D1.HFO.CL2.11 Slide 1. 1.Obtain information about in-house services Slide 2.

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Presentation on theme: "D1.HFO.CL2.11 Slide 1. 1.Obtain information about in-house services Slide 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 D1.HFO.CL2.11 Slide 1

2 1.Obtain information about in-house services Slide 2

3 Identify sources of information regarding in house services The range of information includes: Product Knowledge Hotel Services Local attractions Safety and security information Slide 3

4 Identify information about in house services Guests receive information from: Porters or Concierge Front Office reception staff Guest Services desk Room service Housekeeping Butler service Slide 4

5 Case study Mia and Lee are arriving at an island hotel resort with their 8 month old baby They want to have a day trip to a local historical site and have dinner in the hotels restaurant What information do they need? Slide 5

6 Prepare a database of information in relation to in-house services Paper based system: An in-room compendium Printed in-house information for staff reference Instruction documents, How to Printed material provided by external businesses Slide 6

7 Prepare a database of information in relation to in-house services Electronic data bases: Links to Internet Access via guests phone or laptop In-house data in spreadsheets Slide 7

8 Class exercise Design a hotel of your own in a power point presentation Use the internet to gather pictorial data for your display Describe all the in-house facilities you have chosen to have in your hotel Each student presents and describes these facilities to sell to the class Slide 8

9 2.Share generic information about in house services Slide 9

10 Provide verbal information to guests and others Verbal information The elements of speech: Pitch or tone Loudness Intensity – projection of voice Pausing Speed (continued) Slide 10

11 Provide verbal information to guests and others Staff most likely to interact with guests face to face Concierge & porters Front Office Also Housekeeping and room service Familiarization tours Slide 11

12 Provide printed information to guests Printed information in Hotel rooms: Compendia: Includes hotels services and details Instructions on how to use equipment Tourist information Slide 12

13 Provide printed information to guests Printed information: How to information with equipment such as how to set the alarm clock Laundry slips and room service menus Government information on weather or safety warnings Slide 13

14 Provide electronic information to guests Electronic information can be accessed via: TV screen Venue Intranet via guests laptop or in-house desktop Use of Mobile phone or tablet PC Social networking sites Facsimile Machines [fax] (continued) Slide 14

15 Provide electronic information to guests Electronic Noticeboard SMS Text message Touch screen telephone Slide 15

16 3.Respond to specific requests for information about in-house services Slide 16

17 Assess request for information Use of appropriate interpersonal skills: Polite Courteous Friendly manner What to do if the answer is difficult Keeping records Slide 17

18 Prepare a response to a specific request Guests may request anything. Some requests are difficult to meet: Information outsourced Requests of a sensitive nature Slide 18

19 Provide the required information Providing information: Answer all questions Use of personal experience Selling Techniques Finalize bookings Disseminate information Slide 19

20 Provide hard copy details of the response Hard copy response sheets allow guests a record of the arrangements: Print out information: Maps Booking details Price lists Menus Slide 20

21 Role Play Student to work in pairs one each side of a desk One student is the customer One student is the staff member Guest is to ask the staff member about a hotel facility Staff member is to respond – trying to sell the facility Swap roles and repeat Slide 21

22 4.Update information about in- house services Slide 22

23 Identify and use opportunities to update in-house information Hotels and Resorts continually update information: To avoid incorrect information As a marketing tool to promote currency To meet regulations and as a result of government instruction Information from external businesses Slide 23

24 Revise printed information to guests Updated or new information will create a need for new written materials: Prompt production Removing old information Website update Slide 24

25 Update in-house database Gather all information to update the in-house database: Cooperation from other departments Cooperation from external business Skill of staff to enter data Notify all users of changes Update giveaway pamphlets. Update giveaway pamphlets. Slide 25

26 Share updated knowledge with colleagues All staff should be briefed on all changes: Shift Handover Electronic memo Orientation/induction documents Policies and procedures Slide 26

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