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1 Meiosis and Genetics

2 Cell Division All cells are derived from pre-existing cells
New cells are produced for growth and to replace damaged or old cells Differs in prokaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes (protists, fungi, plants, & animals)

3 Mitosis in 3 stages Interphase Duplication of DNA and cell growth
Division of genetic material Cytokinesis Division of Cytoplasm

4 Let’s Practice! 2. Prophase: Centrioles travel to opposite ends; Spindles form 4. Anaphase: Sister Chromatids are pulled apart 1. Interphase: DNA duplicates; Cell grows 3. Metaphase: Sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell 6. Cytokinesis: Cytoplasm divides; Creates 2 identical daughter cells 5. Telophase: Nuclear membrane reappears; cells begin to split

5 Asexual Cell Reproduction

6 Types of Cell Reproduction
Asexual reproduction involves a single cell dividing to make 2 new, identical daughter cells Mitosis & Binary fission are an example of asexual reproduction

7 Eukaryotic Asexual Division
Used for growth and repair Produce two new cells identical to the original cell Cells are diploid (2n) Chromosomes during Metaphase of mitosis Cytokinesis Anaphase Prophase Metaphase Telophase

8 Asexual Reproduction in Prokaryotes AKA Binary Fission

9 Cell Division in Prokaryotes
Prokaryotes such as bacteria divide into 2 identical cells by the process of binary fission Single chromosome makes a copy of itself Cell wall forms between the chromosomes dividing the cell Parent cell Chromosome replicates Cell splits 2 identical daughter cells

10 Prokaryotic Cell Undergoing Binary Fission

11 Meiosis Formation of Gametes (Eggs & Sperm)

12 Types of Cell Reproduction
Sexual reproduction involves two cells (egg & sperm) joining to make a new cell (zygote) that is NOT identical to the original cells Meiosis is an example

13 Why Do we Need Meiosis? It is the fundamental basis of sexual reproduction Two haploid gametes are brought together through fertilization to form a diploid zygote

14 Fertilization – “Putting it all together”

15 A Replicated Chromosome
Gene – Blue Eyes Sister Chromatids Homologs- chromosomes with the same genes in matching locations chromatids with matching genes in matching locations Gene – Brown Eyes Homologs- These homologous pairs line up next to each other and are known as tetrads.

16 Meiosis Forms Haploid Gametes
Meiosis must reduce the chromosome number by half Fertilization then restores the diploid (2n) number from mom from dad child too much! meiosis reduces genetic content The right number!

17 Meiosis: Two Part Cell Division
Sister chromatids separate Meiosis I Meiosis II Homologs separate Diploid Haploid Haploid

18 Results of Meiosis Gametes (egg & sperm) form
Four haploid cells with one copy of each chromosome One copy of each gene Different combinations for alleles for different genes along the chromosome

19 Homologous Chromosomes During Crossing-Over

20 Crossing-Over Homologous chromosomes in a tetrad cross over each other
Pieces of chromosomes or genes are exchanged Produces Genetic recombination in the offspring

21 Crossing-Over Crossing-over multiplies the already huge number of different gamete types produced by independent assortment

22 Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis

23 Comparison of Divisions
Mitosis Meiosis Number of divisions 1 2 Number of daughter cells 4 Genetically identical? Yes No Chromosome # Same as parent Half of parent Where Somatic cells Sex cells within gonads When Throughout life At sexual maturity Role Growth and repair; Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

24 Why be different? Asexual Sexual Pros Cons Pros Cons Fast, efficient
If genes are desirable, genetically identical offspring are strong and able to survive Cons If genes are weak, genetically identical offspring have no chance of survival One disease could wipe out a population Pros Genetic variation ensures the survival of part of the species Allows for emergence of new traits in the theory of evolution Cons Genetic mutations could cause deficiencies in organisms Quality traits are not always passed down through generations

25 Facts About Meiosis Preceded by Interphase which includes chromosome replication Two meiotic divisions --- Meiosis I and Meiosis II Original cell is diploid

26 Facts About Meiosis Daughter cells contain half the number of chromosomes as the original cell Produces gametes; sex cells (eggs & sperm) Occurs in the testes in males (Spermatogenesis) Occurs in the ovaries in females (Oogenesis)

27 More Meiosis Facts After 1 division - 23 double stranded chromosomes
Start with 46 double stranded chromosomes After 1 division - 23 double stranded chromosomes After 2nd division - 23 single stranded chromosomes   Occurs in our sex cells that produce gametes

28 Karyotype A picture of the chromosomes from a human cell arranged in pairs by size First 22 pairs are called autosomes Last pair are the sex chromosomes XX female or XY male

29 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Mendelelian Genetics

30 Responsible for the Laws of Inheritance
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Gregor Mendel ( ) Responsible for the Laws of Inheritance

31 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Gregor Johann Mendel Between 1856 and 1863, Mendel cultivated and tested some 28,000 pea plants He found that the plants' offspring retained traits of the parents Called the “Father of Genetics"

32 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Genetic Terminology Trait - any characteristic that can be passed from parent to offspring Heredity - passing of traits from parent to offspring Genetics - study of heredity

33 Types of Genetic Crosses
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Types of Genetic Crosses Monohybrid cross - cross involving a single trait e.g. flower color Dihybrid cross - cross involving two traits e.g. flower color & plant height

34 Designer “Genes” Alleles - two forms of a gene (dominant & recessive)
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Designer “Genes” Alleles - two forms of a gene (dominant & recessive) Dominant - stronger of two genes expressed in the hybrid; represented by a capital letter (R) Recessive - gene that shows up less often in a cross; represented by a lowercase letter (r)

35 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 More Terminology Genotype - gene combination for a trait (e.g. RR, Rr, rr) Phenotype - the physical feature resulting from a genotype (e.g. red, white)

