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Heaven: Living with Eternity in Mind

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Presentation on theme: "Heaven: Living with Eternity in Mind"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heaven: Living with Eternity in Mind
Lesson #8 Two Destinies Two Vivid Pictures

2 Answers from the Question Box

3 What ever Happened to Heaven?

4 Wings, Harps and Halos We do not hope for what we do not desire


6 Do We Desire Heaven?

7 All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love | John Eldredge

8 Great White Throne Judgment



11 Great White Throne Judgement

12 Great White Throne Judgment
The second judgment involves unbelievers—those who lived independently of the Lord. It takes place after the rapture, judgment seat of Christ, tribulation, millennial reign of Christ, and the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 20:4-11). It evaluates the deeds of those who never accepted Jesus’ offer of a new life in Him. Read Revelation 20: In verse 11, the throne is called “great” because it is important or elevated (Isa. 6:1). Its whiteness might symbolize righteousness and/or indicate that it is splendid or shining.


14 What does Revelation mean by “earth and heaven fled away” (v. 11)
What does Revelation mean by “earth and heaven fled away” (v. 11)? This figurative language conveys that when Jesus appears to judge the world, all mankind will see the awesomeness of the Lord. Everything else will appear to fade away in contrast. In what two ways are the lost evaluated (Rev. 20:13, 15)?

15 Notice how similar the apostle John’s description is to the judgment in Daniel 7:9-10.
This scene, which is reminiscent of a human courtroom, is composed of a judge, the accused, and a written document listing the transgressions of those waiting to be judged (Rev. 20:12).


17 Throughout history, the deeds of billions have been recorded in heaven
Throughout history, the deeds of billions have been recorded in heaven. What does that fact indicate about the awesomeness of our God? What words indicate that all strata of society will stand before this throne (v.12)? At the time of this revelation, Christians were cruelly persecuted for their faith. What purpose(s) might John have had for describing the punishment of non-believers?

18 The “first death” describes separation of the soul from the body until judgment. At the second death, from whom are the lost separated (v. 14)? The lake of fire is the place of eternal punishment commonly known as hell. What is the only way that people escape it (v. 15)? How can a person make sure that his or her name is recorded in the book of life (John 3:36)?

19 Closing:  God’s Word clearly teaches that all people—whether saved or not—will stand before Jesus one day to be judged. Believers will answer for their deeds at the judgment seat of Christ, and the lost will face Him at the great white throne. Wise men and women will prepare for Jesus’ judgment by living in light of eternity.


21 Recommended Reading Whatever Happened to Heaven? by John Blanchard
Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven by David Jeremiah


23 Start an ongoing discussion about Heaven with your family and friends by doing the following....
1. How can you use what John Eldredge said to share the hope of heaven with a friend or loved one? 2. How does the final judgment affect how we view life? 3. What are some questions you have because of this lesson? 4. Start a prayer list of people concerning their eternal salvation.

24 What are the judgments in heaven?
What will life be like in the New Heaven and the New Earth? What are the rewards and crowns in Heaven?

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