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Grades for Assignment 1.

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1 Grades for Assignment 1

2 Linear (Airy) Wave Theory
Mathematical relationships to describe wave movement in deep, intermediate, and shallow (?) water We’ll obtain expressions for the movement of water particles under passing waves - important to considerations of sediment transport --> coastal geomorphology. Works v. well, but only applicable when L >> H Originates from Navier Stokes --> Euler Equations Solution is eta relationship - write eqn. and draw on blackboard - show dependence on x,t Wave Number: k = 2/L Radian Frequency:  = 2/T

3 Water Surface Displacement Equation
What is the wave height? What is the wave period?

4 Dispersion Equation Door Number 1 = Relationship for wavelength
Fundamental relationship in Airy Theory - put eqns. 5-8, 5-9 on blackboard These are tough to solve, as L is on both sides of equality and contained within hyperbolic trigonometric function. Compilation of Airy Equations - Table 5-2, p. 163 in Komar Door Number 1 = Relationship for wavelength Door Number 2 = Relationship for celerity

5 Effect of the Hyperbolic Trig Functions on Wave Celerity
What’s the relationship for celerity in deep water? What’s the relationship for celerity in shallow water?

6 So the celerity illustrated is…
General Expression: SWS, only depth dependent DWS, T=16 s Gen’l Soln., T=16 s DWS, T=14 s Gen’l Soln., T=14 s Deep-water expression: DWS, T=12 s Gen’l Soln., T=12 s DWS, T=10 s Gen’l Soln., T=10 s DWS, T=8 s Gen’l Soln., T=8 s Shallow-water expression:

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