36 Genotype & Phenotype in Flowers
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Genotype & Phenotype in Flowers Genotype of alleles: R = red flower r = yellow flower All genes occur in pairs, so 2 alleles affect a characteristic Possible combinations are: Genotypes RR Rr rr Phenotypes RED RED YELLOW

37 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Genotypes Homozygous genotype - gene combination involving 2 dominant or 2 recessive genes (e.g. RR or rr); called pure  Heterozygous genotype - gene combination of one dominant & one recessive allele (e.g. Rr); called hybrid

38 Punnett Square Used to help solve genetics problems Mendelian Genetics
9/7/2018 Punnett Square Used to help solve genetics problems

39 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018

40 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Monohybrid Crosses

41 P1 Monohybrid Cross r r Rr Rr R R Rr Rr Trait: Seed Shape
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 P1 Monohybrid Cross Trait: Seed Shape Alleles: R – Round r – Wrinkled Cross: Round seeds x Wrinkled seeds RR x rr Genotype: Rr Phenotype: Round Genotypic Ratio: All alike Phenotypic Ratio: All alike r r Rr Rr R R Rr Rr

42 F1 Monohybrid Cross R r RR Rr R r Rr rr Trait: Seed Shape
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 F1 Monohybrid Cross Trait: Seed Shape Alleles: R – Round r – Wrinkled Cross: Round seeds x Round seeds Rr x Rr Genotype: RR, Rr, rr Phenotype: Round & wrinkled G.Ratio: 1:2:1 P.Ratio: 3:1 R r RR Rr R r Rr rr

43 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Practice Your Crosses

44 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Mendel’s Laws

45 Results of Monohybrid Crosses
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Results of Monohybrid Crosses Inheritable factors or genes are responsible for all heritable characteristics Phenotype is based on Genotype Each trait is based on two genes, one from the mother and the other from the father True-breeding individuals are homozygous (both alleles) are the same

46 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Law of Dominance In a cross of parents that are pure for contrasting traits, only one form of the trait will appear in the next generation. Therefore…offspring that are heterozygous will express only the dominant trait. RR x rr yields all Rr (round seeds)

47 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Law of Segregation During the formation of gametes (eggs or sperm), the two alleles responsible for a trait separate from each other. Alleles for a trait are then "recombined" at fertilization, producing the genotype for the traits of the offspring.

48 Applying the Law of Segregation
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Applying the Law of Segregation

49 Law of Independent Assortment
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Law of Independent Assortment Alleles for different traits are distributed to sex cells (& offspring) independently of one another. This law can be illustrated using dihybrid crosses.

50 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Dihybrid Cross A breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of two traits. Mendel’s “Law of Independent Assortment” Each pair of alleles segregates independently during gamete formation

51 All possible gamete combinations
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Dihybrid Cross Traits: Seed shape & Seed color Alleles: R round r wrinkled Y yellow y green RrYy x RrYy RY Ry rY ry RY Ry rY ry All possible gamete combinations

52 Dihybrid Cross RY Ry rY ry Round/Yellow: 9 Round/green: 3
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Dihybrid Cross RY Ry rY ry Round/Yellow: 9 Round/green: 3 wrinkled/Yellow: 3 wrinkled/green: 1 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio RRYY RRYy RrYY RrYy RRyy Rryy rrYY rrYy rryy

53 Summary of Mendel’s laws
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Summary of Mendel’s laws LAW PARENT CROSS OFFSPRING DOMINANCE TT x tt tall x short 100% Tt tall SEGREGATION Tt x Tt tall x tall 75% tall 25% short INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT RrGg x RrGg round & green x round & green 9/16 round seeds & green pods 3/16 round seeds & yellow pods 3/16 wrinkled seeds & green pods 1/16 wrinkled seeds & yellow pods

54 Incomplete Dominance and Codominance
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Incomplete Dominance and Codominance

55 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Incomplete Dominance Hybrids have an appearance somewhat in between the phenotypes of the two parental varieties. Example: snapdragons (flower) red (RR) x white (rr) RR = red flower rr = white flower r R

56 Incomplete Dominance r R r All Rr = pink (heterozygous pink)
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Incomplete Dominance r R r All Rr = pink (heterozygous pink) produces the mixed generation Rr

57 Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Codominance Two alleles are expressed at the same time in heterozygous individuals. Example: blood type 1. type A = IAIA or IAi 2. type B = IBIB or IBi 3. type AB = IAIB 4. type O = ii

58 Codominance Problem Example: male Type A (IAIA) x female type B (IBIB)
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Codominance Problem Example: male Type A (IAIA) x female type B (IBIB) IB IA IAIB All = IAIB

59 Sex-linked Traits Traits (genes) located on the sex chromosomes
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Sex-linked Traits Traits (genes) located on the sex chromosomes Sex chromosomes are X and Y XX genotype for females XY genotype for males Many sex-linked traits carried on X chromosome

60 Sex-linked Traits Example: Eye color in fruit flies Sex Chromosomes
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Sex-linked Traits Example: Eye color in fruit flies Sex Chromosomes XX chromosome - female Xy chromosome - male fruit fly eye color

61 Sex-linked Trait Problem
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Example: Eye color in fruit flies (red-eyed male) x (white-eyed female) XRY x XrXr Remember: the Y chromosome in males does not carry traits. RR = red eyed Rr = red eyed rr = white eyed XY = male XX = female XR Xr Y

62 Sex-linked Trait Solution:
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Sex-linked Trait Solution: XR Xr Y 50% red eyed female 50% white eyed male XR Xr Xr Y

63 Genotype of a Normal Male
Mendelian Genetics 9/7/2018 Female Carriers Genotype of a Normal Male Genotype of a Female Carrier

64 Pedigree

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