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Welcome Teachers! Jessica Bowman, USOE.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Teachers! Jessica Bowman, USOE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Teachers! Jessica Bowman, USOE

2 Get to know your team! Share one thing about your special education program that you are proud of. Share one thing you are excited to do this summer.

3 Session Outcomes You will be able to:
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Essential Elements, standards-based assessment tasks, and aligning lessons to academic standards.

4 Session Outcomes Answering questions with 85% accuracy.
You will be able to: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Essential Elements, standards-based assessment tasks, and aligning lessons to academic standards. How you will do this: Create a pacing guide, standards-based assessments, and lesson plans. We will know you have learned this by: Answering questions with 85% accuracy.

5 Teams Elementary ELA Elementary Math Middle ELA Middle Math High ELA
High Math

6 Curriculum Mapping Team ‘Training’
Why are we doing this? What will it look like?

7 Day 1 Teams will unpack the Essential Elements for their grade band Teams will identify skills to teach across grade band Teams will map out skills to teach for the school year Day 2 Teams will create common assessments Teams will create lesson plans that tie to their common assessments

8 Day 3, 4, and 5 Teams will meet throughout the school year to continue designing assessments, developing lesson plans and making changes to pacing guide.

9 What are the Essential Elements?
The Essential Elements are our alternate core standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Reduced depth, breadth, and complexity. Essential Elements

10 The Curriculum Mapping Process
Identify/unpack the standards Create pacing guide Create common assessments Create engaging lessons

11 Understanding the Essential Elements


13 Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium. (2013)
Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium. (2013). Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements for English language arts. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas

14 Understanding the Essential Elements
Claims Conceptual Areas

15 Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium. (2013)
Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium. (2013). DLM mathematics integrated assessment model blueprint. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas

16 Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium. (2013)
Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium. (2013). Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements for English language arts. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas

17 Understanding the Essential Elements
Claims Conceptual Areas Essential Elements




21 Learning Map

22 M-EE-6.5 Essential Element Grade 6 Standard 5 Math

23 Unpacking the standards
Highlight the verb and subject of each standard. Identify key vocabulary that might have to be taught for each standard (underline or write these out). Identify “power” standards for your grade level (circle these). What would you prioritize for your students? Use the Blueprint to put a star next to each standard that appears on the testing Blueprint. Identify learning targets (I can statements). Type these out for each grade level.

24 Essential Elements Document

25 Check for understanding!

26 Teams work on unpacking the Essential Elements*
Highlight the verb and subject of each standard. Identify key vocabulary that might have to be taught for each standard (underline or write these out). Identify “power” standards for your grade level (circle these). What would you prioritize for your students? Use the Blueprint to put a star next to each standard that appears on the testing Blueprint. Identify learning targets (I can statements). Type these out for each grade level. *take a 10 minute break during this time

27 The Curriculum Mapping Process
Identify/unpack the standards Create pacing guide Create common assessments Create engaging lessons

28 Essential Elements Document
DLM Testing Blueprint Essential Elements Document Pacing Guide Template

29 Essential Elements Document

30 Pacing Guide Template

31 DLM Testing Blueprint

32 Questions to consider What is important for you to have in a pacing guide? What isn’t important? What conceptual areas can be taught together? Which conceptual areas are difficult to embed into other learning? What makes sense for your students?

33 Lunch

34 Teams work on pacing guide

35 Reconvene with full grade band team to present pacing guides and receive feedback

36 Debrief with facilitator
What worked well in your teams today? What didn’t work as well?

37 Day 1 Teams will unpack the Essential Elements for their grade band Teams will identify skills to teach across grade band Teams will map out skills to teach for the school year Day 2 Teams will create common assessments Teams will create lesson plans that tie to their common assessments

38 The Curriculum Mapping Process
Identify/unpack the standards Create pacing guide Create common assessments Create engaging lessons

39 Clearly tie every single question to a learning target/linkage level.

40 Maintain the rigor of the standard.

41 Maintain the rigor of the standard.

42 Make each assessment quick and easy.

43 Universal Design for Learning
WHAT: Representation HOW: Expression WHY: Engagement

44 Sample Assessment Elementary Claim 2.1 (Geometry)

45 Sample Assessment Elementary Claim 2.1 for K-3

46 Sample Assessment Elementary Claim 2.1 for Grade 4

47 Sample Assessment Elementary Claim 2.1 for Grade 5

48 Sample Assessment Secondary Claim 3.2

49 Sample Assessment Secondary Claim 3.2

50 Sample Assessment Secondary Claim 3.2

51 Sample Assessment Secondary Claim 3.2

52 Check for understanding!

53 Teams work on creating common assessments

54 The Curriculum Mapping Process
Identify/unpack the standards Create pacing guide Create common assessments Create engaging lessons

55 Create engaging lessons
Apply Universal Design for Learning for ALL students Facilitate student-directed learning Use assistive technology and peer supports Use systematic instruction Apply research to practice Train to generalize Jimenez, B., Courtade, G., & Browder, D. (2013). Six successful strategies for teaching common core state standards to students with moderate and severe disabilities. Attainment Company, Inc. Verona, WI.

56 Universal Design for Learning
WHAT: Representation HOW: Expression WHY: Engagement

57 Facilitate student-directed learning
“…the best way to individualize academic standards that are aligned to the general curriculum is to develop programs that accomplish two things: they are aligned to the standards, and are personally relevant to the student.” (Jimenez, Courtade, & Browder, 2013)

58 Systematic instruction
Observable skill Discrete Time delay Reinforcement Chained Task analysis Systematic prompting with feedback Simultaneous prompting -

59 Systematic Instruction - Prompting
Simultaneous prompting Least to most intrusive prompting Verbal prompt Gesture prompt Visual model prompt Model prompt Physical prompt

60 Apply research to practice
Teaching ELA standards Teaching math standards

61 Strategy 1: Shared Reading
Read aloud text Vocabulary Comprehension Questions Application (e.g. writing) ELA Lesson Strategy 1: Shared Reading Hudson, M.E., & Test, D. W. (2011). Evaluating the evidence base for using shared story reading to promote literacy for students with extensive support needs. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 36, Browder, D.M., Trela, K., & Jimenez, B. (2007). Training teachers to follow a task analysis to engage middle school students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities in grade-appropriate literature. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 22, Mims, P.J., Hudson, M.E., & Browder, D.M. (2012). Using read-alouds of grade-level biographies and systematic prompting to promote comprehension for students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 27,


63 Strategy 2: Use task analysis and graphic organizers in MATH
Read aloud math story Manipula-tives Graphic Organizer Task Analysis Math Lesson Browder, D.M., Trela, K., Courtade, G.R., Jimenez, B.A., Knight, V., & Flowers, C. (2012). Teaching mathematics and science standards to students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 46,


65 Teams work on creating engaging lessons

66 Sharing Tool

67 Thank you! Jessica Bowman

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