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Introduction (Write quote on board)

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2 Introduction (Write quote on board)
So today we are going to jump right in and talk about problem solving. Life is full of problems (big, small, and EVERYONE experiences them) These problems can cause a lot of stress and difficulties for people Rubber band example

3 Rubber band example Hold band between two thumbs
When left slack = a restful state such as sleep Pulled to a comfortable stress = regular working day/functioning day Ultimately return back to relaxed state Pulled out and overstretched it is a warning sign to return back to a comfortable position 2 options: overstretch until it breaks OR return to relaxed state Even though you are experiencing many stressful difficulties you can adjust to the challenges

4 Research Research has demonstrated that those better at adapting to stressful events by solving difficult problems are less likely to experience depression, have a better quality of life, and have an overall enhanced physical well-being. Look for opportunities for growth Have self-confidence in ability to tackle stressful situations React to problems in a thoughtful/planned manner

5 GOOD NEWS!! These are all skills! And can be learned!
People successful at coping with stressful difficulties are said to have a positive orientation toward problems and living, and engage in planful problem-solving styles

6 Positive Problem orientation involves…
Viewing problem and negative emotional reactions as a challenge rather than a threat Being realistically optimistic and believing that problems are solvable Believing that problems take persistence and effort /committing self to tackling them/having confidence to do so

7 On the other hand… Ineffective problem solvers tend to have a negative orientation towards problems in living. View problems as threats to well-being Doubt ability to cope with problem Become overwhelmed with emotional distress when confronted (snapping of rubber band)

8 Planful problem solving
To be an effective problem solver involves more than positive framework… You need an thoughtful/systematic way of dealing with problems. Set realistic goals/determine obstacles Creative thinking for solutions Compare pros/cons Carry out the solution as best as possible

9 Unfortunately we do not all have this innate ability…
Many people with ineffective problem solving skills tend to have either: impulsive/careless problem solving style Search for quick fix Narrow vision of problem Careless avoidant style procrastinate/Passive/rely on others to resolve/deny existence of problem

10 What kind of problem solver are you??
Positive? Negative? Planful? Impulsive? Think about the orientations (pos/neg) and which describes you best. HANDOUT (ONLY FIRST/example from group)—Think about a recent problem you experienced. Are you correct in your thinking?

11 Even if you have great problem solving skills
Putting them to work when trying to cope with stress can be difficult Common barriers include: Negative feelings (sadness, guilt, anxiety) Interferes with ability to identify effective coping Negative thinking (focus on the bad) Little room for constructive thinking Hopelessness Reduces motivation to improve situation Good news is that there are ways to learn to be effective in spite of these obstacles!!

12 S.S.T.A Stop: notice your feelings when facing problem
Slow down: give brain/body chance to lower insenstity of arrousal Think: use planful problem solving skills to cope Act: put your problem solving ideas into action!

13 How can I STOP/SLOW DOWN?
Becoming more aware of reactions to stress Feelings, thoughts, physical responses, changes in behavior Becoming aware of unique triggers

14 Strategies to slow down
Counting Deep breathing Visualization Fake smiling Exercise Meditation WHAT ARE THE CLASSES METHODS…knowing this can help you work towards effective problem solving

15 Think and Act The last 2 steps involve planful problem solving—that is thinking creatively of a plan that will help you solve your problem

16 Planful problem solving
Is a powerful means of helping individuals reach their goals 4 steps: Define the problem and set realistic goals Generate alternative solutions Decide which are best Carry out the solution/determine if it worked HANDOUT (Use same problem from before/work with class on board S.S.T.A)

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