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DCN: Title: Liaison Report for Date Submitted: September 18, 2013 Contributed to IEEE on September18, 2013 Authors or Source(s):   Clint Chaplin, Liaison (Samsung) Abstract: This document is the liaison report on

2 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements
This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as stated in Section 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board bylaws < and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development

3 802.11 Groups 802.11ac – Very High Throughput <6GHz 802.11af – TVWS
Successor to n at frequencies less than 6GHz 802.11af – TVWS TV White Space 802.11ah – Sub-1GHz Sub-1GHz Operation 802.11ai – Fast Link Setup Speed up initial link setup 802.11aj – CMMW Chinese Millimeter Wave 802.11ak – General Link Enhancements For Transit Links Within Bridged Networks 802.11aq – Pre-Association Discovery Pre-Association Discovery 802.11mc – New Maintenance group (compilation of all approved amendments) Working towards

4 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0483r0 September 2013 IEEE Standards Pipeline MAC GLK 802.11AK PAD 802.11AQ 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11ai FILS 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames WNG HEW ah 802.11af TVWS 802.11aj 802.11ac VHT 5GHz 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz PHY Discussion Topics Study groups Published Amendment Published Standard TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot Sponsor Ballot Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Slide 4 Page 4 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

5 802.11 TGac Very High Throughput <6GHz
First Recirculation Sponsor Ballot on draft 6.0 closed August 8, Results 167/6/ % Received 45 comments Working on addressing the comments Osama Aboul-Magd

6 TGaf TV White Space Fourth Recirculation WG Ballot LB197 on draft 5.0 closed August 1, Results 228/3/ % Received 0 comments Initial Sponsor Ballot on draft 5.0 closed September 11, Results 143/5/ % Received 143 comments All comments have been addressed Recirculation starts soon Rich Kennedy 6

7 TGah Less than 1GHz Working on resolving the comments from the WG 20 day call for comments that ended before July Call for Comments on Draft 0.1 received 988 comments Still addressing comments Many comments are being withdrawn, in order to speed the process to first letter ballot after this meeting Dave Halasz 7

8 802.11 TGai Fast Initial Authentication
First Initial WG Ballot LB198 on draft 1.0 closed September 12, Results 147/51/ % Failed Received 1389 comments Working to resolve comments Hiroshi Mano 8

9 802.11 TGaj China MM-Wave List of Proposals has been responded
1 Completed Proposal and 12 New Technique Proposals 3 New Technique Proposals being presented in Sept session 1 Complete proposal and 8 New Technique Proposals to be presented in November session 1 New Technique Proposal to be presented in January 2014 session Two new technique proposals have been presented and one new technique proposal has been withdrawn Consideration of PHY design for 1.08GHz channel – 11-13/1109r0 Beam codebook design scheme /1110r0 Two other contributions PCP selection considering supported channels capability – 11-13/1183r0 Back-haul usage model /177r4 Xiaoming PENG 9

10 802.11 TGak General Link Accomplishments
Received, discuss, and in some cases edited: 13/0995r1, “802.1AS Synchronization Services for ak Links”, Philippe Klein (Broadcom), Dave Goodall (Broadcom), Kevin Stanton (Intel) 13/0952r2 / 13/1055r0 / 13/1055r1 / 13/1210r0, “Tag Stacking In LLC Media”, Norman Finn (Cisco), (Donald Eastlake (Huawei)) 13/1171r0, “Suggested text for P802.1AC-REV Clause 12”, Norm Finn (Cisco) 11-13/1210r0 / 11-13/1216r0 , “Tag Solution Proposal 2”, Mark Hamilton (Spectralink) Met jointly with ARC Tuesday morning. The minutes of this TGak meeting will be in 11-13/916 and an annotated agenda is in 11-13/0953r6. Donald Eastlake 10

11 802.11 TGaq Pre-Association Discovery
Initial technical presentations r0 Protocol Architecture of aq r0 PAD for Soft AP r1 Two step service discovery for Tgaq r1 TGaq option for service discovery mode r1 Transaction Protocol Updated documents r3 Draft terminology r0 Open Issues r1 Specification Framework Document Plans for November 2013 Initial normative text for draft Continued technical presentations Stephen McCann 11

12 802.11 TGmc 802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes
Completed processing comments received in LB Initial Letter Ballot 801 comments (713 LB, 88 remaining 2012 Call for comments) Approved motion for recirculation LB on D2.0 (estimated open by Oct 4) Completed resolution of ISO comments on IEEE Std See Request addition of P802.11REVmcD2.0 to IEEE store (pending successful recirculation ballot) Dorothy Stanley 12

13 802.11 High Efficiency Wireless (HEW) SG
Close to 50 submissions were covered during this meeting in areas related to: Evaluation Methodologies, Simulation Scenarios, and Channel Models MAC/PHY Technologies Discussions related to possible progress on the PAR A number of straw polls were conducted to sense the group consensus on topics related to simulation scenarios, evaluation methodology and channel models. The SG agenda is available at: Osama Aboul-Magd

14 802.11 WNG Wireless Next Generation SC
One presentation at September 2013 meeting Dynamic Sensitivity Control Improvement to area throughput ( wng-dynamic-sensitivity-control.pptx) – Graham Smith Clint Chaplin 14

IEEE 802 has 10 standards in process of ratification by ISO/IEC under PSDO JTC1 SC reviewed the status of various potential security projects in SC6 JTC1 SC reviewed status of security discussions with Swiss NB JTC1 SC reviewed the status of various potential WLAN projects in SC6 JTC1 SC held a session on EUHT Andrew Myles

16 Regulatory SC Discussed regulatory summaries for US, Canada and the EU
Discussed FCC proceedings and 13-84 Opening the 5 GHz bands RF Exposure DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team discussion (lively) One proposal received so far Will update FCC on joint Automotive/Wi-Fi industry interference mitigation development in December Rich Kennedy

17 Architecture SC Opened call for volunteers for Vice Chair position
IETF/802 coordination update 802 Overview and Architecture – James Gilb (Editor) With 802 O&A Editor, reviewed updated draft and confirmed resolutions were correct Identified that mesh is not discussed, proposed text to add Brief update on TGak (General Links) and 802.1Qbz bridging discussions Type/Length versus LLC payload formats OmniRAN – Michael Montemurro No work for expected IEEE 1588 mapping to In Architecture group within IEEE 1588 Work not started yet, expected to be in a few months Architecture of APs/DS/Portals, and concepts No submissions/discussion this week. 802.1AC revision Quick skim of proposed changes to subclause (12.2). Needs in-depth review by architecture members. Questioning where ’s “convergence function” should be in document, or in Mark Hamilton 17

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