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3rd Age in the Workplace Meeting
5-7th November 2015 University of Limerick, Ireland
Also Michael D Higgins; Paul O’Connell – getting Doctorate today ; William Penn
3rd Age in the Workplace Meeting
5-7th November 2015 University of Limerick, Ireland
SGM Commitment
Session 1: Developing Theory on Age in the Workplace
Action Regulation Across the Adult Lifespan (ARAL) A Meta-Theory of Work and Aging
Hannes Zacher, Winfried Hacker, & Michael Frese Age in the Workplace Meeting Limerick – November 5, 2015
The Big Idea The application of lifespan developmental theories in the work context comes with a number of challenges Focus on isolated phenomena / processes / levels Focus on internal resources, and largely neglect active behavior and the external environment Integrating action regulation theory (ART) with the lifespan developmental perspective into ARAL theory can help explain age-related changes in behavior and the role of behavior for successful aging at work
Action Regulation Theory (ART)
A meta-theory on the mental regulation of tasks and active, goal-directed behavior (Frese & Zapf, 1994; Hacker, 1971, 2003) Implications for work motivation, performance, learning, personality development, work design, and stress Basic concepts: sequential and hierarchical structure of actions, complete tasks and actions, foci of action regulation, and action-regulating mental models Action regulation theory constitutes “a normative guide to efficient and humanized work” (Hacker, 2003, p. 105)
Sequential Structure of Action Regulation
Goal Development and Selection Orientation (Mapping the Environment) Plan Development and Selection of Action Programs Monitoring of Execution Feedback Processing
Hierarchical Structure of Action Regulation
Goal (e.g., Promotion) Goal (e.g., Retirement Entry) Sub-Goals Sub-Sub-Goals Adult Lifespan Sequence of Visible Actions
Hierarchical Structure of Action Regulation
Heuristic Level Meta-Cognitive Templates/Heuristics Intellectual Level Conscious, Knowledge-Based, Controlled, Complex Analyses, Task- and Object Oriented Level of Flexible Action Patterns or Knowledge-Based Level Rule-Based, Activation by Signals, Situational Specifications, Not Necessarily Conscious Sensorimotor or Automatic Level Automatic, Procedural Skills, Rapid and Effortless Information Processing, Elementary Movement Patterns and Cognitive Routines, Unconscious Processing of Kinesthetic and Proprioceptive Feedback Conscious and Automatic Intellectual Unconscious and Physical
Complete Tasks/Actions, Foci of Action Regulation, and the Action-Regulating Mental Model
Complete tasks and actions involve not only execution, but also preparation (goal development, action planning) and feedback processing – and regulation on different and alternating mental levels Action regulation can be more or less focused on a given task, social context, or the self The action-regulating mental model is the knowledge base of action regulation that guides employees from initial goal development until goal attainment and allows predictions
Lifespan Developmental Perspective
16 Years Old Years Old Employee Age (Working Lifespan) Fluid Cognitive Abilities/ Physical Abilities and Health Generativity Motives Crystallized Cognitive Abilities / Job Knowledge Socioemotional Abilities (Occupational) Future Time Perspective Lifespan Developmental Perspective Kanfer, Beier, & Ackerman (2013)
Propositions of ARAL Theory (Selection)
Goal development Proposition: Workers internalize external developmental tasks, opportunities, and deadlines into goals (subjective tasks); this redefinition process is influenced by the clarity of tasks. Orientation Proposition: Age-related declines in cognitive mechanics are associated with slower information processing at the intellectual level; this effect may be offset by age-related increases in cognitive pragmatics. Age-related increases in cognitive pragmatics have beneficial effects on information processing at the level of flexible action patterns and at the heuristic levels. Planning Proposition: Age-related declines in cognitive mechanics (especially working memory capacity) lead to efficiency declines when “planning while doing”, whereas age-related increases in cognitive pragmatics lead to efficiency improvements when planning in advance. Monitoring of execution Proposition: Age-related declines in the cognitive mechanics are associated with lower efficiency of execution monitoring; these effects may be partially offset by age-related increases in cognitive pragmatics. Feedback processing Proposition: Age-related changes in socioemotional experience impact on feedback processing, such that young workers focus more strongly on instrumental aspects, whereas older workers focus more strongly on the social and emotional implications of feedback.
Propositions of ARAL Theory (Selection)
Hierarchical structure of action regulation Proposition: Age-related declines in cognitive mechanics are associated with less efficient action regulation at the intellectual level, whereas age-related increases in cognitive pragmatics are associated with more efficient action regulation at the sensorimotor level, level of flexible action patterns, and the heuristic level. Complete tasks/actions Proposition: Complete tasks and actions contribute to successful aging, such that older workers in jobs with complete tasks maintain higher levels of cognitive functioning than older workers in jobs with fragmented tasks. Foci of action regulation Proposition: Age-related meta-stereotypes and stereotype threat lead to a shift in the focus of action regulation from the task to self and others, which impairs effective task performance. Action-regulating mental models Proposition: Workers’ action-regulating mental models improve during the first years on the job and, in the absence of work-related changes and challenges, plateau during midlife.
Propositions of ARAL Theory (Selection)
Cognitive mechanics/pragmatics Proposition: Age-related declines in cognitive mechanics are buffered, and age-related increases in cognitive pragmatics are facilitated, by action regulation at the intellectual level; in contrast, increased automatization of behavior with age may result in cognitive decline and skill traps. Personality development Proposition: Action regulation that, over time and with increased practice, becomes more automatized, manifests in enduring changes of action styles or personality characteristics. Motivational strategies Proposition: The phase of goal development and selection is followed by orientation, planning, monitoring of execution, and feedback phases at the intellectual and heuristic levels, in order to optimize goal pursuit and to compensate for a lack of goal-relevant resources. Proposition: Primary and secondary control strategies involve all phases of the action regulation process, with primary control strategies aiming for changes in the external environment through action (task and social focus), and secondary control strategies aiming for changes in personal goals through feedback from the environment (self focus). Socioemotional experience Proposition: Age-related changes in goal priorities and the action-regulating mental model are associated with improved emotion regulation strategies among older workers. Proposition: A mismatch between automatized action regulation and situational demands leads to increased occupational strain and decreased well-being.
