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2 Sympathy Stoic term used by the Neo-Platonic philosopher Plotinus
Cf. Frazer in The Golden Baugh

3 Victor Turner Rituals, Symbols, Ritual Themes
Victor Turner and Symbolic Analysis (1974, 1982)

4 Victor Turner Symbolic Analysis (1974, 1982)
Magic is strictly linked to ritual

5 RITUAL = stereotyped sequence of activities involving
Gestures Words Objects designed to influence supernatural entities or forces on behalf of the actor’s goals and interests

6 SYMBOL = the smallest meaningful unit of a specific structure of a ritual context.

7 Characteristics of a ritual…
Multiple meanings symbols interconnected through analogy or association Condensation one symbol can be the vehicle for many ideas Polarization tangible symbols represent abstract components of the moral or social order.

8 Euphorbia trigona The African Milk Tree


10 Ndembu people of Zambia

11 Example: The milk tree The focal symbol of the girls’ puberty ritual of the Ndembu people of Zambia. On sensory level: Symbol of mother’s milk On an abstract level: Symbol of womanhood and motherhood The tree becomes the center of ritual episodes expressing values and virtues promoted by this matrilineal community.


13 Civic religion involves a community
Magical ritual involves individuals Communication with divine or semi-divine beings constructed along the vertical axis.

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