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Chapter 4 Test Study Guide

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1 Chapter 4 Test Study Guide
Origins of Astronomy

2 1. Why did Copernicus hesitate to consider alternatives to the Ptolemaic Universe?
It contradicted Christian Theology at the time

3 Earth’s position in the universe
2. What was the most controversial issue about eh nature of the universe? Earth’s position in the universe

4 3. What was the name of Copernicus’ book?
De Revolutionimbus

5 4. His geocentric model dominated astronomy for 2,000 years.

6 5. Define First Principle
Something that is held obviously true and needs no further examination.

7 6. Most Greek philosophers accept this as a first principle.
Earth was the unmoving center of the universe.

8 7. Why did early astronomers believe the earth did not move?
Because they saw no parallax.

9 8. What are the small circles called that Ptolemy used to describe the motions of planets?

10 9. Philolaus believed this about the universe.
Earth moved around a central fire

11 10. Galileo was a strong supporter of this astronomer

12 11. The occasional westward motion to the planets is called
Retrograde motion

13 12. Whose death ended the 99 years that revolutionized astronomy?

14 13. What are Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion?
1. The orbits of the planets are ellipses with the Sun at one focus. 2. A line form a planet to the Sun sweeps over equal areas in equal intervals of time. A planet’s orbital period squared is proportional to its average distance form the Sun.

15 14. Which planet goes through a complete set of phases like our moon?

16 15. The transit of Venus disproves this astronomers model

17 16. He found no parallax with the discovery of a new star disproving the Ptolemaic Theory.

18 17. Tool Galileo is known for using

19 18. First person to point the telescope at the sky

20 19. Believed heavens were perfect with perfect spheres rotating at a constant rate carrying objects in circles. Plato

21 20. Who discovered four of Jupiter’s moons?

22 21. He calculated Earth’s radius by verifying the position of the Sun in two cities and the distance between those two cities. Eratosthenes

23 22. Determined that the orbits of planets around the Sun are ellipses.

24 23. Who said the Milky Way was made up of stars too faint to see with the naked eye?

25 24. List the four Galilean moons
Io Callisto Ganymede Europa

26 25. Who was excommunicated from the church and placed on house arrest?

27 26. Define archeoastronomy
Science field focused on connections of ancient celestial observations and structures

28 27. Explain the Geocentric Universe Model
Model of the universe with the Earth at the center

29 28. Explain the Heliocentric Universe Model
The model of the universe with the Sun at the center.

30 29. He was Tycho’s assistant

31 30. She arranged the star classification system to reflect temperature
Annie Jump Cannon

32 31. He had a pet moose Tycho

33 32. First astronomer to study Cepheid Variable Stars
Henrietta Leavitt

34 33. Wrote books in Italian instead of Latin

35 34. Classified stars according to spectral type, A through Q
Williamina Fleming

36 35. Huge change in peoples thinking from geocentric to heliocentric
Copernican Revolution

37 36. Law that helped establish that the universe is expanding
Hubble’s Law

38 37. His books were banned and he was put on house arrest

39 38. First to explain why Earth has seasons

40 39. Label the Diagram

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