Patterns extraction from process executions

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1 Patterns extraction from process executions
19 Feb 2015 Laura Genga

2 Outline Introduction Approach Experiments Conclusion and future works
Building Instance Graphs Patterns Extraction Experiments BPI2013challenge CoseLog Conclusion and future works

3 Introduction Many real world domains are characterized by processes with little structure Typical process discovery approaches have problems when dealing with such processes «Spaghetti» models

4 Spaghetti processes analysis
Schema simplification Trace clustering Patterns discovery

5 Patterns discovery Existing approaches: mining on traces
Patterns abstraction Episodes discovery Episodes Discovery Patterns Abstraction P1: P1 : <Start,b,c,d,g> P2 : <e,f,h> P2: P3:

6 Proposed Approach: Mining on Graphs
Event Log Instance Graphs Set Patterns Set Case Id Trace 1 <Start,b,c,d,g,End> 2 <Start,a,b,d,c,g,i,End> 3 <Start,a,e,f,h,i,End> 4 <Start,b,c,d,g,e,f,h, End> 1 1 2 P1 2 P2 3 4

7 Building IGs set abcdgi The parallelism is hidden in the trace
We need to know the causal relations between events Use of process discovery approaches abcdgi

8 Deriving causal relations from process discovery outcome
CR set can be derived by means of some process discovery approach The mining techniques must be chosen carefully Source Target A B E C D F …. A→B A→E

9 Instance Graphs building
For each pair of events 𝑒 𝑖 , 𝑒 𝑗 for which 𝑒 𝑖 → 𝑒 𝑗 holds, add an edge if in the trace between 𝑒 𝑖 , 𝑒 𝑗 : (1) No successors of 𝑒 𝑖 OR (2) No predecessors of 𝑒 𝑗 Source Target A B I C D G K Source Target A B I C D G K Source Target A B I C D G K Source Target A B I C D G K Source Target A B I C D G K c T1: a b i c d g k a b g d 𝑎→𝑏 1 ok 𝑎→𝑖 1 no 2 ok 𝑏→𝑑 ok 1 no 2 ok 𝑏→𝑐 1 ok i k

10 Flower models problem Representing all possible behaviors can generate a flower model Using a flower model we obtain only sequence graphs Look only for most frequent relations Some traces will result “anomalous” t1 : <Start,a,e,f,h,End>

11 Graphs with anomalies 𝑡 1 : bacdg 𝑡 2 : afehi A B E C D G K F H I
Source Target A B E C D G K F H I 𝑡 1 : bacdg 𝑡 2 : afehi

12 Use of conformance checking techniques
Conformance checking technique provide precise information about the occurrence of an anomaly in a trace The corresponding graph explicitly represents the anomaly occurrence insertion deletion

13 Updated graphs with anomalies
Source Target A B E C D G K F H I 𝑡 1 : bacdg 𝑡 2 : afehi

14 Proposed Approach: Mining on Graphs
Event Log Instance Graphs Set Patterns Set Case Id Trace 1 <Start,b,c,d,g,End> 2 <Start,a,b,d,c,g,i,End> 3 <Start,a,e,f,h,i,End> 4 <Start,b,c,d,g,e,f,h, End> 1 1 2 P1 2 P2 3 4

15 Patterns extraction Frequent subgraph mining techniques
Extraction of subgraphs whose “support” is above a threshold Support of a subgraph transaction-based: number of graphs involving the subgraph Occurrence-based: number of occurrences of the subgraph TB supp: 2 OB supp: 3

16 SUBDUE Algorithm Supported computed by using frequency and size
Discovered patterns are arranged into a hierarchy

17 Experiments Two experiments:
Log of BPI2013 (Incident Management) Wabo4 (CoseLog project) CR set derived by the Inductive Miner algorithm Patterns evaluation Support : transaction based Domain knowledge

18 BPI2013 Model mined by IMi

19 SUB1 Supp: 47% DK: the event “queued + awaiting assignment” is undesired

20 SUB7 Supp: 19% DK: high rate of incident management delegation

21 SUB12 Supp: 8% DK: this should be the “ideal” activities order

22 Wabo4: Process Model Mined by Imi

23 SUB1 Supp: 41% DK: Starting activities of an application management

24 SUB12 Supp: 16% DK: Final part of an application management. Unexpected parallelism

25 SUB3 Supp: 21% DK: can be considered a meaningful sub-process

26 Summing up The proposed method was able to detect interesting patterns, providing an alternative way to analyze complex, spaghetti processes The method is flexible; it can be used with any process discovery/ frequent subgraph mining technique Limits: The reliability of the results depends on the process discovery approach adopted The pattern interpretation support can be improved

27 Future works Improving the pattern interpretation support
Providing for a pattern also its context Adding a performance evaluation based on patterns Single pattern evaluation: average costs, throughput time… Analyzing the pattern impact on the overall process performance

28 Thank you for your attention!

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