Implications of ARAL Theory
Research Comprehensive meta-theory to guide future research in the field of work and aging Methodological challenges Practice Work motivation and performance Learning and personality development Work design and occupational health and well-being Career counseling and successful aging at work
References Brandtstädter, J. (1999). The self in action and development: Cultural, biosocial, and ontogenetic bases of intentional self-development. In J. Brandtstädter & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Action and self development: Theory and research through the life span (pp ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Frese, M., & Stewart, J. (1984). Skill learning as a concept in life-span developmental psychology: An action theoretic analysis. Human Development, 27, doi: / Frese, M., & Zapf, D. (1994). Action as the core of work psychology: A German approach. In H. C. Triandis, M. D. Dunnette, & L. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (Vol. 4, pp ). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press. Freund, A. M., & Baltes, P. B. (2000). The orchestration of selection, optimization, and compensation: An action-theoretical conceptualization of a theory of developmental regulation. In W. J. Perrig & A. Grob (Eds.), Control of human behavior, mental processes, and consciousness (pp ). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Hacker, W. (1985a). Activity: A fruitful concept in industrial psychology. In M. Frese & J. Sabini (Eds.), Goal directed behavior: The concept of action in psychology (pp ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Hacker, W. (2003). Action regulation theory: A practical tool for the design of modern work processes? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 12, doi: / Heckhausen, J. (2000). Developmental regulation across the life span: An action-phase model of engagement and disengagement with developmental goals. Advances in Psychology, 131, doi: /S (00) Zacher, H., & Frese, M. (in press). Action regulation theory: Foundations, current knowledge, and future directions. In N. R. Anderson, D. S. Ones, C. Viswesvaran, & H. K. Sinangil (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of industrial, work, and organizational psychology (Vol. 2). New York: Sage.
Is There Really a Generational Effect?
David Costanza Organizational Sciences & Psychology The George Washington University AWM 2015 – Limerick, Ireland
Is There Really a Generational Effect?
Popular press pieces (e.g., Schulte, 2015) and articles and books by academics (e.g., Twenge, 2014) addressing so-called generational differences abound Positivist assumption is that generational differences exist – we just have to find them The question of whether or not generations are even a thing has mostly been passed over
The Positivist Approach
Generational differences exist (obviously) Step 1: Pick a definition/dates Step 2: Find a difference between groups Step 3: Attribute to generational membership
Find a Difference and Attribute to Generational Membership
Millennials = narcissistic Gen Xers = skeptical Baby Boomers = materialistic
Problems with Positivism?
Start and end dates Age, Period, and Cohort Effects Statistical and analytical issues And, worst of all The evidence doesn’t support their existence But How to provide evidence that they do not exist?
An Alternative Approach
Really a question of variance Do shared events and experiences at key points in people’s lives restrict variance within and increase variance between cohorts? If yes, maybe generational effects exist If no, maybe they do not How to capture the possibilities? The Pasta-ist Approach
Generational Effect Fusilli model – shared experiences change people
Variance in Y (Intent to Leave) Variable Y Generation 3 Generation 2 Time/Age
Age/Development Effect Ziti model – people change gradually over time
Variance in Y (Intent to Leave) Variable Y Time/Age
Period Effect Farfalle model – significant event impacts everyone
(Pride in the Military) Variable Y Variance in Y Some big event Time/Age
The Pasta-ist Approach
Existing archival data Age, Traditional Generations, and Rolling Generations Throw these at the wall and see what sticks… Visual inspection Statistics Other possible pasta shapes?
Questions, Comments, & Suggestions? Thanks!
Employability: a Question of Aging? Results of a systematic review
Annet de Lange Trude Furunes , Christiane De Lange, Aukje Nauta, Beatrice Van der Heijden, Tinka Van Vuuren & Josje Dikkers
Employability and Aging?
Background Employability and Aging?
Employability -Antecedents: Dispositions and competences (micro-level): the “capacity to continuously fulfilling, acquiring or creating work through the optimal use of competences” (Van der Heijde & Van der Heijden, 2003, p. 453). the ‘‘perceived ability to attain sustainable employment appropriate to one’s qualification level’’ (Rothwell, Jewell, & Hardie, 2009, p. 154). the likelihood of obtaining and retaining a job (Forrier and Sels, 2003) aspect of the occupational self: fosters adaptive cognitions, behaviors, and affect (career goal setting; Fugate, Kinicki & Ashforth, 2004). -Employability as outcome (more meso-level; mobility chances) ‘‘job security of the modern labour market’’ (Berntson, Sverke, & Marklund, 2006, p. 224). in recent times, employability has taken on a time- and place-related character that depends on both the personal and labor market context (De Cuyper et al., 2008; De Vries, Gründemann & Van Vuuren, 1995).
Conceptualizations of Aging?
Biological, psychological, social and societal changes across time Chronological age (Calender age) Functional age (health + work ability) Psychosocial age (Stereotype) Organizational age (Job tenure) Life-span age (marital status, salary) ? ? ? ? ? Employability
Purpose Conduct first systematic review on the relations between the concept of aging at work (i.e., calendar age, organizational age, life-span age, psychosocial age, and functional age) and indicators of employability
Research questions What is the prevalence of empirical studies that focus on the relations between worker age and employability? What are the relations between different age operationalizations and employability in earlier research? Based on the findings of the current review, which research agenda for future studies can be formulated?
