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From the Chair (Be Prepared).

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Presentation on theme: "From the Chair (Be Prepared)."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the Chair (Be Prepared)

2 When I say the words, ex cathedra

3 I am met, with a humorous look

4 But listen up now, I will teach ya

5 The info inside your textbook

6 The Pope’s infallible expressions

7 Don’t include everything that he says
Red is the best color.

8 Faiths and morals, in formal profession
Stuff we have to believe + stuff we have to reject Stuff we are supposed to do/can do + stuff we must not do

9 This won’t work for anything less!
I infallibly declare that was NOT a strike.

10 When the pope is speaking infallibly

11 The pope’s speaking to all of the church

12 There’s no room for error, there’s no statement better

13 It can’t be informal, dare say it’s abnormal

14 To end all division, a binding decision,
Roman locuta est, causa finita est (Rome has spoken, the case is closed.)

15 Comes with his full authority

16 Papal dogma, officially shared

17 From the chair!

18 Yeah! From the chair! Said from the chair. What chair?

19 The bishop of Rome’s.

20 So where does he sit?

21 No, you fool, it’s an idiom. A good one, too.

22 Great idea! Who needs a chair? No chair, no chair, la la la la la la!

23 Heretics! There will be a chair!

24 Hey, but you said, uh…

25 My teaching office is the chair!
Ex cathedra – from the chair Formal teaching of pope on faith and morals = INFALLIBLE

26 Follow me and you’ll never teach error again!

27 Yay, alright! Speak from the chair! Speak from the chair!

28 The First Vatican Council defended

29 That Rome’s bishop cannot be ignored

30 Not one, Christian soul, should reject it

31 It’s based on the words of our Lord
Matthew 16:18-19 “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

32 This privilege used at least two times

33 Both about the Virgin Mary

34 Immaculate Conception was decided

35 The Assumption, you must also believe!

36 From the chair the Pope’s formally speaking
“We pronounce, define and declare…”

37 From the chair to the entire Church

38 If it’s faith and morals
Beliefs Trinity Incarnation Immaculate Conception Assumption Transubstantiation Purgatory Behavior Good works Sins

39 “I pronounce, define and declare…”
If written or oral “I pronounce, define and declare…”

40 Authority using

41 Binding and loosing

42 Unchanging decision

43 No room for revision

44 This will be on your next exam!

45 When the Pope formally declares
“We pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma”

46 From the chair!

47 When Rome’s bishop formally declares
Ineffabilis Deus – Immaculate Conception of Mary Munificentissimus Deus – Assumption of Mary

48 From the chair!

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