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Delian League and Athenian Empire

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1 Delian League and Athenian Empire
CLAS/HIST3001 Delian League and Athenian Empire

2 Fifth Century Athens Time that its great monuments, architectural and intellectual, were founded Politically dominant It became the centre of Western intellectual life

3 Central Problem Nature of its 'democracy'
Nature of 'Empire' that grew alongside How were the two linked? Desirability of either?

4 Situation So Far Externally, Greeks united in Homeric manner
Internally, Sparta attempting to engineer Athens' return from tyranny Reforms of Kleisthenes destroy regional power-blocks within Attica

5 Ostracism Associated with Kleisthenes, but probably later invention
First done in 487 C121 on the motivation of demos in ostracism Themistokle[e]s (son of) Neokles (of the deme of) Phrereus

6 Allotment and Sortition in Radical Democracy
C120 cp. C67 n. 7 487/6 the magistrates (archons) selected by lot On what principle would this be done? Divine favour? Egalitarian? Later enters into legal proceedings Most lasting effect on Areiopagus, why?

7 Panhellenic Matters The debate over city walls (C166 = Thucy1.89 ff)
Sparta argues for demolishing all cities' walls Athens begins rebuilding theirs immediately Agreement that war against Persians and Pro-Persian Greeks ('Medizers') should be taken to Asia Minor

8 Themistokles Acc. to ?Aristotle, leading 'democrat' of his time
Argued for spending silver mine income on ships Double-crossed Persian king at Salamis Bullied other Greeks into making stand there Eventually ostracized in 470's and becomes governor of city in Asia Minor under King!

9 Sparta Loses Leadership of Greeks
Greeks under Sparta turn Cyprus and Byzantium to anti-Persian forces King Pausanias said to take on Eastern airs Recalled by Spartans Part of coup by Ephors? Did not send anyone else 'fearing they would be corrupted' (C130) Athens swears oath of Ionians (C129)

10 The Delian League Club dues set according to wealth
Treasury in Delos, island traditionally at centre of Aegean Goals: Punish the Persian and turn Greeks who were allied with him i.e. Carystos, Eion in campaign of 476 Athens' leading general is Kimon/Cimon, son of Miltiades of Marathon Island of Naxos revolts as early as 470 BC (C130.98)

11 Major Victory Over 'the Mede'
C131: The Eurymedon campaign On what terms was it said that the Great King settled? Controversy over 'Peace of Kallias'

12 Conflict with Thasos, 465 BC C132

13 Discussion C169: how did Sparta handle Athens' help in the revolt of the Messenians in ?464? C132B: what was the extend of Athens' adventuring in the 460's?

14 Sparta Threatened Earthquake in 464 in Lakonia Impetus for rebellion
Spartans ask for help from Athens Sends Cimon with 4000 hoplites Result is reforms of Ephialtes curtailing the powers of the Areiopagus Sparta sends Cimon home without service A rebuff of Athens and Cimon personally Soon after he is ostracized

15 Athens Enters Expansionist Phase
Campaign against Persians in Egypt Acc. to Thucydides (C132B) 250 ships lost! Makes alliances with Argos and Megara against Sparta Democrats in Athens were the hawks Why?

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