Method Systematic review PsycINFO
Two independent raters (97.5% inter-rater reliability)
Method: Inclusion criteria
-Empirical papers including individual and/or supervisor ratings of employability, career skills of workers -Published ≥1980 -Measures tapping employability and indicators of ageing at work - Including workers aged ≥21 years - At least N≥15 workers included in empirical analysis
Flow chart (inspired by Cochrane reviews)
What are the relations between age conceptualizations and employability reported in earlier published empirical research? Step 1: Question PsycINFO (120) Key words in Abstract: (Age and Employability), AND/OR (Organizational age and Employability), AND/OR (Tenure and Employability), AND/OR (Age and Lifelong learning Workers), AND/OR (Functional Age and Employability), AND/OR (Psychosocial age and Employability), AND/OR (Stereotype and Employability) Excluded at this level N=59 Step 2: Library Search Step 3: Screening phase Full Article (n=61) Excluded at this level N= 37 Data Extraction (n=24 studies) Excluded at this level N= 7 (e.g., no actual measure of employability included) Step 4: Study Relevance Step 5: Data Extraction Evidence Synthesis of 17 Step 6: Evidence Synthesis Report Results & Conclusions Step 7: Report Results
Results: Question 1 k=17 eligible empirical studies were found
Characteristics: -Diversity in definitions, conceptualizations (23.5% Van der Heijde & Van der Heijden; 11.7% Berntson and Marklund, 2007), and hardly any overlap in the use of theoretical background. -94% include calendar age as indicator of ageing at work (continuous or categorical). Age range was limited -11.8% (only 2) studies were based on a longitudinal panel study -Diversity in countries (e.g., Europe, USA, Korea, Scandinavian countries; 47% (8) concern Dutch data) and professions (different sectors and job types; low- and high qualified workers)
Q2: Relations between Age and Employability?
Aging Biological, psychological, social and societal changes across time k=16 (94.4%) k=4 (23.5%) k=0 k=3; 17.6% k=2; 11.7% Chronological age (Calender age) Functional age (health + work ability) Psychosocial age (Stereotype) Organizational age (Job tenure) Life-span age (marital status, salary) Relatively more studies revealed negative relations between calendar age and employability. However, also nonsignificant relations were reported, and a number of studies revealed also positive relations between calendar age and employability within specialistic jobs (Job type=moderator) or between age and certain subscales of employability (such as corporate sense) -/+/n.s. not tested + -/n.s + Employability
Q3: Research Agenda Conduct new research comparing the same validated operationalizations of employability (see also VanHercke, 2014) Develop a new overarching theory to further examine the causal nature of relations between aging and employability across the life-span (e.g. career goal setting theory, Selective Optimization with compensation theory of Baltes and Baltes, 1990) Conduct more longitudinal complete panel research covering meaningful time-spans and age processes to further examine life-span changes in relation to employability New theoretical as well as empirical attention for the question: what are good indicators or measures for life-span changes that affect employability?
Thank you and Stay Tuned for More
What did the 17 studies focus on?
Antecedents: Individual, team or organizational level Career-related process Outcomes: individual, team or organizational level Individual: Calendar Age + Functional Age (health) Work ability) Life span age (financial status) organizational age (job tenure) career compromise, self-presentation strategies coping strategies job insecurity Educational background and lifelong learning Continuance motivation Multi-dimensional concept of employability? *Van der Heijde & Van der Heijden, 2006 or * Berntson and Marklund, 2007 Individual: Self-efficacy Intention to continue work Emotional exhaustion Job performance Career Success Majority of the studies is focused on relation between age-related antecedents of employability, and not in the whole process or more team-based research or organizational-level focused research (age-friendly environments etc.) Organizational: Type of job (generic or expert job) Employment or economic sector Psychological contract HR practices Leader-Member Exchange
Research questions What is the prevalence of empirical studies that focus on the relations between worker age and employability? What are the relations between different age operationalizations and employability in earlier research? Based on the findings of the current review, which research agenda for future studies can be formulated?
Method: Exclusion criteria
Theoretical papers, editorials or essays Published < 1980 Not including any measures that tap employability and/or indicators of aging at work of workers (see below) Focusing only on younger workers aged <21 years Threshold of at least N = 15 workers included in empirical analysis N < 15 workers or respondents included
Conceptualizations employability
Input or antecedents of Employability Competence-based, dispositional-based definitions; Employability as outcome: Perceived chances on the internal and external labor market or realized mobility (horizontal or vertical)
Session 2: Successful Ageing at Work
Job crafting over the lifespan: an interview study
Dorien Kooij,
Introduction Lifespan theories: older people exercise agency in dealing with age-related changes OB Literature: (older) workers engage in proactive behaviors at work Older workers as job crafters! So why is Ithis study important anyway? It is important for organizations to know how they can retain their older workers, because the Dutch workforce is aging. Research on how organizations can retain their older worker is scare and the research that has been done assumes that older workers are passive recipients of the policies and practices of their organization or environment. However, lifespan theories demonstrate that older people exercise agency in dealing with the biological and psychological changes they experience across the lifespan. Older people for example use tools or actively transfer their knowledge to the next generation. Moreover, there are studies that demonstrate that workers, and also older workers, engage in proactive behaviors at work. Based on these two streams of literature i want to examine older workers as job crafters. Jc defined as …
Job crafting: key to successful aging
“Self-initiated changes individuals make in the task or relational boundaries of their work aimed at improving person-job fit” Changing motives and abilities and low job mobility misfit and less psychological challenge Individualized bottom-up approach I define job crafting as self-initiated changes individuals make in the task or relational boundaries of their work to improve person-job fit. An example is an older workers who offers to deal with all angry customers becuse he has a lot of experience in dealing with them. Or an employee working in IT that did not want to do accountmanagement anymore and gave this task to a coworker who enjoyed this a lot and started projects to introduce microsoft in the cloud. Two reasons why I think job crafting is the key to successful aging at work. Motives and abilities change with age, for example physical abilities might decline and intrinsic motives increase, but job tenure is high and so job stays the same. This might lead to misfit and less psychological challenge. By job crafting older workers can continuously adjust their job to intrapersonal changes of the aging process, thereby increasing their ability and motivation to continue working. Also because of low job mobility, among older workers who have been in the same job for a long time, tasks that once were personally challenging and motivating can become routine and boring. Older workes often experience career plateauing. So job crafting can increase interest in the job and enhance work motivation by allowing older workers to increase the psychological challenge associated with job performance. Although changes in work motives and abilities are similar among older workers, individual differences increase with age, making it harder for organizations to develop standard policies for this heterogeneous group of older workers. So job crafting important for successful aging at work, but when started looking in this literature I felt it did not capture job crafting activities of older workers.
