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BLUFF 2nd Year 2.1.

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Presentation on theme: "BLUFF 2nd Year 2.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLUFF 2nd Year 2.1

2 Las Reglas Materiales: Una hoja de paper / un lápiz Hay dos equipos
The first person on team one chooses a number for the opposite team in order to reveal the question. If you are on team two and know the answer, or want to “BLUFF,” write down your answer on your paper(or pretend to) and stand up. The first person on team one will then select a student, from those who are standing, to answer. If he/she is correct, then team two receives as many points as people standing. If incorrect, then team one receives the points. REPEAT the same process but with the other team

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

4 What are the three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense?

5 ¿Cómo se dice “stuffed animal” en español?

6 How do you conjugate the verb “SONREÍRSE” in the ellos form in the imperfect?

7 What are the conjugations of the verb reírse in the imperfect?
me reía nos reíamos te reías os reías se reía se reían

8 How do you conjugate the verb ‘ENOJARSE’ in the imperfect yo form?

9 How do you conjugate the verb ‘ir’ in the imperfect nosotros form?

10 Translate: I used to climb trees when I was young.
Yo trepaba a los árboles cuando era niño/a.

11 Translate: We used to behave poorly/ badly.
Nos portábamos mal.

12 Conjugate in the imperfect: sentirse / ellos

13 Conjugate in the imperfect: ver / vosotros

14 Translate: My stepmother always was careful.
Mi madrastra siempre tenía cuidado.

15 Sí, puedes usar la calculadora mía.
Answer this question using possessive adjectives in the long form: ¿Puedo usar la calculadora tuya? Sí, puedes usar la calculadora mía.

16 Translate to Spanish: a friend of yours

17 Translate: I am going to visit a brother-in-law of hers.
Yo voy a visitar a un cuñado suyo.

18 How do you conjugate the verb ser in the imperfect in all six forms?
era éramos eras erais eran

19 Translate: a great-grandmother of yours (plural, familiar)
una bisabuela vuestra

20 ¿Cómo se dice “TO BE WORRIED ABOUT” en español?

21 Choose the verb that belongs in the sentence
Choose the verb that belongs in the sentence. Then conugate it it in the imperfect. VERB CHOICES enojarse con – cansarse – asustarse Mi hermano ______________ de los lugares muy altos. SE ASUSTAba

22 enojarse con – cansarse – asustarse
Choose the verb that belongs in the sentence. Then conugate it it in the imperfect VERB CHOICES enojarse con – cansarse – asustarse Nosotros __________________ con nuestros padres cuando tenemos quehaceres. Nos enojábamos

23 ¿Cómo se dice “TO JUMP ROPE” en español?

24 Yo jugaba con la muñeca mía mucho.
Change this sentence to use the long form of possessive adjectives: Yo jugaba con mi muñeca mucho. Yo jugaba con la muñeca mía mucho.

25 When using the long form of possessive adjectives, does the adjective go before or after the noun?

26 Translate to ENGLISH: !Una amiga mía era muy sociable!
A friend of mine was very sociable!

27 Name two toys in Spanish.
La marioneta La muñeca El muñeco de peluche

28 Translate: A cat of theirs used to sleep outside of the house.
Un gato suyo dormía fuera de la casa.

29 Name three relatives in Spanish (outside of immediate family).
el(la) bisabuelo(a) el(la) cuñado(a) los(las) gemelos(as) el(la) pariente (a) el(la) sobrino(a)

30 sentirse – to feel sentarse – to sit down me siento
What is the difference between sentirse and sentarse? How are they conjugated in the PRESENT tense YO form? sentirse – to feel sentarse – to sit down me siento

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