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Technology and Children

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Presentation on theme: "Technology and Children"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology and Children

2 Timeline

3 Positives of Technology with Children
Educational Benefits Entertainment Benefits Helps Development in Children

4 Educational Benefits Can make learning an enjoyable experience for children, through games and apps Allows parents or teachers to follow the progress of a child's learning Access to huge amounts of information online Parents can control what children learn about

5 Entertainment Benefits
Wide variety of entertainment options, e.g. games, YouTube, TV shows Parents have a lot of control over what their children watch, so they don’t see anything inappropriate Substantially cheaper than other forms of entertainment

6 Helps Development in Children
Develop positive social and ethical values when interacting with others in an online environment Use tools to develop problem solving skills, e.g. Puzzle games Learn how to gather information and communicate it with others

7 The negative impact’s on children as a result of technology
Children expose them-selves to internet predators unknowingly. A child can be so easily misled onto dangerous sites on the web. Almost three in 10 parents (29%) let their kids use the internet without any restrictions or supervision.

8 Technologies impact on children’s health
As a result of over using technology obesity in kids have increased as they are lacking exercise. Children become addicted to video games, which prompts a drastic change in behaviour. “Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.”-

9 Health- continued It is clear from research studies and children can develop poor eye sight and other symptoms as a result of looking at a screen too long. “Dr. Borchert notes that children can develop blurred vision, headaches and other problems when focusing too long on one object, in our case the computer monitor or any other screen for that matter”-





14 Sharedhope. org- https://sharedhope -scary-statistics-about-children-on- the-internet/ tv-affects-child.html echnology-and-our-childrens- eyesight-facts-myths-f8a275ce1b45

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