Literature on job crafting
Job crafting forms and activities Task, relational, and cognitive crafting (e.g., Wrzesnewski & Dutton, 2001; Slemp & Vella- Brodrick, 2013) Increasing social and structural job resources, increasing challenging demands, and decreasing hindering demands (Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2012) Decreasing social job demands and increasing quantitative job demands (Nielsen & Abildgaard, 2012) Reduced workload crafting (Kroon, Kooij, & Van Veldhoven, 2013) These are the forms and activities disitinguished so far in research on job crafting. Research on job crafting is in its infancy and so we do not know exactly which forms and activities of job crafting there are. Wrzesniewski and Dutton ( 2001 ) proposed three forms of job crafting in their conceptual model; task crafting, so altering the type or number of tasks, this could mean expanding the job to include additional responsibilities (e.g., chef de parti), but also in the direction of narrowing one’s job (asking coworkers to take over tasks) or employees can alter their work routines by performing the same tasks in different or novel ways, relational crafting, so altering the number or nature of interactions with others, so changing number of interactions or relationship closeness (interacting more with particular colleague to learn), and cognitive crafting or altering the view of the job. Did not include this job crafting from in my research. Other researchers build on this by identifying job crafting activities based on the JDR model. Particularly, Tims et al. take a demands and resources perspective on job crafting and distinguish (1) increasing the level of structural job resources (i.e., those aspects of the job that are functional in achieving work goals, or stimulate personal growth, learning, and development; Bakker & Demerouti, 2007 ), such as variety, opportunities for development, and autonomy, (2) increasing the level of social job resources, such as social support, supervisory coaching, and feedback, (3) increasing the level of challenging job demands (i.e., all aspects of the job that require sustained physical and/or psychological effort or skills but that are also experienced as rewarding; LePine, Podsakoff, & LePine, ), such as new projects, and (4) decreasing the level of hindering emotional and mental job demands (i.e., all aspects of the job that require sustained physical and/or psychological effort or skills and may therefore be associated with physical or psychological costs; Bakker & Demerouti), related to working with people and working with knowledge. Using the Tims et al. ( 2012 ) scale, Nielsen and Abildgaard ( 2012 ) developed and validated a job crafting scale for the assessment of job crafting behavior among blue collar workers. Building upon interviews with blue collar workers, Nielsen and Abildgaard proposed fi ve (rather than four) forms of job crafting. In addition to Tims they distinguish decreasing social job demands (i.e., individual’s active attempts to avoid emotionally challenging situations) and increasing quantitative job demands (i.e., individual’s active attempts to create more work for him or herself). A fi nal form of job crafting was distinguished by Kroon and others, reduced workload crafting (i.e., reducing task responsibilities or seeking help from colleagues to reduce the workload). When looked at correlations between age and these job crafting forms overall picture is that increasing resources or demands decreases with age and that decreasing hindering demands increases wiht age. So I thought this literature is not capturing job crafting of older workers. First of all, motives and abilities change with age, which makes that older workers can and want to engage in different activities than younger workers, f.e. using their general knowledge or experience, interesting job and autonomy very important, so craft job to be able to make more decisions, have meaningful relations with others, and do interesting stuff. Secondly, older workers use strategies to succesfully age, such as selecting fewer goals by delegating less important tasks. Older people can also use these strategies at work and therefore I expect that older workers job craft differently than younger workers. Therefore, I think that older workers may craft their job differently than younger workers (see also Fried, Grant, Levi, Hadani, & Slowik, 2007), and that these specific activities and forms of job crafting are not considered in the existing job crafting literature (e.g., Ghitulescu, 2006 ; Tims et al., 2012 ).
Aim interview study Integrate the nascent literature on job crafting and identify overarching job crafting forms relevant for all workers. Examine whether and how younger and older workers craft differently. reviewing the existing job crafting literature and interviewing employees of different ages and in different jobs and organizations (N = 80), I aim to Second, by comparing job crafting activities and forms of younger and older employees, I aim to
Method Semi-structured interviews about job crafting activities, motives and facilitators Sample: 80 employees from 10 organizations (e.g., construction company, council, hotel, insurance company, retail organizations) with diverse jobs (cook, HR advisors, cashier, marketing assistant, customer service manager, mechanic, account controller, safety consultant, caterers and IT professionals) Average age is 44, 50% is male, average tenure is 14 years In de interviews wordt gevraagd naar veranderingen in de baan en of deze het initatief van de werknemer zelf waren, waarom ze deze verandering geinitieerd hebben en wat hun wel of niet geholpen of gefaciliteerd heeft. Deze interviews heb ik zelf afgenomen met nog 6 Master studenten. Om zo breed mogelijk beeld te krijgen hebben we werknemers van heel verschillende organisaties zoals … in heel verschillende banen zoals … geinterviewd. De gemiddelde leeftijd is … Van de 80 geïnterviewde werknemers zijn 42 jonger dan 45 en 38 ouder dan 45 jaar. De jongere werknemers hebben een gemiddelde leeftijd van 34 jaar, zijn 8 jaar in dienst van hun organisatie, scoren een 4 op gezondheid en een 3.8 op toekomstperspectief. De oudere werknemers hebben een gemiddelde leeftijd van 55 jaar, zijn gemiddeld 21 jaar in dienst van hun organisatie, scoren een 3.8 op gezondheid en een 3.4 op toekomstperspectief.
Preliminary results 15 employees do not craft, 65 employees mention on average 3 job crafting activities. New job crafting activities Use tools to make work less demanding Replace tasks that are no longer attainable by other tasks Look for tasks to develop oneself Take on tasks that match interests Take on tasks that increase the meaning of work Take on tasks that match current knowledge and experiences Actively share knowledge with coworkers I coded the interviews myself and based on this coding these preliminary results, but junior researcher has now also coded results so need to look at that. Van de 80 geïnterviewde werknemers craften 15 werknemers niet (8 oudere en 7 jongere werknemers) en 65 werknemers wel. Deze werknemers noemen gemiddeld 2,4 job crafting activiteiten. Uit de interviews kwam een hele lijst met job crafting activiteiten. Sommige van deze activiteiten kennen we al uit eerder onderzoek, maar een aantal activiteiten nog niet. Hier ziet u een aantal van die extra job crafting activiteiten. Zoals een machine om tapijt op te rollen, dus leuke taken naar je toe trekken, zoals bepaald project waar interesse in hebt (strat personeelsplanning) of verkoop voor projectontwikkelaar die makelaars aanbood om mee te gaan of taken naar je toetrekken die het werk meer zin geven, zoals voor andere P&O-adviseur de taak van loopbaanadviseur, kennis uit vorige baan gebruiken om taak te veranderen, bijvoorbeeld schappenplannenvrouwtje (daarvoor etalages van Hema gemaakt), lastige klanten omdat accountmanager geweest en dus gewend om problemen van boze klanten op te lossen. Aantal van deze job crafting activiteiten vallen onder bestaande vormen, zoals bijv hulpmiddelen gebruiken valt onder verlagen van belasting, maar sommige van deze job crafting activiteiten vallen niet onder bestaande vormen van job crafting en suggereren dat er andere vormen zijn. Op basis van de interviews onderscheid ik dus een aantal extra vormen van job crafting.
