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Is The Bible Reliable?.

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Presentation on theme: "Is The Bible Reliable?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is The Bible Reliable?

2 Is the Bible the Word of God?
Our Apologetic Is the Bible the Word of God? Is Jesus God? Does God Exist? Does Truth Exist?

3 Is the bible reliable?


5 Our three historical Tests
The Honesty Test The Telephone Test The Corroboration Test

6 The honesty Test Principle of Embarrassment Martyrs
Jesus calls Peter Satan Matt 16:23 Disciples fall asleep Asks Phillip ‘do you not know me?’ Martyrs


8 The Telephone Test Its proximity to the events it records
It takes time for history to move into legend Those who are eyewitness to the event or know eyewitness’ can best know about the event.

9 Nearness to events

10 Telephone Test Amount of Manuscripts (copies) of the text
Manuscripts allow us to check variation I am making your favorite, jambalaya with corn bread and sweet team. I making your favorite, jambalaya with corn and sweat tea. I am making your favorite, jamborie with corn bread and sweet tea. I am making your flame right, jambalaya with corn bread and sweet tea.

11 Number of manuscripts

12 ‘We have more and early manuscript evidence about the person of Jesus Christ than we do anyone else in the ancient world, including Julius Caesar and Alexander the great.’ -Dan Wallace

13 Dates & manuscripts

14 Manuscripts 4 feet for the Illiad 5,280 for the Bible.
The few areas that we may have questions about are

15 The Corroboration test

16 Archeological support
Old Testament Jericho Walls were collapsed One section of wall was still standing Large grain storages, with top of grain storages burned City wasn’t plundered New Testament Ossuary of James Evidence of Crucificiton Pool of Siloam- John 9 Nazareth did exist Inscription of Pontious Pilate as Prefect Luke is considered a first rate historian

17 There can be no doubt that archeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of the Old Testament Tradition – William F. Albright

18 Textual support other than the text itself
Josephus (Jewish and Roman Historian) Tacitus (Roman Senator and Historian) Lucian (Satirist and Rhetorician) Mara Bar-Sarepion (Roman Stoic Philosopher) Jewish Talmud (Jewish Commentary on Old Testament


20 How did we determine the cannon?
It was discovered not created Did authors do miracles? Is it quoted as authoritative? Collected early as one volume Commentaries are written on them. Opponents agreed they were written by apostles Does if fit accepted scripture AND accepted history

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