Test 2 Revision Surat-ul-Jinn

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Presentation on theme: "Test 2 Revision Surat-ul-Jinn"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test 2 Revision Surat-ul-Jinn

2 The amazing world of Jinn is full of misterys for us
The amazing world of Jinn is full of misterys for us. Allah the best Creator teaches us a lot about it, in Surat-ul-Jinn. What are Jinn and what are they created from?

3 Is believing in Jinn important for us? Why?

4 Surat-ul Jinn is revealed to Prophet Muhammad s. a
Surat-ul Jinn is revealed to Prophet Muhammad s.a.s while he was in Makkah, it is called surah Makyyah. What is the reason of revelation of the surah?

5 What would the jinn do, with the news they would get from listening to the heavens?

6 At the time of revelation the Jinn were no longer allowed to peek and listen to the news from the heavens. Explain why?

7 Dealing with Jinn is totally prohibited in Islam as it is harmful to both sides. How could dealing with Jinn be harmful to a person?

8 Allah the Merciful and his Prophet Muhammad s. a
Allah the Merciful and his Prophet Muhammad s.a.s teach us how to protect ourselves from the harmful jinn (shaytan) What should we do to keep them away from us? Audhu-bil-llahi-minesh-shaytanirr-rrajeem

9 In Surat-ul- Jinn Allah the Wise has created Jinn and given them “the free will”. What is free will?

10 How are Jinn different from Angels?

11 Allah the Greatest teaches us that there are 2 kinds of Jinn
Allah the Greatest teaches us that there are 2 kinds of Jinn. Who are they and how are they similar to human beings?

12 How did the Muslim Jinn enter Islam?

13 Who is the father of all the Jinn? Is he Muslim?

14 Prophet Muhammad tells us: Avoid the destructive sins; worshiping others beside Allah and magic? What is the term in Arabic for “Worshiping others beside Allah”?

15 Complete: “Whoever goes to a fortune – teller and asks him about anything, Allah will reject his……….”

16 What are Masajid? What does a Muslim do in the Masajid?

17 Does Prophet Muhammad pbuh or any other prophet have any power over mankind?

18 Does Prophet Muhammad s.a.s know the absolute future?

19 Prophet Muhammad a.s.a as other prophet, was told about some events of the future. Give some examples.

20 Did Allah the All known revealed the future to the Jinn?

21 Rabbi Ishrah Li Sadry, Wayassir Li Amry, Wahlul ‘Uqdatan Min Lisany, yafqahu Qawly.

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