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Assessing the Impact of Governors

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing the Impact of Governors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing the Impact of Governors

2 We need to understand the changing context
We need to understand the changing context....the increasing autonomy of schools and colleges

3 The Policy Framework....above and below the line responsibilities
Organisational Effectiveness Framework Policy Development Framework Outcomes Leadership and Competencies Quality Standards Collaborative effectiveness 12

4 Drawing the line between the responsibilities of the Board and the Headteacher
Making proposals to the Board about the educational character and mission of the Institution The determination of the institution’s academic and other activities Board The determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and the oversight of its activities

5 Above and below the line responsibilities
Goals and objective 12 Above and below the line responsibilities Product Reports with Standards 2 Policies 10 Authority of the Board above this line Authority of the Headteacher below this line Process Reports with Standards 4 Regulation 8 6 Operations Documents The Policy Clock Regina Paul USA

6 Agreeing a framework for development
Organisational Effectiveness Framework Policy Development Framework Outcomes Leadership and Competencies Quality Standards Collaborative effectiveness 12


8 Assessing the impact of your leadership
Organisational Effectiveness Framework Policy Development Framework Leadership and Competencies Quality Standards Collaborative effectiveness 12

9 How does your leadership impact on the school?
66 = Dominant 50/65 = Back Up Percentiles “An imposed solution with an unclear vision” 9

10 Reviewing the quality standards
Organisational Effectiveness Framework Policy Development Framework Outcomes Leadership and Competencies Quality Standards Collaborative effectiveness 12

11 Quality Standards .....describe the areas for governors’ knowledge of, engagement with and contribution to the leadership of the school Quality Standards Red Amber Green Evidence for judgments and notes for action Governors have a shared vision for the school which is clear, understood and well communicated to staff, students, parents and the communities served. Governors have established absolute clarity about the different roles and responsibilities of the headteacher and governors, with protocols and terms of reference documented.

12 Reviewing the climate Climate Quality Standards
Organisational Effectiveness Framework Policy Development Framework Leadership and Competencies Quality Standards Climate Collaborative effectiveness 12

13 Impacting on the climate of the school
Clarity of direction and roles Board Meetings well prepared Good exam results Minimum possible lines of authority, streamline procedures Percentiles 13

14 Climate evaluation  You know what the school’s key priorities are: 1 definitely disagree definitely agree

15 The Governor Effectiveness Model
Organisational Effectiveness Framework Policy Development Framework Outcomes Progression Leadership and Competencies Quality Standards Performance Finance Climate Collaborative effectiveness 12

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