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p-process in SNIa: new perspectives R. Gallino C. Travaglio

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1 p-process in SNIa: new perspectives R. Gallino C. Travaglio
Universita’ di Torino (Italy) Osservatorio di Teramo-INAF C. Travaglio Observatorio di Torino (Italy) F. Roepke, W. Hillebrandt MPA Munich (Germany) Computer resources

2 p-process 164Er missing 164Er 35 p-nuclei Routes to p-nuclei
p-nuclei in the Solar System 164Er missing p-process 164Er

3 p-process

4 p-process B2FH+Cameron (1957) H-rich layers of SNII
(p,g) and (g,n) reactions operating on preexisting s- and r-seed nuclei Cameron called them ‘excluded isotopes’ Because of the dominant role of played by proton reactions, named these ‘p-process’ nuclei They suggested temperature of the order of K, and timescale of s p-process

5 p-process Audouze & Truran (1975)
T and r optimum conditions for the synthesis of p-nuclei in SNII explosions: K H-rich matter in postshock supernova envelope following the passage of the shock wave, and realized that required T are not acquired there Another possible site, novae associated with binary systems. In the accreted material T and r optimum conditions can be reached. Not sufficient matter can be produced in this site p-process

6 Arnould (1976) Synthesis of p-nuclei during hydrostatic oxygen burning A large enhancement of heavy elements, presumably by prior s-processing is required. Only s-seed nuclei should be enhanced and not r-process seeds (recognized to be not important seeds). p-process

7 p-process Woosley & Howard (1978)
They found that the (p,g) chain may require physical conditions that cannot be easily realized in nature. (p,g) and (p,n) play no role. “One must still contend with disappointingly small synthesis of species like 92Mo, 94Mo, 96Ru, 98Ru” Alternatively, they proposed g-process. A distribution of heavy elements subjected to a ‘hot photon bath’ ((g, n), (g, p), (g, a)) will be transformed on a timescale of 1s into a distribution of nuclei close to the solar distribution of p-nuclei T optimum conditions for the synthesis of p-nuclei in explosive events: K p-process

8 p-process Howard, Meyer & Woosley (1991)
A new site for the gamma-process: Type Ia supernovae. CO-WD that explodes by deflagration or detonation. They investigate chains to produce the light-p, and found that 86Kr(p,g) … 90Zr(p,g)91Nb(p,g)92Mo is responsible for half of 92Mo (and important for 90Zr as well) and (p,g) reactions produce also 96Ru. The other half of 92Mo, and 94Mo, come from (g,n) reaction sequence p-process

9 p-process Goriely et al. (2002, 2005)
He accreting WD with sub-Chandrasekhar mass p-process are produced in the accreting He-layers Tested different initial abundances of s-nuclei, up to 100xsolar They found that most of the p-nuclei are coproduced at level close to solar, but underproduced (except 78Kr) with respect to Fe p-process

10 p-process Kusakabe,Iwamoto & Nomoto (2011)
They used as SNIa model the W7 (Nomoto et al.’84), pure deflagration They also examine the impact of different s-seed distributions p-process

11 p-process Travaglio et al. (2011,ApJ in press)
F. Roepke & W.Hillebtandt SNIa models R. Gallino s-process calculations C. Travaglio p-process nucleosynthesis p-process

12 p-process Type Ia models: 2D We tested different SNIa models:
(simulation done by F. Roepke) We tested different SNIa models: pure deflagration delayed detonation with different strenghts p-process

13 Tracer particles in SNIa models

14 p-process s-process in accreted mass
“Accreting white dwarfs as an alternate or additional source of s-process isotopes” (Iben, ApJ 243, 1981) p-process

15 p-process Distribution of tracers def dc3 ddt-st dd2d
dc3 = weaker del. det. dd2d = stronger del. det. def = deflagration ddt-st = standard del. det. def dc3 ddt-st p-process dd2d

16 p-process s-process seeds
Preliminary s-process tests in a close binary system during the secondary companion MS/giant accreting on a WD (Travaglio et al. ’11) p-process

17 p-process

18 p-nuclei versus peak T (1)

19 p-nuclei versus peak T (2)

20 p-process

21 p-process Results: solar metallicity DDT-a, Z2m2, 51200 tracers

22 Stronger delayed detonation, 56Fe=0.98
Delayed detonation standard 56Fe=0.58 Deflagration 56Fe=0.33 Weaker delayed detonation 56Fe=0.33 Stronger delayed detonation, 56Fe=0.98

23 p-process Looking deeper into p-nuclei 113In, 115Sn, 138La, (180Ta)
DDT-a, Z2m2, 51200 tracers 56Fe=0.58 113In, 115Sn, 138La, (180Ta) 152Gd, 164Er

24 p-process Looking deeper into p-nuclei
113In, 115Sn are p-only isotopes? r-process contribution (Dillmann et al. 2008, Nemeth et al. 1994)? 138La produced by neutrino-nuclei interaction (Woosley et al. 1990) 152Gd and 164Er large s-process contributions 75% - 80% at solar composition, with 10% of errorbar (Arlandini et al. 1999, Kaeppeler et al. 2011) p-process

25 p-process Long-lived p-nuclei (Dauphas et al. 2002) 92Nb/92Mo
2.8 ± 0.5 × meteorite 1.5 ± 0.6 × production in SNe 1.3 x our model 146Sm/144Sm 7.6 ± 1.3 × meteorite 1.8 ± 0.6 × production in SN 3.2 x our model p-process

26 sp-nach Travaglio et al. (2011) p-process

27 96Zr 80Kr 90Zr 86Sr p-process DDT-a, Z2m2, 51200 tracers 56Fe=0.58

28 96Zr p-process DEF, Z2m2, 51200 tracers 56Fe=0.33

29 behave with metallicity? (Travaglio et al., in prep.)
How do p-nuclei behave with metallicity? (Travaglio et al., in prep.) p-process

30 (Travaglio et al., in prep.)
Taking a fixed choice of the 13C-pocket at different Z, we may infer that the (p/56Fe)/(p/56Fe)sun ratio is always constant. This suggests a primary nature of p-process (Travaglio et al., in prep.) p-process

31 p-process Chemical evolution
From the hypothesis that SNIa are responsible for 2/3 of the solar 56Fe, and assuming that our DDT-a model represents the typical SNIa with a frequency of 70% (Li et al. 2010), we conclude that they can be responsible for about 50% of the all p-nuclei. If we take an average between DDTw-a and DDTs-a models, considering that they represent 10% of all SNIa, they account for 75% of all p-nuclei. p-process

32 WKP p-process at various metallicities and chemical evolution (Travaglio et al. in prep.) Nucleosynthesis in accreted mass (tbd) p-process SNIa in 3D and sub-Chandrasekhar models (Roepke et al. at MPA)

33 p-process

34 Low Mass Stars. Evolution and Nucleosynthesis- I
Roberto Gallino University of Torino Dipartimento di Fisica Generale, Italy GRADUATE SCHOOL IN ASTRONOMY XV Monday 18th October, 2010

35 p-process

36 p-process p-process Wanajo,Janka, Kubono, ApJ 2010
Thielemann et al., 2010 Roberts,Woosley, Hoffman, ApJS 2011 p-process

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