Preliminary results Two new job crafting forms:
Job crafting towards interests: follow interests Job crafting towards knowledge, experience, strengths: make use of knowledge, experience, strengths Accommodative: decreasing hindering and social job demands/crafting reduced workload Development: increasing challenging and quantitative job demands/increasing structural and social job resources Utilization: job crafting towards interests/job crafting towards knowledge, experience, strengths De baan craften om het leuk te maken en houden, dus leuke taken naar jezelf toe trekken of taken die werk meer zin geven Benut/sterke punten craften: baan craften zodat huidige kennis en vaardigheden en sterke punten kunt gebruiken, dus taken waar je goed in bent naar je toetrekken,
Preliminary results Job crafting form Y O
Reduce physical, cognitive, emotional demands (acc) 5 22 Reduce workload (acc) 1 8 Accommodative craften total 6 30 Increase social resources (dev) 7 2 Increase challenging demands (dev) 19 12 Developmental craften total 26 14 Job crafting towards interests (uti) 49 39 Job crafting towards knowledge, experience and strengths (uti) 17 Utilization craften total 66 53 Total 98 97 In onderstaande tabel zijn de vormen van job crafting uitgesplitst naar leeftijd (jonger of ouder dan 45 jaar). Uit deze tabel blijkt dat oudere en jongere werknemers evenveel craften, maar dat de job crafting vormen en activiteiten wel verschillen en dat oudere werknemers meer verschillende job crafting activiteiten gebruiken dan jongere werknemers (zie ook bijlage 2). Oudere werknemers craften meer om zichzelf te ontzien en proberen dus de fysieke, cognitieve en emotionele belasting en de werkdruk te verlagen en werk anders aan te pakken. Jongere werknemers vragen echter ook om hulp bij fysiek zwaar werk en proberen fysiek zwaar werk te 11 verminderen. Jongere werknemers craften iets vaker door de variatie in hun werk en interessante taken te vergroten, maar binnen deze vorm van job craften is wel verschil in welke specifieke job crafting activiteiten jongere en oudere werknemers gebruiken: jongere werknemers trekken iets vaker leuke taken naar zich toe, ook om de afwisseling in hun werk te vergroten, zoeken veel vaker naar nieuwe taken als ze het niet zo druk hebben (oudere werknemers zitten vaak langer in hun functie en hebben het dus waarschijnlijk drukker) of naar taken om hun rol te verbreden, terwijl oudere werknemers iets vaker op zoek zijn naar zinvol werk en taken veranderen omdat ze bepaalde taken niet meer uit kunnen voeren. Verder zoeken jongere werknemers meer contacten dan oudere werknemers. Oudere en jongere werknemers maken allebei hun contacten intensiever. Jongere en oudere werknemers proberen allebei het gebruik van hun kennis en vaardigheden te vergroten, bijvoorbeeld door taken die aansluiten bij hun kennis en ervaring naar zich toe te trekken, maar binnen deze vorm van job crafting zijn er wel verschillen. Jongere werknemers bieden actief hulp aan aan collega’s, terwijl oudere werknemers actief advies geven. Verder trekken jongere werknemers veel vaker taken naar zich toe waar ze goed in zijn of veranderen ze hun taken om te zorgen dat de baan aansluit bij hun kennis en vaardigheden, terwijl oudere werknemers veel vaker actief kennis overdragen of collega’s coachen. Tot slot craften jongere werknemers vaker om zich te ontwikkelen dan oudere werknemers, met name door sociale hulpbronnen (contacten met anderen) te vergroten. Jongere werknemers netwerken dus meer en intensiveren contacten om van te leren. Jongere werknemers maken verder hun baan uitdagender door uitdagende taken en taken waar ze van kunnen leren naar zich toe te trekken en meer verantwoordelijkheid op zich te nemen, terwijl oudere werknemers hun baan uitdagender maken door hun beslissingsbevoegdheid te vergroten. Verder blijkt dat oudere en jongere werknemers evenveel craften, maar dat de job crafting vormen en activiteiten wel verschillen en dat oudere werknemers meer verschillende job crafting activiteiten gebruiken. Over het algemeen craften oudere werknemers meer om zichzelf te ontzien, terwijl jongere werknemers meer craften om zich te ontwikkelen. Zowel jongere als oudere werknemers craften om hun bestaande kennis, vaardigheden, en motivatie te benutten. Daarbij zoeken jongere werknemers met name naar afwisseling, een goede tijdsbesteding, taken waar ze goed in zijn en contacten met anderen, terwijl oudere werknemers zoeken naar zinvol werk, mogelijkheden om kennis over te dragen of collega’s te coachen en taken veranderen omdat ze bepaalde taken niet meer uit kunnen voeren.
Discussion Integrate the nascent literature on job crafting and identify overarching job crafting forms relevant for all workers Development, accommodative and utilization craften (new) Examine whether and how younger and older workers craft differently equal number of job crafting accounts older workers engage more in accommodative crafting and less in development crafting utilization crafting seems not to change with age
A paper presented to the AWM2015
The Impact of a Time & Place Management Intervention on Workability, Retirement Expectations, and Satisfaction with Work-family Balance Among Employees in a Large U.S. Healthcare System A paper presented to the AWM2015 November 5-7 Jacquelyn B. James, PhD
What’s Ahead? What is Time & Place Management? Research aims
TPM intervention Results pertaining to: Workability Retirement expectations Satisfaction with work-family balance Summary and Conclusions The main thing I want to do today is introduce you to the process that we went through of recruiting a large organization for an intervention study and convincing them to let us do all sorts of crazy things with their already time-starved employees! I do this because at our center we think intervention studies are the next thing we need in demonstrating successful adaptations to aging and work. We think we know what they are but employers want evidence. We need to start providing it. Along the way I will show you a few findings—one of the papers is published and the other is provisionally accepted.
