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Maths At CVIS 2017/18  .

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Presentation on theme: "Maths At CVIS 2017/18  ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths At CVIS 2017/18

2 Maths What does Maths mean to you? When do we use it?

3 What Maths Means To Us! At Churchdown Village Infant School we teach Maths so that every child will have confidence and a secure understanding of mathematics. We believe that this enables a solid base which will develop into life long skills.

4 How We Teach For Progression
We teach the children: to recognise numbers and know their value money calculation mathematical language shape, space and measure

5 We teach the children 4 Basic Operations
Reception – Year 2 We teach the children 4 Basic Operations Add Subtract Multiply Divide All 4 operations are taught mainly through exploration e.g. playing games, posing practical problems based on real life situations.

6 Through: play based activities : oral counting action rhymes & songs
stories ICT games Exploration 6

7 Mathematical Language
We believe that one way to break down barriers which prevent learning in maths is to focus on mathematical language whilst also teaching the basic skills. NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics)

8 Ready To Record In Reception Number Formation Rhymes
Numbers 0-9

9 Using Pictures (Reception and Beyond)

10 Recording in Y1 & Y2

11 What does this sign mean to you?


13 Can you do these? If Tom has 9 marbles and Jake has 6. How many marbles do they have altogether? I buy a cake for 8p and a bar of chocolate for 9p. How much money do I spend? There are 2 groups of Year 2 children and 6 children in each. What is the total number of children?

14 Practical Resources How many different calculations can you do with this domino?

15 Using Games & Problem Solving
What comes next? Add? Subtract? How many altogether? Multiply? Divide

16 Stories and Symbols to Record (YR-Y2)
9 people on the bus, 4 more get on at the next stop. How many people on the bus now? xxxxxxxxx+xxxx=1xxx (13) 16

17 Adding a single digit number to a double digit number using Number Stories Using Simple Number Lines or Hundred Squares 18 children have hot lunches and 5 children have lunch boxes. How many children are there altogether? 18+5=

18 Y1 & Y2 Number lines If there are 25 cars in a car park and 12 more cars drive in how many cars will be in the car park? = Helps to understand crossing the tens barrier. Shows relative position of numbers. Reinforces place value.

19 Year 2 Bridging the Tens Number line 16p+ 68p= 68p+16p= 84p 68p 78p
I save 16p and dad gives me 68p more for doing jobs. How much will I have now? 16p+ 68p= 68p+16p= +10p +6p 84p 68p p Helps to understand crossing the tens barrier. Shows relative position of numbers. Reinforces place value.

20 Partitioning to Double
Y1 & Y2 Partitioning to Double What is double 12? 12+12= = 20 2 + 2 = 4 20 +4 =24 Again place value is reinforced and numbers are manageable and hopefully children can estimate easier.

21 Bridging the Ten by Partitioning
There are 2 shelves on my book case. 45 books on the top shelf and 46 books on the bottom one. How many books are on my book case? 45+46= = 80 5 + 6 = 11 =91 Again place value is reinforced and numbers are manageable and hopefully children can estimate easier.

22 Using Pictures and Symbols
End of Y2 Using Pictures and Symbols = =200 20+10=3 2+3=5 =235 Begin to use a more formal method whilst still showing relative values of the digits they are adding up. Neatness columns needed to 22

23 What does this sign mean to you?


25 Now Try These If there are 24 children in the class and 7 have a hot lunch, how many children are having sandwiches? In a swimming relay, I swim 7 metres. If the pool is 19 metres long how far does my team mate have to swim to reach the end?

26 Using Pictures (Reception & Beyond)
I have 5 cakes and I eat 2. How many cakes do I have left? Simple recording =3

27 Number line – Subtraction by taking away/Difference
Y1-Y2 Number line – Subtraction by taking away/Difference Start with the biggest number and count back = -1 14 15 Again using a number line but this time it’s counting backwards from the largest number taking away in chunks of tens and units.

28 Number line – Subtraction by taking away/Difference
Y1-Y2 Number line – Subtraction by taking away/Difference Start with the biggest number and count back = -10 -9 15 34 24 Again using a number line but this time it’s counting backwards from the largest number taking away in chunks of tens and units.

29 For finding the difference or for giving change
Y2 Number line – subtraction by counting on For finding the difference or for giving change I buy a toy for 23p and give the shop keeper a 50p coin . How much change will I have? 50p-23p= +7p p 23p 30p p Again the use of a number line is used lower down the school. This emphasises that subtraction is also the difference between two numbers. Shows their relative values. Can be a little confusing as adding on in a subtraction question. Start with 23p and add on

30 Number line – subtraction by counting on
Larger numbers in Y2 Number line – subtraction by counting on = 52 +40 +1 +10 +1 Again the use of a number line is used lower down the school. This emphasises that subtraction is also the difference between two numbers. Shows their relative values. Can be a little confusing as adding on in a subtraction question. 30

31 Subtraction using Partitioning
Y2 Subtraction using Partitioning If there are 41 sweets in a jar and I eat 13. How many sweets are left in the jar? 41 –13= 41 – 10 = 31 31 – 3 = 28 Always put biggest number first Do not change units! Partitioning is the next stage but the children must be careful to only partition the number being subtracted.

32 Bar method

33 Gill Western CVIS 33

34 Remember to Multiply 5 children sit in groups of 4.
How many children are there? Alex buys 5 packets of stickers. There are 5 stickers in each packet. How many stickers does Alex have altogether? 34

35 Doubling 2 lots of 3=6 2x3=6 35

36 YR-Y2 Using Objects and Symbols
4 x 3 = 12 36

37 Y1-Y2 Repeated Addition 37

38 Simple Arrays 3 x 5 = 15 38

39 Arrays and Partitioning
4x13 4x10= 40 4 x 3 = 12 40+12=52 Looking at multiplication as groups of. Here there are 13 groups of 4. Helps to visualise what is taking place. Can partition numbers as well to make it easier. Some children are visual learners and especially lower down the school need to see to help with their understanding. 39

40 Gill Western CVIS 40

41 Remember to Divide There are 20 sweets in my bag and I have to share them equally with my sister! How many will we have each? Noah invites Max and Harry to play. He has 15 cars and he has to share them equally. How can he do this? How many cars will Noah have? How many cars will Harry and Max have? Is it fair? 41

42 Reception Using Pictures one for you & one for me
6 cakes shared between 2 = 3 6 ÷ 2 =3 42

43 Using Symbols to divide or finding a quarter
20 ÷ 4 = 5 43

44 (Repeated subtraction for division)
Y1&Y2 Number lines (Repeated subtraction for division) 30  5 = 6 To begin with division it is good for the children to understand link with multiplication but here its using repeated addition on a number line which the children can use to visualise. They may wish to use the arrays as we had with the multiplication and actually draw out the problem. This works for smaller numbers but when you’re sharing 150 then its an awful lot to draw and lots more to go wrong potentially! 44

45 Number lines (Repeated addition for division)
Y2 Number lines (Repeated addition for division) 30  5 = 6 To begin with division it is good for the children to understand link with multiplication but here its using repeated addition on a number line which the children can use to visualise. They may wish to use the arrays as we had with the multiplication and actually draw out the problem. This works for smaller numbers but when you’re sharing 150 then its an awful lot to draw and lots more to go wrong potentially! 45

46 Thank You Any Questions?

47 Please fill in your evaluation form and have a look at some of the resources we use throughout the school

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