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Linux 104 Training Module File Editing.

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Presentation on theme: "Linux 104 Training Module File Editing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linux 104 Training Module File Editing

2 This presentation will cover the following topics in vi
Command mode and Insert mode Basic commands for file editing Cut copy paste Searching string

3 enables to insert text in file.
vi abc.txt Command Mode : saving files, executing commands, moving cursor, pasting lines or words, and finding and replacing. Insert Mode : enables to insert text in file. vi starts in command mode and to come into insert mode type i. :w to save file anytime :wq -- most used to save data and quit :q! quit without saving :wq! -- to save change in file opened in read-only mode. yy equivalent to cut also called yank  

4 :<line no> -- goto line no.
x delete the char a add text after the cursor. i insert text at the cursor

5 Highlight a region by pressing "v" and moving the cursor.
Cut/Copy/Paste Highlight a region by pressing "v" and moving the cursor. Use either x to cut or y to copy Use P to insert the text "before" the cursor, and p to put the text at the point after the cursor Searching for strings To search for a string in forward direction, while in command mode , hit / Followed by the search expression. To search a string in reverse direction, hit ?

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