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Located on the Islands of Cyclades, Crete and Greek mainlands

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1 Located on the Islands of Cyclades, Crete and Greek mainlands
Ancient Greece ~3200 – 31 B.C.E. Located on the Islands of Cyclades, Crete and Greek mainlands Bronze Age B.C.E. Dark Ages B.C.E. Geometric Period B.C.E. Orientalizing Period B.C.E. Archaic Period B.C.E. Classical Period B.C.E. Hellenistic Period 323 – 31 B.C.E.

2 Bronze Age ~3200 – 1100 B.C.E. What was the main industry/occupation at the time? What were the products that they traded? With whom?

3 Mycenaen Culture- 1600 – 1100 B.C.E.
Where was the Mycenaen Culture located? What name was this period given? What type of artwork is this time period known for? How was it decorated? What was the period called after the Mycenaen collapse? How long did that era last?

4 to Archaic Period What two short eras happened between the period and the Archaic Period? Politically what was happening in Athens during this period? Who introduced democracy in B.C.E.

5 Classical Period 479 B.C.E. – 323 B.C.E.
What happened in B.C.E. in Greece that brought about a golden age? What areas of culture/society were developed during this time? How large was the Greek Empire during this time? What is one example of the significant public building projects during this time?

6 Hellenistic Period 323-31 B.C.E.
Whose death ushered in this period? How was he represented in artwork? Why was this significant? How far reaching was the power & culture of the Greeks at this time?

7 Located on the Islands of Cyclades, Crete and Greek mainlands
Art of Ancient Greece ~3200 – 31 B.C.E. Located on the Islands of Cyclades, Crete and Greek mainlands

8 Ancient Greek Art Ancient Greek Art and culture are very familiar to us. There are so many references to it in our own culture. Name 3 images, literary references or activities that are familiar and from this time period. What specific time period in Ancient Greece history that molded our modern understanding of the time?

9 Art of the Dark Ages- 1100-800 B.C.E.
“Dark ages” seemed to start with the disappearance of the Mycenaean culture, What evidence is there that time period actually continued with art & culture? “Dark Ages” Orientalizing ( B.C.E.) Geometric ( B.C.E.)

10 Art of Archaic Period 600 – 480/479 B.C.E.
Artwork continued to develop in realistic portrayals of human figures throughout this time. What other forms of art were continuing to develop? During this time there were two types of sculptures that emerged. They were the and These sculptures represented and . When did they emerge? What made them distinctive? What did they represent?

11 Art of the Classical Period 480/479 B.C.E.- 323 B.C.E.
What were the different periods within the Classical Period? What are some characteristics of each? Classical 480/ B.C.E. Sculpture? Painting? Classical B.C.E. Architecture? Classical B.C.E.

12 Art of the Hellenistic Period 323-31 B.C.E.
Two different styles of sculpture emerged during this time. What were they and what were the characteristics of these styles?

13 Architecture of Ancient Greece
Mainland Greece, The Peloponnese, the islands of the Aegean Sea, the Greek colonies in Iona and Magna Graecia (Greek colonies in Italy & Sicily)

14 Temples When did major architecture start to emerge in Ancient Greece?
Who did these temples honor? What materials were the early temples built with? When did the building material switch to stone? When did “monumental” temple building begin?

15 Greek Architecture Doric- Ionic- Corinthian-

16 Ground plans Epidauros. ground plan and the way in which the columns are arranged. A prostyle temple is a temple that has columns only at the front, while an amphiprostyle temple has columns at the front and the rear. Temples with a peripteral arrangement (from the Greek πτερον (pteron) meaning "wing) have a single line of columns arranged all around the exterior of the temple building. Dipteral temples simply have a double row of columns surrounding the building. One of the more unusual plans is the tholos, a temple with a circular ground plan; famous examples are attested at the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi and the sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidauros.

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