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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday!  HOMEWORK: READ AND TAKE NOTES"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday!  HOMEWORK: READ 231-259 AND TAKE NOTES
What comes to mind when you hear the Star Wars theme song? Define learning HOMEWORK: READ AND TAKE NOTES

2 Happy Thursday  *Please have your sleep study out for me to collect! 1. Identify the NS, UCS, CS, UCR, and CR in the following AND tell which type of conditioning is taking place(classical/operant). At a Cavs game, every time Lebron scores, the person behind you blasts an air horn near your ears causing you to wince. Unfortunately for you, Lebron scores frequently. As the end of the game nears, Lebron hits a three pointer and even though the inconsiderate fan behind you has left, you still wince.

3 At a Cavs game, every time Lebron scores, the person behind
you blasts an air horn near your ears causing you to wince. Unfortunately for you, Lebron scores frequently. As the end of the game nears, Lebron hits a three pointer and even though the inconsiderate fan behind you has left, you still wince.

4 Today/Monday/Break Today- Classical AND Operant Conditioning (you should have read and be familiar with the terms or today will be a struggle for you) Monday- Observational Learning. Read pages (Reading check when we return? MAYBE!) Break- There will be an extra credit assignment on my website if you wish to complete. You may complete up to 3 with each being worth +5 points (max out at 15 points extra credit). We will start Unit 7 (Cognition) when we return and your next test will cover Unit 6 and Unit 7!

5 Operant Conditioning in your life!

6 Classical Conditioning Group Creation!
Neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, generalization, discrimination Be sure you include them but do not identify them How yours should look (example) Originally, the sound of the refrigerator producing water had no effect on my dog (Shelby). Whenever I presented her with an ice cube, Shelby would run over and beg. I then began giving her an ice cube every time I got water. She would hear the noise and come running over, expecting and begging for the ice cube. When I ran the water from the faucet, she associated that as the same noise and would come over, expecting the ice cube. I made sure to not provide her an ice cube to help her be able to understand the difference between the two. She no longer comes running over when I run water from the sink.

7 Classical Conditioning Gallery Walk!
Work through the 7 other examples recording the following on a half sheet of paper! I will be collecting these for a participation grade  NS- UCS(US)- UCR(UR)- CS- CR- As soon as you finish turn in to me and then work on your Operant Conditioning worksheet. These are due next class!

8 Learning Process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors *66 days Habituates- organisms decreasing response to a stimulus We learn through ASSOCIATIONS Associative Learning- learning that certain events occur together

9 Classical Conditioning IVAN PAVLOV
Person or animal Learning procedure when associations are made between a neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus Behaviorist theory Study only behaviors that can be observed and measured STIMULUS- RESPONSE

10 Unconditioned stimulus
Causes a certain predictable response without previous training The food

11 Unconditioned response
Organisms natural response to a stimulus Original salivation

12 Neutral stimulus Stimulus that does NOT initially cause any type of unconditioned response The Bell

13 Conditioned stimulus Originally neutral event that causes a given response after a period of training being paired with an unconditioned stimulus The bell NS becomes CS!!!!

14 Conditioned response LEARNED reaction to a conditioned stimuli Salivation to the bell

15 The Office Example

16 BIG PICTURE! Conditioning helps an animal survive and reproduce by responding to cues that help it gain food, avoid dangers, locate mates, and produce offspring.

17 Acquisition Initial stage of learning Questions to consider- How much time should elapse between presenting the NS and US? What happens if the US appeared before the NS?

18 Higher-order Conditioning
Procedure in which the conditioning stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a new neutral stimulus creating a second (weaker) conditioned response

19 Extinction Diminishing of a conditioned response Occurs when an unconditioned stimulus does not follow a conditioned stimulus

20 Spontaneous Recovery Reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response

21 Generalization Tendency once a response has been conditioned for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses

22 Discrimination Learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus Adaptive ability

23 Little Albert John B. Watson

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