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Knowledge Management as pioneered by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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1 Knowledge Management as pioneered by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Presentation by Jasbir Singh

2 Overview Knowledge Management currently defined
Knowledge Management in the eyes of Sikhism

3 What is knowledge? Knowledge has three different meanings by the way it is used First, it is used to make reference to a state of knowing or often referred to as ‘know about’. Second, it is referred to as an understanding of doing to make things happen and this corresponds to ‘know-how’. Third, knowledge is referred as a body of knowledge captured in the form of books, papers, digitized in computers and so on. Quest for knowledge is not new, it has been sought for a long time and been documented, i.e. thoughts of philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle., Confucious and Lao Tzu. 3

4 Knowledge Tacit Explicit embedded is everybody mind
private, has got a specific understanding difficult to be described and conveyed Explicit recorded in form of documents codified knowledge that can be communicated in formal, systematic language

5 What is knowledge management
Knowledge management is both old and new and has grown and developed from existing practices, and is already well established in many organizations It is about people and processes, i.e. interaction, acquiring and transferring knowledge Some companies confuse this with databases and communication, which sets them off in the wrong direction.

6 Definition of knowledge management
71 different definitions “Knowledge management is the use of technology, organizational strategies and culture to enhance management and leverage human knowledge. It is the management of information, knowledge and experience in an organization.”

7 Knowledge Management Process
Retain Identify Share KM Processes Acquire Utilise Create

8 History of Knowledge Management
The shift to knowledge work occurred in large measure between 1920 and 1980. Peter Drucker has been chronicling this shift since 1959 and has written extensively regarding its nature and implications The introduction of the term knowledge management in 1980s by Karl Wiig Collaborator (working with one or more other people to achieve something) Leverager (power to get things done) Adapter (someone who is able to adjust to change or to suit different conditions) Explainer (to give an account of something with enough clarity and detail to be understood by somebody else) Synthesizer (somebody who combines different ideas, influences, or objects into a new whole) Model builder (someone who generates new ideas for solving complex problems) Localizer/Personalizer (someone who can empathize with others and understand the subtleties of human interaction in order to solve a problem) 8

9 Why Knowledge Management is Important
Knowledge continuity Time is money – accessibility to information; speed Competitor info Reinventing the wheel Relevant knowledge; redundancy; outdated Learn how to learn (from a teacher who inspires excitement about learning) Bring curiosity and passion to your work (curious and passionate students are self-educators and self-motivators) Play well with others (people skills will become more valuable than computer skills; personalized high touch interactions can never be outsourced or automated and are almost always necessary at some point in the value chain) Nurture your right brain skills (left-brain work is being outsourced; work that can be reduced to a set of rules, routines, and instructions…to flourish in this age, we need to supplement our well-developed high-tech abilities with aptitudes that are “high concept”: creativity, generate new ideas, and “high touch”: capacity to empathize, understand subtleties of human interaction, find joy in one’s self and elicit it in others, and stretch in the pursuit of purpose and meaning) 9

10 Challenges Cultural issues Knowledge becoming obsolete
Value of knowledge erode over time Technology – expensive and cannot take the lead, speed Role of leader

11 Knowledge Management Framework
Strategy Technology Culture

12 Knowledge in Sikhism Knowledge is to know the difference between the right (Sat, real, eternal, permanent etc.) and the wrong (Asat, falsehood, ephemeral, etc.). The SGGS is the source of Infinite Wisdom that has immediate and eternal relevance. The Gurbani puts tremendous emphasis on "Karanee" (right practice or efforts) KWf KWf khY ijhbw n sÍwdu mITo AwvY]Agin Agin khY sIq n ibnws hY ]bYd bYd khY rog imtq n kwhU ko]drb drb khY koaU drbih n iblws hY ]cMdn cMdn khq pRgtY n subwsu bwsu]qYsy igAwn gosit khq n rhq pwvY]krnI pRDwn Bwn audiq Akws hY ] “By merely saying "sugar, sugar" you cannot taste the sweetness of sugar. By merely saying "fire, fire" you cannot get rid of cold. By merely saying "doctor, doctor" you cannot cure the illness. By merely saying "chandan, chandan" you cant experience its fragrance. Similarly, by merely uttering knowledge you cannot live it. "Karanee" is supreme, like the rising sun in the sky (Vaar Bhai Gurdaas, page 37)”

13 Basis of knowledge sBu goibMdu hY sBu goibMdu hY goibMd ibnu nhI koeI ] God is everything, God is everything. Without God, there is nothing at all Pg 485 SGGS Ji

14 KM Process in Sikhism KM Processes Retain Create Utilise Share
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Retain KM Processes Create Utilise Share Identify Acquire isKI isiKAw gur vIcwir Era of kaljug Dur kI bwxI AweI sbdu gurU suriq Duin cylw ] Udasis/Parchar

15 KM Framework in Sikhism
1469 – 1708 ~ Plan Leadership – SGGS Ji (Guru manio granth) Strategy Pothi SGGS Ji No problems of k-obsolete 1 eyku ipqw eyks ky hm bwirk qU myrw gur hweI ] 1699 Technology Culture

16 Current Trends in KM (not for Sikhi)

17 Guru Nanak Dev Ji Raag Sorath 635
sbdu gur pIrw gihr gMBIrw ibnu sbdY jgu baurwnµ ] The Word of the Shabad is his Guru and spiritual teacher, profound and unfathomable; without the Shabad, the world is insane. To be knowledgeable you need a teacher, who else if not SGGS JI

18 Just to share mÚ 1 ] kuMBy bDw jlu rhY jl ibnu kuMBu n hoie ]
First Mehla: kuMBy bDw jlu rhY jl ibnu kuMBu n hoie ] Water remains confined within the pitcher, but without water, the pitcher could not have been formed; igAwn kw bDw mnu rhY gur ibnu igAwnu n hoie ]5] just so, the mind is restrained by spiritual wisdom, but without the Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom. ||5|| KM today is all about how to apply knowledge with Wisdom

19 Thank You

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