Ash Wednesday and Lent Have Pagan Origins.

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Presentation on theme: "Ash Wednesday and Lent Have Pagan Origins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ash Wednesday and Lent Have Pagan Origins

2 What is the Ash Wednesday Observance?

3 Multiple sources, but a great synopsis is found here:
It is a western christian observance that starts the 40 days of Lent prior to Easter. Multiple sources, but a great synopsis is found here:

4 What Do We Know about Lent?
Lent is 46 days (40 days of fasting and 6 Sundays, which are non-fasting).

5 Why Is Lent Observed? We are told that Sunday (the Lord's Day) is a commemoration of Christ's resurrection and a weekly feast day, which makes fasting inappropriate. Multiple sources prove this travesty, but a great synopsis is found here:

6 What Is Ash Wednesday? It starts the 46-day period when ashes are sprinkled on the forehead of the Christian and a pagan cross sign is marked on the participant's forehead. Multiple sources prove this travesty, but a great synopsis is found here:

7 Christians who participate are told the practice of Ash Wednesday symbolizes the ashes to ashes and dust from which comes from the Old Testament text found in Bare'syth / Beginnings / Genesis 3:19 Multiple sources prove this travesty, but a great synopsis is found here:

8 What Is the History of Ash
Wednesday and Lent? Until early 600's C.E., the Lenten observance of Ash Wednesday occurred on the 40th Sunday.

9 History of Lent & Ash Wednesday
Pope Gregory the Great created the practice that moved the observance to Wednesday and to preserve the Sunday feast ritual in the RCC. Multiple sources prove this travesty, but a great synopsis is found here:

10 Lent is a Teutonic word used for the Spring season
Where Did the Word Lent Originate? Lent is a Teutonic word used for the Spring season (The Catholic Encyclopedia)

11 Sequence for this Season?
What Is the Correct Sequence for this Season? The Towrah instructs the observations of the four spring festival feasts (Pesach, Matsah, Bikurywm, and Shabuah) does not prescribe a 40-day fasting period prior to Pesach Passover.

12 What Is Yahowah's Perspective on Lent?
Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day, and Lent are man-made traditions

13 We know what Yahowah thinks about man's religious traditions
We know what Yahowah thinks about man's religious traditions...they are lifeless, Towrahless, misleading, disgusting, and the plague of death.

14 What Did Early Church Leaders
Have to Say About Lent? They opposed Lent. For example Irenaeus (c. 190 C.E.), condemned the heretic Valentinus for participating in meat eating heathen festivals (Irenaeus. Against Heresies. Book 1, Chapter 6, Verse 3)

15 (Arnobius. Against the Heathen, Book V, Chapter 26)
Orthodox Catholic apologist Arnobius (died 330) warned against the type of fasts that pagans had and even seemed to warn about a Mardi Gras banquet followed by a fast. (Arnobius. Against the Heathen, Book V, Chapter 26)

16 (Against the Heathen, Book VII, Chapter 32)
The feast of Jupiter is tomorrow. Jupiter, I suppose, dines, and must be satiated with great banquets, and long filled with eager cravings for food by fasting, and hungry after the usual interval (Against the Heathen, Book VII, Chapter 32)

17 Hislop believed that Arnobius was teaching against what became known as Lent.
(Two Babylons, p. 106)

18 In the late 2nd century, Tertullian warned against "Christians" participating in events that also honored Minerva.

19 John Cassian (also known as Cassianus, monk of Marseilles) in the 5th century admitted: Howbeit you should know that as long as the primitive church retained its perfection unbroken, this observance of Lent did not exist. (Cassian John. Conf. 21, THE FIRST CONFERENCE OF ABBOT THEONAS. ON THE RELAXATION DURING THE 50 DAYS. Ch 30)

20 Yahowah’s Testimony Is Perfect

21 What Is the Correct Timing of The Early Spring Observances?
Pesach, Matsah, and Bikurywm are observed for 8 days in the Towrah? Eight days are a sign of perfection.

22 So What Does this Mean about Lent?
Observing Christians miss everything with Lent, where the 40 days should mean a sign of testing and trial, which negates the process of becoming perfected in the Covenant.

23 Why would the RCC and sister churches adopt a spring observance to celebrate pagan rituals and throw away the Towrah observance?

24 The historian Alexander Hislop has an interesting explanation that makes sense: The forty days' abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from the worshippers of the Babylonian goddess....

25 Among the Pagans this Lent seems to have been an indispensable preliminary to the great annual festival in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Tammuz,

26 which was celebrated by alternate weeping and rejoicing, and which, in many countries, was considerably later than the Christian festival,

27 being observed in Palestine and Assyria in June, therefore called the "month of Tammuz;" in Egypt, about the middle of May, and in Britain, some time in April.

28 To conciliate the Pagans to nominal Christianity, Rome, pursuing its usual policy, took measures to get the Christian and Pagan festivals amalgamated,

29 (Hislop A. Two Babylons. pp. 104-106)
and, by a complicated but skillful adjustment of the calendar, it was found no difficult matter, in general, to get Paganism and Christianity--now far sunk in idolatry--in this as in so many other things, to shake hands... (Hislop A. Two Babylons. pp )

30 Wo! Did you get that?

31 There is the proof in the history books that Christianity has
pagan roots, and changed the observance of Pesach!

32 That is the kiss of death, and should be a big red flag for anyone who practices Sunday worship / mass, Carnival, Ash Wednesday, Lent, St. Patrick's Day, Easter / Ishtar, Immaculate Conception, and Christmas.

33 The observance of Pesach should never be changed
to fit the traditions of man and a man-made religion. Never Change!

34 We should not follow the
LORD's day, when it is clearly Ba'al's day, who is "the Lord." Not Follow!

35 Did you know that in many parts of the world tonight, Fat Tuesday
ends the Carnival that began on January 6th and ends tonight in the celebration called Mardis Gras?

36 Carnival is deeply rooted in paganistic rituals!
What about Carnival? Carnival is deeply rooted in paganistic rituals!

37 The observance of Lent is to remind those sowing their oats in Carnival to repent and come back to religious practice that is holy and pure!

38 Yet, this thought that religion can wipe away sin is garbage from the enemy of our souls, and this is not what is taught in Towrah teaching (not the law) that was passed to Moseh (Moses).

39 Summary Come out of Babylon, reject Carnival, Mardis Gras, Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Easter (Ishtar) and consider the terms and conditions of Yahowah's Covenant.

40 Conclusion Time to Reject
Ash Wednesday and Lent are pagan practices, and there is time to reject these pagan Christian / Babylonian systems started by Paulos. Time to Reject

41 Listen to more at Read more: Recite the DSS at

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