Rome – Ruler of the Ancient World “Civilis Romanus Sum”

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1 Rome – Ruler of the Ancient World “Civilis Romanus Sum”
by: Mr. Ian Christian P. Cosido

2 Roman Empire: Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) Tiberius – plots and violence became common Caligula – cruel and insane Claudius – made Britain part of the empire Nero – responsible for burning Rome

3 Roman Empire: Flavian Emperors
Vespasian – financial reforms, infrastructures like Colosseum Titus – destroyed Jerusalem, Mt. Vesuvius eruption Domitian – strengthened economy

4 Roman Empire: The Five Good Emperors
Nerva – used the adoptive system Trajan – brought Mesopotamia, north of Danube and east of Black Sea under Rome, aid for poor and tax reforms Hadrian – built the Hadrian wall Antoninus Pius - skilled administrator and builder Marcus Aurelius – “philosopher king”

5 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
by: Mr. Ian Christian P. Cosido

6 Decline of Roman Empire: Causes
Lack of able and dedicated rulers Decline of cities in the West High taxes War and Unrest (like barbarian invasion led by Attila, Vandals) Buying power of money dropped Widespread immorality


8 Decline of Roman Empire: Strong Rulers
Diocletian – appointed loyal generals as co-rulers in Western regions Constantine – gave Christianity an equal rank with other religions, built Constantinople (now known as Istanbul)

9 Fall of Rome Rome was attacked by the barbarians.
Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Huns, Franks, Jutes, Angles attacked the Roman Empire.

10 Fall of Rome Rome was attacked by Vandals Odoacer replaced Romulus Augustulus, thus ending ceasing the Roman Empire to exist

11 Contributions of the Roman Empire
by: Mr. Ian Christian P. Cosido

12 Roman Contributions Government and Law Separation of Powers Law of the Nation Civil Laws (foundation of the modern legal system) Republicanism Veto Power

13 Roman Contributions Art and Literature Virgil – wrote Aeneid (story about Aeneas, a Trojan, who went to Italy and became the ancestor of the Romans) Horace – criticized human greed Ovid – retold Greek and Roman myths in Meramorphoses Latin Language utilized realism in painting Cicero – Prince of Roman orators

14 Roman Contributions Architecture Pantheon

15 Roman Contributions Architecture Colosseum

16 Roman Contributions Architecture aqueducts public baths arches roads

17 Roman Contributions Science, Mathematics and Engineering Ptolemy – proposed the geocentric theory Galen – wrote a medical encyclopedia set up first medical schools and public health services introduced the Roman Numeral

18 Roman Contributions Other contributions developed Julian Calendar (365 days with additional one day every four years) use of ante meridiem (A.M.) and post meridiem (P.M.) History – Livy, Tacitus and Pliny the Elder

19 Roman Contributions

20 Rome – Ruler of the Ancient World “Civilis Romanus Sum”
by: Mr. Ian Christian P. Cosido

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