What is Time & Place Management (TPM)?
Greater options/control over when, where, how much to work Workplace flexibility with… Greater precision as to what is assessed Acknowledgement of the importance of management Work-life fit concept acknowledges individual differences in what constitutes “balance” We all know that flexibility means different things to different people. It can mean giving employees the option to work from home or to work part time but it can also mean giving an employer the authority to send employees home due to low census. It has come to mean everything and nothing at the same time. So, we reframed flexible work arrangements as TPM….this for greater precision and for acknowledgement that you can’t just plop down a FWA policy and have it work….it must be well implemented and well managed. We also made a big point that one size does not fit all when it comes to flex…that what is really important is for an employee to perceive a good fit between their ability to be productive and successful on the job and in relation to their responsibilities off the job.
Broad Research Aim I To assess the causal impact of a TPM policy on business outcomes Here we show that we were interest in unit level variables examining business outcomes at the unit level.
Broad Research Aim II To assess the causal impact of a TPM policy on employee outcomes And this model shows our interest in outcomes at the employee level…the way that most studies of this type are conducted.
Elements of the Study Participants from “ModernMedical”
Large regional multi-site health system in the U.S. with over 10,000 employees One-year discovery process Six waves of data from managers, 4 from employees First wave in September, 2012; final wave in January, 2014 Training for the intervention and supporting materials We recruited from over 20 organizations. The recruitment process alone took a year. Even after ModMed agreed, there were months of negotiations with legal teams on both sides and IRBs on both sides. This organization agreed because they were seeing declining work-family balance scores, not just year by year, but also in relation to similar organizations; they feared unionization.
One-year Discovery Process
Background research Extensive literature review Examination of best practices at award-winning hospitals Designed intervention with ModernMedical Telephone interviews with 15 randomly selected managers Focus groups with 40 randomly selected employees in 10 job categories Discussions with leadership Pitt-Catsouphes, M., James, J.B., Cahill, K.E. & McNamara, T.K. (2015). Relationships between team performance and managers who are early adopters of flexible work options. Journal of Change Management, Then we spent another year on “discovery.” We conducted focus groups with employees from 10 job types; and managers representing these same job types (from admin people to nurses to environmental services). We presented the results of our lit review and our conversations with the leaders of other hospital settings along with the results of the FGs and interviews to the leadership of the organization. We found some “positive deviants” among our managers…managers who were going against the grain and providing flex to employees with only positive consequences.
Data and Sample The Time & Place Management (TPM) Study of ModernMedical All ModernMedical employees were invited to participate in a longitudinal study. Announcements about the study were made in the news weekly. 439 work units of participants were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups Participants were recruited by for the baseline survey. The minute online survey was administered by Survey Sciences, Inc. and included separate sections for managers and employees.
Response Rates At first wave: 63% (N = 405) among managers
43% (N = 3,545) among employees Of these respondents, 3,000 employees and 325 managers completed the baseline survey in full. At final wave: 28% (N = 179) among managers 32% (N = 2,641) among employees Fully 2,641 employees participated in the seventh wave of the survey, along with 179 managers.
Online Learning Module
30-minute learning module developed by the research team and ModernMedical Encouraged greater discussion among managers and employees about making TPM fit requests. Provided a systematic framework for discussing TPM fit requests: Structured classification of TPM fit request types Standardized procedure for employees to deliver requests Standardized procedure for managers to process requests. Included forms and guides available to employees and managers on an ongoing basis We called the study a pilot study—this helped to get the organization on board. So, the training module was training for one’s “pilot license” and was organized like a flight simulator. Thanks to the training and dev. team at ModMed, this was attractive and fun and only took about 12 minutes to get through. The training remained available to employees throughout the study. Fortunately for us, the module was sent out via the usual process for training at the organization and employees are accustomed to these being required. Even though we said that it was not required, something approximately 75% of employees in the TX group did the training.
Supporting Materials Educational/motivational posters and videos on an ongoing basis following the launch of the learning module 8 posters about work-life fit Motivational reminders to continue thinking about and using TPM options Successively displayed in common spaces for 3 week periods 3 three-minute videos Introduced via a link over Provided information and motivation related to TPM and to work-life fit From other work we have done, we knew that the key to successful flexibility initiatives was full implementation. So, we didn’t stop with the training. We created posters that went up every 3 weeks in the TX units that we called “Fit Facts”. The training taught people about the need for flexibility fit—what works for one doesn’t work for all. We followed the posters with videos that we created ourselves. The first one was a reminder of TPM, what it is and what it accomplishes. The second one was about “fit” again. And the third one was about what if “no” is the answer. These were about 3 minutes long.
Evidence of Treatment Effects at ModMed
So, as I mentioned, the point of this presentation is to introduce the process we went through to conduct an intervention study in a large organization—we think we need more of these. Marcie is going to talk about this at the preconference at GSA. But the intervention appears to have been at least moderately effective and I want to show you just a few findings. First, I want to show you what happened to the work-family balance that the organization was concerned about. The WF balance scores went up a teeny bit in the TX group, but continued to go down in the control group. The organization was very pleased with this.
Workability Among Older Workers
“...the occupational competence, the health required for the competence, and the occupational virtues that are required for managing the work tasks.” - Tengland’s (2011) definition for workability in skilled occupations. Hypothesis 1. Age and workability are negatively associated. To be assessed separately for those who were more vulnerable (low baseline workability) and less vulnerable (high baseline workability) Hypothesis 2. The TPM intervention will moderate the association of workability and age, such that it is less negative for those in the treatment group. Next, we looked at Workability…. Or the perception of how long one feels capable both physically and emotionally to continue work.
