Week 28-29 Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 28-29 Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week Notes

2 Savings and Investment
Savings: income not used for consumption Investment: use of income today in a way that allows for a future benefit Ex. Stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, etc. Risk v. rate of return Savings account = least risky, lowest rate of return Stocks = most risky, highest possible rate of return

3 Financial Markets Stock Market:
Stock exchange: market where securities (stocks and bonds) are bought and sold Investors earn dividends (share of corporate profits) and capital gains (earnings from selling stock at higher price than you bought it for)

4 Financial Markets Stock Market, cont.
Biggest exchange: NY Stock Exchange (NYSE) Online only exchange: NASDAQ – mostly tech stocks

5 Financial Markets Stock Market, cont. Types of investments:
Stock: share of a company Bond: loan to a company, the govt. Future: contract to buy/sell stock at a future date at a set price (have to do it)

6 Financial Markets Stock Market, cont.
Stock index: measures performance of stock market Dow Jones, S&P 500 Bull market – stock prices are rising Bear market – stock prices are falling

7 Economic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP): the market value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given time period In order to be counted in GDP a good must be: Final, not intermediary – Ex. Fabric to make shirt = intermediary, shirt = final Made during that year – Ex. Car produced this year, sold next year is part of this year’s GDP Must be produced within nation’s borders

8 Economic Indexes GDP = Consumption (C) + Investment (I) + Government Spending (G) + Net Exports (X) Not included in GDP: Nonmarket activities – ex. Home childcare Underground economy – black market Quality of life – distribution of money

9 Economic Indexes real v. nominal GDP
Real – adjusted for inflation, nominal – not

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