Yulia Mikhaylova Chair Expert Group on Primary Healthcare

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Presentation on theme: "Yulia Mikhaylova Chair Expert Group on Primary Healthcare"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yulia Mikhaylova Chair Expert Group on Primary Healthcare
Progress in the implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and further steps Yulia Mikhaylova Chair Expert Group on Primary Healthcare

2 Points of the NDPHS Work Plan for and which are within the remit of the Primary Health Care Expert Group Higher awareness among national health policy-makers of the increasing prevalence of multimorbidity in the elderly population and of an effective policy response Better understanding and commitment of national policy-makers to strengthening the role of patients and their families in the implementation of integrated care plans Strengthened and more visible role of health and social well-being on the regional agenda in the Northern Dimension area Strengthened support and involvement of other stakeholders in the NDPHS- facilitated activities

3 Discussion of the PHC EG Work Plan for implementation on the на 1st Meeting of the PHC EG, June 10, 2016, Moscow, Russia Approval of the PHC EG Terms of Reference Achievements of the countries-members of PHC EG and experience exchange on strengthening the role of patients and their families in the implementation of integrated care plans Discussion of the PHC EG Work Plan for implementation Russian experience of the implementation of people-centered, integrated care for patients with multi-morbidity was present to the PHC EG members (in Polyclinic №180, Moscow) Interworking groups cooperation

4 PHC EG Work Plan for 2016 implementation
Activities to achieve the expected results, which are within the remit of the Expert Group Two projects Interaction: 1 – Russian project «Assessment and development of recommendations on improvement of outpatient medical and social care to patients with concomitant chronic non-communicable diseases in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation in cooperation with other countries within the "Northern Dimension Partnership" in the field of public health and social welfare» 2 -Flagship Project on preventable hospitalizations Discussion of the Draft template to assemble information from partners (PHC EG country members) in NDPHS on indicators to describe and analyze primary health care

5 PHC EG Work Plan for 2016 implementation
Activities to achieve the horizontal results laid down in the NDPHS Action Plan Interworking groups cooperation - Participation of the NCD EG , HIV, TB&AI EG, ASA EG Members on the 1st PHC EG meeting Preparation for participation in the Conference EFPC - European Forum PHC (September 2016 Riga, Latvia) Preparation for participation in the 7th Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (8-9 November 2016, Stockholm, Sweden) Preparation of the Conference "Organizational Technologies in Public Health and Health" ( October 2016, FRIHOI, Moscow, Russia)

6 Further steps on the NDPHS Action Plan implementation
Russian project results analysis and presentation at the next PHC EG Meeting on the October 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden   Development and use of a questionnaire for the analysis of national policies and good practices to strengthen the role of patients and their families in the country - members of the EG   Expanded use of the Expert Group pages on the Partnership's website for the information and experience exchanging

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