Workability Among Older Workers
Measured workability using a workability index made from the mean rating of 6 items: Now, thinking about your ability to continue working for the next five years, how do you rate your ability to continue working at your current job for the next 5 years… 0=Unlikely 10=Highly Likely …in relation to your lifetime best ability? …with respect to the physical demands of your job? …with respect to the mental demands of your job? ...with respect to your skills, the competencies required? …with respect to your physical health? ...with respect to your mental health?
The Impact of the Intervention on Workability
Predicted median workability for respondents age 50 and older For struggling older workers in the control group, starting around age 60 workability declined with age, but for struggling older workers in the treatment group, there was no decline with increasing age Workability Age of respondent Morelock, J.C., McNamara, T.K., & James, J.B. (provisionally accepted). Workability among older adults: The role of a Time & Place Management intervention. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Work and Retirement Expectations
Can a well-designed time and place management (TPM) initiative have a causal impact on older employees’ expectations about work and retirement? Measuring work and retirement expectations: How long do you think you will continue work for [ModernMedical]? 5 years or less (I will probably leave before I retire) more than 5 years (but I will probably leave before I retire) until I retire indefinitely, I do not plan to retire. Thinking ahead 5 years, what do you expect your situation will be? working at my current job at [ModernMedical] working at a new full-time job at [ModernMedical] Working at a new part-time job at [ModernMedical] working at a new full-time job with another organization working at a new part-time job with another organization working as a temporary worker hired for projects self-employed/independent contractor or consultant operating my own business full-time homemaker retired out of the labor force for another reason We had some concerns about the established measure of WA so we adapted it for our purposes.
The Impact of the Intervention on Work and Retirement Expectations
Treatment group more likely to expect to remain at ModernMedical until retirement Cahill, K.E., James, J.B. & Pitt-Catsouphes, M. (2015). The impact of a randomly assigned time & place management initiative on work and retirement expectations. Work, Aging & Retirement. doi: / workar/wav012.
Summary and Conclusions
The TPM intervention made a difference for: Workability Retirement expectations Satisfaction with work-family balance Preliminary evidence for change in stigma associated with requesting flexbility TPM may support business goals by helping older workers: Delay retirement Feel more satisfied about their jobs in relation to the rest of their responsibilities
Bringing aging theories to occupational practice:
Is selective optimization with compensation (SOC) trainable? Andreas Müller Institute for Occupational Medicine and Social Medicine; Centre for Health and Society; Düsseldorf University; Germany 3rd "Age in the Workplace" Meeting, 4-7th November 2015 Limerick, Ireland
example of SOC (Baltes & Baltes, 1990)
Aim Help to bridge the gap between aging theories and occupational practice; example of SOC (Baltes & Baltes, 1990) Göltzsch Viaduct, Saxony; Germany: largest brick-built bridge in the world
The SOC-model (Baltes & Baltes, 1990)
Action theoretical resource oriented model, describes three kinds of action strategies: Selection (S) = prioritizing goals Optimization (O) = improvement of means to pursue selected goals Compensation (C) = development of alternative means in case of „hindrances“ Basic assumptions: coordinated use of SOC fosters the effective and adaptive use of resources (e.g. Baltes, 1997) SOC can balance out negative effects of resource losses (e.g. Hobfoll, 2002) However: SOC is initially resource intensive (Baltes & Lang, 1997) gains (e.g. experience, status) Putting age into the perspective of change of resources ... losses (cognitive, physical)
Research on SOC at Work Many obervational studies
One interventional study [1] Müller et al., 2015 SOC training may enhance mental well-being [1] Abele & Wiese , 2008; [2] Abraham & Hansson, 1995; [3] Baethge et al. , in press; [4] Baltes et al., 2014; [5] Bajor & Baltes, 2003; [6] Baltes & Heydens-Gahir, 2003; [7] Demerouti et al, 2014; [8-10] Müller et al. 2012; 2013a,b; [11] Oh et al., 2014); [12] Riedel et al., 2015; [13] Schmitt et al., 2012; [14] Unson et al., 2013; [15,16] Weigl et al., 2013; 2014 [17,18] Wiese et al. 2000; 2002 [19] Yeung & Fung, 2009; [20] von Bonsdorff et al., 2014; [21] Young, Baltes & Pratt, 2007; [22] Zacher & Frese, 2011; [23] Zacher et al., 2015 SOC is correlated with desirable work related individual outcomes (e.g. performance, work-family balance, well-being, work ability) SOC is especially helpful for older workers & workers with health problems SOC interacts with job characteristics: SOC is more effective when job autonomy is high is helpful when job demands are high or when job complexity is low, but also detrimental effects under high job demands Some research gaps: Can SOC itself be trained? Is SOC a meaningful mediator of intervention effects? Do job characteristics affect intervention effects? Do individual resources affect intervention effects?
individual resources: self efficacy & job experience
Research questions Job characteristics: Job autonomy Job demands mental strain work ability Intervention SOC individual resources: self efficacy & job experience
Design & Participants Three randomized controlled studies:
Study 1: SOC only, individual SOC-coaching; Study 2: SOC only, small group setting Study 3: multimethodal (three sessions SOC), small group setting Baseline: N= 247 registered nurses, Germany Dropout: n = 30 (12.1%) (no differences to non drop-outs in respect to demographic characteristics and baseline levels of variables) Analysed: n = 217 Gender: (88.5%) Women Age: years (SD = 9.1) Professional tenure: years (SD = 9.5). 89
The Training action theoretical conceptions of SOC (Freund & Baltes, 2002): select an goal to cope more effective with an important stressor at work develop and implement an action plan to achieve this goal in an optimal way consider alternative strategies to compensate for external or internal hindrances
no effects on selection, optimization
Can SOC be trained? SOC: p = .019; η2 = .026 loss-based selection: p = .006; η2 = .035 no effects on selection, optimization compensation: p = .089; η2 = .014 ANCOVA: baseline adjusted effects of intervention; additional control of study
Does type of intervention matter?
