The Eucharist/Mass The purpose of this powerpoint is to explain the meaning of the Eucharist/Mass to teachers and support staff. The explanations have.

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Presentation on theme: "The Eucharist/Mass The purpose of this powerpoint is to explain the meaning of the Eucharist/Mass to teachers and support staff. The explanations have."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eucharist/Mass The purpose of this powerpoint is to explain the meaning of the Eucharist/Mass to teachers and support staff. The explanations have been kept simple so as not to complicate or lead to mis-understanding of the key meaning behind each part of the liturgy. To note: In schools where the Eucharist/Mass is regularly celebrated, it would be worth ensuring that the explanations given in this powerpointare in line with the teachings of the school church, mindful that there are differences in understanding. The powerpoint can be used to support the following units: Year 4: How does Holy Communion build a Christian community? K.S 2: Why is liturgy important to many Christians? Points for discussion have been included and can be used with children as part of a sequence of learning.

2 Slide 3 could be used as an assessment tool.
Each child has 8 pieces cut up before the lesson Each child sticks them in their book in the order that they think each event happens in the Mass. Slides 4 and 5 explains the correct order. Children may want to know what each symbol represents ie saying sorry etc before they begin.

3 I wonder which order these things come in the Eucharist/Mass?

4 Order (For the teacher)
Greeting (Picture of people hugging.) Saying sorry – confession and absolution. (Picture of the sad faces.) Singing – Gloria – praising God because the people have been forgiven. The Liturgy of the Word: Hearing the word of God from the Bible. Old Testament/New Testament/psalm/Gospel reading Intercessions – saying our prayers – remembering the world/our community/the sick/those who are dying/those who have died. The Liturgy of the Sacrament: The peace – wishing the peace of Christ for your neighbour. (Picture of the globe.) The Eucharistic Prayer The Dismissal: The Blessing – sending out. (Picture of someone saying goodbye.)

5 The order of the Eucharist/Mass

6 Welcome The Eucharist begins with a greeting: Priest: The Lord be with you. Children: And also with you OR And with your spirit. Make a list of all the different words we use and ways we greet and welcome people.

7 Saying sorry to God (Confession)
It is important when we come into God’s presence to say sorry: The words we use in the Eucharist/Mass to do this are: Lord have mercy. Christ has mercy. What would you like to say sorry to God for? Silence The priest lets us know in a special prayer that God forgives us. (Absolution)

8 In the silence – children write a prayer of confession to God.
Saying sorry to God In the silence – children write a prayer of confession to God. Model Dear God, I am sorry for the times I have hurt my family and friends by the words I have used and my unkind actions. I am sorry for the times I have not loved my neighbour. I am sorry for the times I have not listened to you and gone my own way. Please forgive me. Amen Assessment: Do children understand the meaning and puprose of confession and absolution?

9 We sing to God in praise. Glory to God
What things would you like to give thanks to God for? Make a class list – keep for the class Eucharist/Mass/Liturgy

10 Listening to God’s word and talk (sermon)
Readings are always read from the Old and New Testament. A reading from one of the Gospels is always read. Often and procession will take place. The congregation stand and candles are held up. Incense in some churches will be used. Particular importance is giving to the reading of the Gospel because it is about Jesus’ life. It is the most important reading in the liturgy. The priest will then talk to the people about the readings of the day and the key message that lies behind them. The Bible tells Christians how to live their lives.

11 Can you think of other Holy books that help tell people how to live?
Who else helps show us how to live? (See slide 13)

12 Teacher notes: Assessment opportunity:
Can children list other Holy Books? Do children know the names of the Gospels? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Do children know the Gospels are the books in the New Testament that tell people about Jesus’ life on earth?

13 In three’s, children order the pictures in the order of who they think is the most important person who shows them how to live their lives. Children then have to explain to another group the reason for their order.

14 Prayers (Intercessions)
During the prayer time the following things are brought before God: The world The community People who are ill and dying People who have died

15 Children write a prayer
Children choose what they want to write their prayer about: The world, the community, people who are ill or dying, people who have died. Model: Dear God, We pray for our world. We pray for places where there is war. We pray for places where people are hungry. We pray that one day, the world will be a fair and happy place for everyone. Amen.

16 The peace The peace is a time to offer God’s peace to people around you. The priest: The peace of the Lord be always with you. Children: And also with you. Who would you like to give a sign of God’s peace to today?

17 Peace Children to design a book mark for a member of their class with a message of peace on it. You could give them choices of what this message might say: Examples: May the peace of God be with you always. Be a peace maker. Trust in God who brings peace always.

18 Preparing for the meal. (Eucharist/Communion/Mass)
Laying the altar. Bringing the gifts of bread and wine to the altar. Washing of hands. Praying a special prayer over the bread and wine. The special words: This is my body, broken for you. This is my blood, shed for you.

19 Teacher notes: Make the connection here with the following: Laying the altar: Laying the table for a special meal. Bringing the gifts: Preparing special food. Washing hands: Washing hands before a meal. The special words: Link with the last supper – Jesus’ words the night before he was betrayed by Judas.

20 The Blessing The priest: The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. All:   Amen. A minister says: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All:  In the name of Christ. Amen. Make a list of all the different words we use and ways we say goodbye to people.

21 Return to the first exercise
Can you put the pictures in order? Can you link these words to the pictures? Can you explain what these words mean? reading and sermon welcome intercessions confession and absolution peace The Eucharist/Communion/Mass The Blessing Gloria Assessment activity: Review against the first time this activity was done.

22 Assessment Teacher to work with this group.
Activity for children working at end of year 3/4: Why do you think it is important for a Christian to attend Mass every week? How does it impact on the Christian’s life. Option 1: Write a letter to a friend explaining to them why it is important that a Christian goes to Mass every week. (Things to consider – the Mass is important because it is the one thing Jesus commanded Christians to do in memory of him. It is a time when Christians can say sorry and be forgiven. When Christians learn about God by listening to the readings. When they can wish everyone peace and can pray for the world, their community, the sick and those who have died.) When a Christian receives the bread and wine it is the closest they can be to Jesus today. It gives them the strength to live their Christian life every day. Option 2: One line – More committed to Christianity. Less committed to Christianity. Order the following statements. (horizontal) One line – (Vertical) Feels closer to God. Feels far away from God. Add in the vertical line after the statements have been put on the horizontal line. Listen very carefully to the discussion. Record in your evaluations. Statements: Prays every day Is kind to people Helps the elderly Reads the Bible every day Listens to people Attends Mass every week Attends Mass every day

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