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Philippe Pinel French doctor who was the first to take the chains off and declare that these people are sick and “a cure must be found!!!” Dorethea.

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Presentation on theme: "Philippe Pinel French doctor who was the first to take the chains off and declare that these people are sick and “a cure must be found!!!” Dorethea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychological Therapies example crash course "Bring Me To Life"-therapy; start @ 24:24

2 Philippe Pinel French doctor who was the first to take the chains off and declare that these people are sick and “a cure must be found!!!” Dorethea Dix- American reformer!

3 Two Types of Therapy Psychological Therapies Biomedical Therapies
Structured interactions between a trained professional and a client AKA – Psychotherapy; many types Most influential: Psychoanalysis Humanistic Therapy Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Therapy Therapies that act directly on a client’s nervous system AKA – Somatic Therapy Emphasizes Psychopharmacology

4 Psychoanalytic Therapy crash course who?
Psychoanalysis (childhood experiences…. hypnosis , free association, dream interpretation 15 min (dream interpretation) Unconscious Transference Catharsis Fried Green Tomatoes

5 Resistance/Transference
The blocking from consciousness of anxiety causing material In psychoanalysis, the patient’s transfer to the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships. Example: Sheldon's psychotherapy

6 Humanistic Therapy start @ 4:29
Client-Centered Therapy by Carl Rogers These are non-directive therapies and use active listening. Self-actualization, free-will and unconditional positive regard. Gestalt Therapy by Fritz Perls encourage clients to get in touch with whole self.

7 Client (Person) Centered Therapy
Developed by Carl Rogers Therapist uses genuineness, acceptance, and empathy, showing unconditional positive regard. Goal – Clients deepen self understanding and self acceptance

8 Behavioral Therapy start @ 6:06
B.F. Skinner and other behaviorists question the effectiveness/value of “talk” therapies. Therapy that applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors. The behaviors are the problems - so we must change the behaviors.

9 Counterconditioning Operant Conditioning Token Economy
Based on Classical Conditioning i.e. Aversive Conditioning Systematic Desensitization Flooding Operant Conditioning Token Economy

10 Behavior Therapy Systematic Desensitization

11 Systematic Desensitization example
A type of counterconditioning that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli. How would you use systematic desensitization to reduce the fear of dentists?


13 Flooding

14 Virtual Technology / Exposure Therapy example

15 Aversive Conditioning

16 Aversive Conditioning
A type of counterconditioning that associates an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior. How would putting poop on the fingernails of a nail biter effect their behavior?

17 Aversive Conditioning
Associating unpleasant state /stimuli with an unwanted behavior Using aversive conditioning, what are some ways you can change the behavior of your friends who bite their fingernails?

18 Operant Conditioning Token Economy: an operant conditioning procedure that rewards a desired behavior. A patient exchanges a token of some sort, earned for exhibiting the desired behavior, for various privileges or treats.

19 Cognitive Therapy 8:20 Change the way we think(change our schemas)
Aaron Beck Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Therapy

20 Cognitive Therapy

21 Cognitive Therapy Cognitive Therapists try to teach people new, more constructive ways of thinking. Is .300 a good or bad batting average?

22 Cognitive Therapies

23 Cognitive Therapies

24 Cognitive Therapies

25 Cognitive Therapies

26 Cognitive Therapies

27 Cognitive Therapies

28 Aaron Beck and his view of Depression
Noticed that depressed people were similar in the way they viewed the world. Used cognitive therapy get people to take off the “dark sunglasses” in which they view their surroundings


30 Cognitive Therapy- Does It Work?

31 Group Therapy 9:56

32 Eclectic Approach the most “popular” approach to therapy; combining different techniques from the various approaches to psychotherapy

33 How effective is Psychotherapy?
Depends on the measure… Client Perceptions? Yes… Clinician Perceptions? Yes… Scientific Research? Eysenck’s challenge in 1950’s – noted little differences in treated vs. non-treated Meta-Analysis ( statistically combining the results of many different studies) offer different conclusions…

34 Comparison of Psychotherapies

35 Comparison of Psychotherapies

36 Comparison of Psychotherapies

37 Comparison of Psychotherapies

38 Comparison of Psychotherapies

39 Comparison of Psychotherapies

40 Somatic Therapies START @ 4:56 (psychiatrist or clinical psychologist
Psychopharmacology Antipsychotics (thorazine, haldol) Anti-anxiety (valium, barbiturates, Xanax) Mood Disorders (serotonin reuptake inhibitors-SRI) Bipolar (lithium)

41 Psychopharmacology The study of the effects of drugs on mind and behavior.

42 Antianxiety Drugs i.e. - Valium ,Xanax, Ativan
like alcohol, they depress nervous system activity may lead to psychological dependence

43 Mood Stabilizers Lithium aka - Lithium Carbonate
a cheap salt that provides effective drug therapy for the mood swings of bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder Depakote originally used to treat seizures also used in treatment of bipolar disorder

44 Antidepressant Drugs Lift you up out of depression.
Most increase the neurotransmitter norepinephrine and serotonin.

45 Antipsychotics start @ 5:23
i.e. - Thorazine, Clozaril dampen responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli typically work by blocking the neurotransmitter dopamine (antagonist) side effects are common (sluggishness, tremors, twitches) most helpful in reducing positive symptoms of schizophrenia

46 Work by blocking serotonin reuptake.
Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft Work by blocking serotonin reuptake.


48 Somatic Therapy Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)- for depression
Psychosurgury lobotomy

49 Transcranial Brain Stimulation (treatment for depression)

50 SAD Light therapy

51 Drugs and Hospitalization Deinstitutionalization

52 Mental Health Professionals
Type Description Clinical Psychologist Clinical or Psychiatric Social Workers Counselors Psychiatrists Ph.D. in Psychology, specializing in research, assessment, & therapy with supervised internship. Some work in agencies/institutions, some in private practice. M.S. in Social Work; NASW certification Varying degrees (perhaps just a B.S. or B.A.); often provide simple verbal advice and assistance rather than formal therapy M.D., specializing in treatment of Psych Disorders; may or may not offer psychotherapy; can prescribe meds; often have their own medical practices

53 Important People A. Beck A. Ellis S. Freud M. C. Jones C. Rogers
Behaviorist; would argue that therapy should focus on abnormal behaviors rather than their “roots/causes” Client-centered therapy; humanistic psychology Psychoanalysis Behaviorist; Rational Emotive (Behavioral) Therapy Amongst the first to use counterconditioning; experiment w/ boy afraid of rabbits; “mother of behavioral therapy” Cognitive therapy; worked with depressed patients; take off “dark sunglasses” Refined / published the work of M.C. Jones A. Beck A. Ellis S. Freud M. C. Jones C. Rogers B.F. Skinner J. Wolpe

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