(Conditional) indirect effects of the intervention through SOC
job autonomy; job experience: n.s. mental strain work ability strongest with low job demands (-.11*) and high self efficacy (-.06*) indirect effect: -.04, 95% CI [-.11, -.01]; 13% of total effect (no simultaneous indirect effects of single SOC strategies) Intervention SOC indirect effect: .02, 95% CI [.001, -.065]; 18% of total effect (no simultaneous indirect effects of single SOC strategies) job autonomy; job experience: n.s. strongest with low job demands (.08*) and high self efficacy (.04*) Process–macro for moderated mediation (Hayes, 2013); Bootstrapped 95% CI for conditional indirect effects at specific values of the moderator; Controlled for age, gender, baseline SOC and outcomes;
Discussion SOC can be trained.
SOC mediates intervention effects on criteria of successful aging such as mental well-being, and work ability. However: Effects on SOC are not very strong. Probably only resourceful intervention approaches are effective. Participants with high individual resources (self efficacy) and low job demands benefited most. Next steps: Improving the effectiveness of interventions based on SOC Investigating the sustainability of effects.
And… … more implementation research that support workers to make use of our ideas in organizational practice.
Thank you! Many thanks to:
Peter Angerer, Annette Becker, Melanie Gantner, Harald Gündel, Barbara Heiden, Britta Herbig, Kirsten Herbst, Franziska Poppe, Renate Schmook, & Imad Maatouk Thank you! Contact: Andreas Müller Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Institute for Occupational Medicine and Social Medicine
Selected goals
Example of an Action Plan
Selected Goal: „I want to learn ,to say no‘ when my supervisor calls me at home to take an additional shift.“ Action plan (Optimization): I make a list with criteria under which I agree to work (e.g. no leisure time appointments). I put the list beside of my phone. Every time the supervisor calls me, I ask for time to think and say I'll call back. Afterwards I go through my list.
Poster Session #1
Translational Initiative: Age Smart Employers Program, NYC
Collaboration Proposals
PROPOSAL FROM Donatienne Desmette Université catholique de Louvain Jean McCarthy University of Limerick
Support to senior research activities (state of theories and research projects, funding activities, long-term networking, …) The “Age in the Workplace” Summer School Support to PhD students interested in age topics in providing them with opportunities : to come together to receive supervision from senior researchers who are recognized as experts in geropsychology & I/O psychology/HRM/OB.
The “Age in the Workplace” Summer School
CHARACTERISTICS EAWOP Early Career Summer School The goal = an insight into components that make up a successful career (e.g. career planning and management, successful grant funding applications). Eligible participants : Young scholars (who have obtained their PhD within the last 5 years) PhD students in their final year The “Age in the Workplace” Summer School The goal = a high-level training in age theories and methods (in the workplace ?) in a friendly environment Eligible participants : PhD students (with some experience )
POTENTIAL PROGRAM The “Age in the Workplace” Summer School
EAWOP Early Career Summer School Similar to conference (keynotes, presentations, posters, + Sessions on the craft of being a researcher e.g. fund raising, + company visits) The “Age in the Workplace” Summer School Keynotes, i.e. Age topic Methods/ethics topic RH practices topic Supervision sessions : each student presents her/his work or part of this in a research themed group and receives specialist supervision Workshop' groups/training sessions : On the basis of the instructions of a tutor, members of the group design one or more empirical studies that would address key theoretical questions. Other possibility : working on specific topic (theories, methods, …)
QUESTIONS How relevant and feasible is this idea?
What are the potential pitfalls? What funding structure is required, do you think? Do members of the group have any previous experience in designing and delivering summer schools or PhD student workshops ? Timing ? The EAWOP Early Career Summer School The summer school is held biennially in non-congress years (i.e. 2010, 2012, etc.). Age in the workplace Summer school could be run every other year than the AWM Who ? Who is interested to work on this idea ? …
Collaboration Proposals
Work, Aging and Retirement: Update from the Editor
Mo Wang University of Florida
Editorial Board Members
Contributing Authors Editorial Board Members Reviewers THANK YOU!
Production: Submission Statistics
Submission Type 2014 YTD 2015 Total Review Articles 11 7 18 Empirical Articles 46 31 77 Research Proposal 4 Methodological Article Annual Review Issue 15 Others 1 2 3 58 59 117
Production: Rejection Rate
Rejection Type 2014 YTD 2015 Desk Rejection 27.3% 33.3% Regular Rejection 36.4% 20.0% Others 6.1% 8.9% Total 69.7% 62.2% 2014’s rate is based on 33 non-invited submissions that have received final editorial decisions YTD 2015’s rate is based on 45 non-invited submissions that have received first-round editorial decisions
Production: Other Statistics
Time from submission to first editorial decision: - if sent to reviewers: 46.4 days - if not sent to reviewers: 4.5 days Paper production speed: From acceptance to online publication: 4.7 weeks Current backlog: 3-6 months Page budget: 416 pages annually
Utility: Downloads
Utility: Top Five Downloads
Authors Information HTML PDF Total Hannes Zacher (2015), Volume 1, Issue 1, 4-25 1,485 1,076 2,561 Peter A. Bamberger (2015), Volume 1, Issue 1, 1,092 491 1,583 Stephan A. Boehm and David J. G. Dwertmann (2015), Volume 1, Issue 1, 41-63 292 811 1,103 Terry A. Beehr and Misty M. Bennett (2015), Volume 1, Issue 1, 431 667 1,098 Lisa M. Finkelstein, Eden B. King, and Elora C. Voyles (2015), Volume 1, Issue 1, 26-40 264 629 893
Utility: Citation Counts
Total Citations (Oct. 28, 2015): 80 - Web of Science: 14 - Citations in WORKAR: 36 - Citations in other non Web of Science journals: 2 - Citations in Books: 27 - Citations in other scholarly work: 1 Work, Aging and Retirement has entered the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) for Web of Science
What is coming next? Special Issues: Strategic Initiatives:
- Change in the Meaning and Experience of Work in Later life - Generations, Age, and the Space Between - Health and Retirement Study - Successful Aging at Work Strategic Initiatives: - Further grow citation counts (Web of Science) - Attract more submissions from sociology, economics, and finance - Attract more action research and intervention submissions
Q & A Thank you!
Reception (Sponsored by AWR-net) Dinner at UL Pavilion, 7pm
Bus pick-up, 9:15pm
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