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The English Reformation

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1 The English Reformation
#popewho? Henry VIII The English Reformation #popewho?

2 How did the English Reformation begin?
The English Reformation occurred more because of political reasons than religious reasons.

3 How did the English Reformation begin?
Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon. After 20 years of marriage, they never had a son – only a daughter, Mary. Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and remarry Anne Boleyn (he thought Catherine was the problem!)

4 How did the English Reformation begin?
The Pope refused to annul Henry’s marriage because Catherine’s nephew, Charles V, was the Holy Roman Emperor. So, Henry decided to take matters into his own hands …

5 The Church of England Henry VIII, with the approval of Parliament, created the Church of England or the Anglican Church. He made himself the head of the church and was now free to marry Anne Boleyn.

6 The Anglican Church under Henry VIII
Sold church lands and possessions to the wealthy and gained more supporters Stuck closely to Catholic doctrines

7 I am Henry the VIII, I am … “ Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived”  the 6 wives of Henry VIII (Henry VIII song) Henry married 6 times, and only had one son, Edward. His daughters, Mary and Elizabeth would both rule as queens.

8 The Church under Henry’s Daughters

9 “Bloody Mary” Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, became queen after the death of Edward VI (who died young). She wanted to restore England to Catholicism and had over 300 protestants burned at the stake as heretics.

10 Elizabeth I Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
Replaced Mary as Queen of England. Restored stability to England Established Church of England with mixture of Protestant and Catholic practices.

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