external organizations academies and industries Investigation of new approaches via incubator projects for medium-term evolutions Development of prototypes

15 Conclusion Grid middleware is the foundation of the European research infrastructure EGI recognizes the existence of and needs to support different middleware stacks satisfying different requirements A great set of components made in EU exist! these components must be further developed and sustained Standard-based Interoperability is the main path to follow to: Realize an integrated European Grid infrastructure with different types of resources Integrate with world-wide Grid infrastructures

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