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LO: to find out how the Third 5YP caused tension within the Party

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1 LO: to find out how the Third 5YP caused tension within the Party
Economic Reform 1962 – 65 CHANGE OF POLICY FOR THE 3 5YP IN 1962 By 1961, Mao is more sidelined and the 3rd 5yp brings economic strength to China and undoes a lot of the bad ideas of the GLF --> Big Msg - Mao is sidelined and NOT HAPPY --> LONG TERM CAUSES OF CULTURAL REVOLUTION (Next topic) LO: to find out how the Third 5YP caused tension within the Party

2 After the failure of the GLF:
Liu was President Mao was increasingly side-lined At the ‘Conference of the 7000’ in 1962, Liu criticised Mao and Mao made a self-criticism Use your textbook p. 213 to complete the tasks on the worksheet. Worksheet political consequences for Mao Early on in GLF, Peng tries to criticise Mao – gets purged OBV But later on, Liu (president) criticises Mao and doesn’t get purged – a sign of his power failing? Third 5 year plan is essentially sensible: restore private farming, allow peasants to sell the extra they produce -> increases efficiency& economy goes up. Liu Criticises Mao and he don’t like it but he accepts it. After the failure of the GLF:

3 Capitalist Road V Socialist Road
Copy this down: Revisionism A term of criticism used by Mao to describe a course of action that he felt betrayed communist principles. The background…a term used by Marx to describe Socialists who modified or ‘revised’ his theories. The worst form of criticism, Marx believed, was the argument that socialism could be achieved by peaceful, non-revolutionary means. Mao often used this as a term of criticism to describe opposition to his policies. He also used this term to describe Khrushchev. This is Mao’s new criticism – being a ‘revisionist’ was like being a ‘rightist’ or a ‘capitalist roader’ – but now this is aimed at people who wanted to slow down Communism and not have the struggle to get there that Mao likes. Key term for the cultural revolution. He first uses this against Liu in 1962 at the Conference of the 7000 but has little impact. Capitalist Road V Socialist Road

4 Capitalist Road V Socialist Road
A clear difference of views was becoming apparent in the party. Summer 1962, Mao returns to politics and attacks the capitalist road. BUT… while they outwardly agree with him, they do nothing to change the situation. On the left On the right Mao Ideological Continuing revolution should be the key Without mass-mobilisation there was the danger of a new bourgeoisie emerging inside the party and destroying the gains of the revolution. Liu, Deng and Chen Pragmatic Ideological concessions necessary to restore economy Mass –mobilisation was no substitute for expertise and planning Private trade = justified if it motivated people to work harder So this shows that Mao is like a figure head now – or as he put it, an ancestor, while they show respect to him he is no longer that important in the day to day decisions Capitalist Road V Socialist Road

5 ‘They treat me like a dead ancestor’
Mao leaves Beijing and goes to Shanghai in From there he plots his revenge… And that is the cultural revolution Mao on the sidelines…?

6 How do you think Mao would feel in 1962?

7 Use your notes to complete the Mao-meter
Maometer exercise Use your notes to complete the Mao-meter The photo at the top of the Maometer is of Mao swimming the Yangtse (Jul 1966 at the start of the C Rev) with people following him. Probably worth telling them on Friday as just looks like a series of disembodied heads…

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