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Why Major in Computer Science?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Major in Computer Science?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Major in Computer Science?

2 Can you program the computer to act like a person?
What would you do? I have a bag of candy to give away Put your name and vote on piece of paper. If everyone in the class says “share”, the candy is split equally. If only one person says “I want it”, he/she gets the candy to himself. If more than one person says “I want it”, I keep the candy. What is the best strategy? What will people do? Computer scientists are problem solvers and create programs to act for real people.

3 Is computer science right for you?
Do you enjoy problem solving? Are you good with technology? Are you curious? Do you love to figure things out on your own? Do you want to learn to develop a cell phone app? Would you like to learn to make social media better? Do you like science and math? Are you creative? Do you like to build things? Do you want to help others?

4 Planned to marry, have lots of kids, and be a stay at home mom, like my mom.
I married, had lots of kids (5) and grandkids (12) – but never have been a stay at home mom. I could have it all! Good money. If you need to work, you need good money. Can work from home. Work is fun! It isn’t about the money for me. 30 years after getting my PhD, I can’t imagine my life without my career. Computer Science - Only 18% women – but I’ve rarely found that to be a problem My journey

5 What are your concerns? Time consuming major – lots of homework. Is it worth it if you don’t plan to use your degree? Do you know what the future holds? Hard major – are they smart enough? Typically women underestimate their abilities and men overestimate theirs. Will they be viewed as credible students/employees because they are women? Women SHOULD be more highly respected because only the really good ones stick it out. Will they relate to their classmates?

6 What are your concerns? Will they be stereotyped – stand out in a negative way? Will they find mentors? Yes – and you don’t always need female mentors. How will their career impact their goals as mom/wife? Having options is always good. Will they be viewed as “too smart” (and be “too scary” to be asked on a date)? Perhaps, but will you be happy always hiding your talents? Will they have a social life?

7 The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
Since childhood, woman spent her time tidying and thinking about tidying: How to do it? Relationship to personality. Various storage solutions. Discard things that don’t spark joy. What do you really love to do? For me, it is finding good solutions. What is it for you? How do you pick a major when the jobs are not necessarily like the classwork? For me – math vs computer science.

8 US News Best Jobs Link Based on: salary, work-life balance and expected employment growth. (median salary) 1. Dentist,Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant 4. Statistician 80K 5. Orthodontist,Nurse Anesthetist Pediatrician $170K 8. Computer Systems Analyst 86K 9. ObGYN,Oral surgeon, Optomoetrist, OccupationalTherapy 13. Software Developer 98K 20. Mathematician $111K 29. IT Manager $131K 31. Web Developer $65K 34. Environmental Engineer $85K 35.Computer Network Architect $100K 37. Mechanical Engineer 84K 41. Database Administer $82K 52. Information Security Analyst $90K 58. Civil Engineer 82K

9 Why do you think computer science is rated so high?

10 Why do you think computer science is rated so high?
Jobs are available – not true of all majors. For some majors, you are VERY UNLIKELY to get a job in your major. Good salary $60K-$90K starting salary. (The median household income for all people in Utah is $63K.) Good working conditions – air conditioning Fun – latest toy on your desk Always changing – great variety Respect – valued by society

11 Engineering Impacts All Aspects of Society… Take Your Pick!
Engineering departments at USU Biological Engineering Civil and environmental engineering Computer science Electrical and computer engineering Engineering Education Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

12 Why computer science? Impact
Advances in computing drive advances in all other fields Advances in computing power the economy Not just through the growth of the computing industry – but through growth throughout the economy Advances in computing change the way we live, the way we work, the way we learn, the way we communicate Unbelievably exciting intellectual opportunities

13 Intellectual opportunity
“… the software industry is going to make more breakthroughs in these next 10 years than it's made in the last 30 … software is really going to transform not just what we think about as the computer industry, but the way that everything is done …” Bill Gates Re-architecting the Internet Harnessing parallelism Transforming all fields of science and engineering

14 Intellectual opportunity
Prosthetics / augmentation / access Driverless Cars A teacher for every learner Personalized Health care Sensor based environment monitoring Computing, innovation, and creativity

15 Computer and mathematical occupations. Most new jobs:
Software developers, applications +143,800 Fastest growing (in percent): Software developers, systems software +32.4 Slowest growing (in percent): Mathematical technicians +6.2 Highest paying: Computer and information research scientists $100,600

16 Computing is in high demand
Note this is NEW jobs

17 Virtually 100% of all CS graduates find jobs in their majors.
In other fields, job placement may be more like 30%.

18 Projected job growth 2017 Earning potential means nothing if there aren’t jobs available, which is why it’s important to weigh in projected job growth percentages. For comparison, keep in mind that the average growth for all occupations is 7 percent through 2024, according to the BLS. Computer science careers boast optimistic growth estimates, with some positions projected as high as 27 percent. The average growth for all positions in the field sits at 12 percent. On the other hand, engineering jobs are expected to grow slower than usual, with an average projected growth of 3 percent. Judging by this category, it’s clear that computer science positions have a commanding lead. This is due to the explosive growth of the tech industry in general, with many businesses upgrading their computer systems and securing their existing databases.

19 I’m sure the exact numbers will change, but there is some relationship between production of majors and jobs. Know what it is. If money matters to you, know the starting salaries in your major. Friend had been doing hair to put herself through school. Graduated in elementary ed. On getting her first job, she said “Gee, they sure don’t pay teachers much.” After first year, quit to do hair.

20 Salaries are high Graduates earning degrees in humanities and social sciences are at $37,058 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Salary Survey shows that the average salary offer to a 2014 bachelor's degree candidate is $48,127 The average offer to computer-science majors is $66,801. Those with engineering degrees received average starting salary—$64,891.. Business majors are now fifth on the list of top-paid majors with an average salary of $49,807.

21 Top 10 Reasons to Take CS classes
1. Computing is part of everything we do! 2. Expertise in computing enables you to solve complex, challenging problems. 3. Computing enables you to make an impact in the world. 4. Computing offers many types of well-paid careers. 5. Computing jobs are here to stay. 6. Expertise in computing helps you even if your primary career choice is something else. 7. Computing offers great opportunities for true creativity. 8. Computing has space for both collaborative work and individual effort. 9. Computing is an essential part of well-rounded academic preparation. 10. It is fun! If you don’t take a class, you will never know if you like it.


23 Computer Science is a Welcoming Career
Most work is team work You get to work with people every day The people you work with are really great people You can also work with customers, lawyers, etc. In computer science and engineering - Most jobs offer flexible schedules You may never have to wake up early in the morning You may never have to dress up for work You can work from home, earn top dollar, and be productive Some jobs are demanding/high stress, many offer family friendly career.

24 Engineering Opens Many Doors
Engineers learn highly portable skills Solve problems, build systems, understand principles Learn how to learn Many different types of jobs Can change your type of work throughout life! Can couple CS with business or domain expertise Especially in Computer Science Amazing number of different opportunities You get to shop around! You should shop around! Engineering is an international profession Working abroad easier than for other professions

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