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Weight Loss Supplements

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1 Weight Loss Supplements
Helpful or Harmful?

2 What Are Some Weight Loss Supplements?
There are constantly new weight loss supplements being released as a quick and easy fix to losing weight. Garcinia Cambogia, Hydroxycut, and Thermogenics are just some of the supplements out there promising weight loss without diet and exercise. The question is, are these supplements safe, and do they provide long term results like diet and exercise?

3 Are Weight Loss Supplements Safe?
Most supplements have not been safety tested Natural does not equal safe Ephedra has been banned, however many supplements work similarly Supplements are only a temporary fix Ingredients listed on the bottle may not be accurate Safety concerns with weight loss supplements can range from banned substances such as ephedra, inaccurate ingredients, lack of safety testing, misleading information such as using the word natural, and most of all many people taking weight loss supplements often put back on the lost weight once they stop taking the supplement (NCCAM, n.d.).

4 Researching Supplements
Resources: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website Provides valuable information pertaining to the safety of weight loss supplements. Information can be located through this link: The National Institutes of Health provides a fact sheet, including details of ingredients included in weight loss supplements on their website. Information can be accessed through this link: In severe cases of obesity prescription weight loss drugs are available through a physician, information about those drugs can be found here: drugs/art In the journal article titled “Weight Loss Supplements: Boon or Bane?” Ansari and Omar (2017) discuss the pros and cons of weight loss supplements and their potential negative impacts on health. ANSARI, R. M., & OMAR, N. S. (2017). Weight Loss Supplements: Boon or Bane?. Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences, 24(3), doi: /mjms There are a number of resources which can be used to determine if weight loss supplements are right for you. The NCCAM provides information pertaining to the safety of weight loss supplements on their website. When researching the safety of a supplement the National Institutes of Health’s website provides a fact sheet including information on specific ingredients commonly found in weight loss supplements. In cases of severe obesity weight loss drugs may be necessary. The Mayo Clinic’s webpage is an excellent resource for finding information about FDA approved prescription weight loss drugs. For some additional reading, Ansari and Omar’s article in the Malaysian Journal of Medical sciences discusses the pros and cons of utilizing weight loss supplements.

5 Dietary Guidelines Dietary Guidelines are released every 5 years for Americans The Dietary Guideline Report is located here: The Guidelines provide a framework for healthy living, and provide current information about federal health policies and programs. Utilizing the dietary guidelines in addition to other resources such as MyPlate, or a qualified professional can be a useful tool to keep you on track to reach your weight loss goals without utilizing weight loss supplements.

6 Weight Loss the Healthy Way
Supplements should not be necessary for weight loss Long term weight loss can be achieved through dietary changes, and lifestyle changes Healthy eating + exercise = weight loss Consult your Doctor before beginning any weight loss program Resources for healthy weight loss: Centers for Disease Control: USDA MyPlate for Meal Planning: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute provides information on selecting a weight loss plan: Weight loss should be achieved through exercise and healthy eating whenever possible. In severe cases of obesity, prescription weight loss medication may be warranted. However in most cases, a healthy diet combined with regular exercise will allow the average person to reach their weight loss goals. Before beginning any weight loss program it is important to consult with a licensed physician. A few helpful resources for healthy weight loss are: The Center For Disease Control, USDA MyPlate, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes webpage. Topics covered range from healthy weight loss, nutritional information on foods, proper meal planning, and selecting the appropriate weight loss plan to meet your needs. In addition, qualified professionals such as nutritionists and registered dietitians are available to help you meet your weight loss goals, and keep the weight off long term.

7 References ANSARI, R. M., & OMAR, N. S. (2017). Weight Loss Supplements: Boon or Bane?. Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences, 24(3), 1-4. doi: /mjms Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Losing Weight. Retrieved August 01, 2017, from Dietary Guidelines (2015) Retrieved August 1, 2017 from, americans/ Mayo Clinic Staff. (2015). Weight Loss. Retrieved August 01, 2017 from, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (n.d.). Weight Control. Retrieved August 01, 2017, from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.) Selecting a Weight Loss Program. Retrieved August 01, 2017, from Office of Dietary Supplements - Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss. (n.d.). Retrieved August 01, 2017, from USDA. (n.d.) Choose MyPlate. Retrieved August 01, 2017, from Weight Control. (2017, March 28). Retrieved August 01, 2017, from

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