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Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial

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Presentation on theme: "Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial"— Presentation transcript:

1 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial
1 – What are we talking about? 2 - Statistics 3 – Sources of information for TSOs 4 – Case studies Accidentology at CERN Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

2 1 – What are we talking about?
Definition given in Safety Code A2: “Accident: event occurring on the CERN site, or offsite in the course of official activities for CERN, and resulting in bodily injuries, having consequences on the environment, or causing significant damage to property belonging to CERN or third parties. This includes road accidents on the CERN site. »  Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

3 Occupational accidents recorded in 2016 (all categories of personnel)
2 - Statistics Occupational accidents recorded in 2016 (all categories of personnel) Accidents at work 182 MPA 34 No data MPE 67 564.5 days off Contractors 78 716.5 days off Temporary Labour for CERN 3 Occupational accidents 240 255 occupational accidents were recorded in 2015, resulting in days off for MPEs Commuting accidents 58 494.6 days off MPE 26 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

4 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial
2 - Statistics Evolution of the main causes of absence from work for accidents at work for MPE Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

5 2 - Statistics Trends in the number of commuting accidents over the past six years (all categories of personnel) Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

6 3 – Sources of information for TSOs
The HSE Unit on call accident service The factsheets produced by the HSE Unit Carine Pividori Laetitia Wohlgemuth Dorine Fallavier François Angerand Thibaut Gilles Valentin Algoet Laure Tranchand Pauline Lonjon Renaud Mouret Five days a week, from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. The emergency services - Fire and Rescue Service - Medical Service Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

7 3 – Sources of information for TSOs
Internal Accident Report (EDH – Code A2) Call-out reports (Fire and Rescue Service (HSE-FB)) Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

8 3 – Sources of information for TSOs
Accident analysis Report Established by the DSO or LEXGLIMOS concerned Délégué à la Sécurité territoriale (TSO) - Initial 2017

9 3 – Sources of information for TSOs
The HSE Unit’s accident information spreadsheet Distributed: weekly to DSOs/LEXGLIMOSs for action monthly to TSOs for information Columns F & I allow you to know the events relevant to you: use the filters Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017 Use the filter to display the events relevant to you

10 3 – Sources of information for TSOs
The HSE Unit’s accident information spreadsheet (contd.) Columns T to Y allow the follow-up of measures taken following a given event Contact the DSO/LEXGLIMOS to find out whether any actions have been requested or to inform him or her about any actions that have been implemented Être TSO au CERN 2017

11 Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial
4 – Case studies 1 – You are called by the HSE Unit on call accident service following an accident involving a person in one of the buildings for which you are the TSO. What action do you take? 2 – You receive an Internal Accident Report (A2) via EDH. What action do you take? 3 – You receive the accident spreadsheet. What do you do with it? Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

12 4 – Reponses to case studies
1 – You are called by HSE Unit on call accident service following an accident involving a person in one of the buildings for which you are the TSO. What action do you take? Go to the site of the accident with the standby accident team member; Ensure that the scene of the accident is not disturbed; Help to collect the facts and take part in any immediate corrective action and/or measures to reduce the risk of another accident occurring. 2 – You receive an Internal Accident Report (A2) via EDH. What action do you take? Go to the site of the accident; Make sure that there is no danger of another accident occurring; Contact the DSO/LEXGLIMOS to find out if an accident analysis is under way or not. 3 – You receive the accident spreadsheet. What do you do with it? Use the filters to view the list of accidents that have occurred in buildings for which you are the TSO; Contact the DSO/LEXGLIMOS to find out whether any actions have been requested or to inform him or her about any actions that have been implemented. Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) - Initial 2017

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