For the week of November 30 – December 4

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Presentation on theme: "For the week of November 30 – December 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 For the week of November 30 – December 4
DGP For the week of November 30 – December 4

2 This Week’s Sentence take these books to the library when you go and ask the librarian for a new bookmark

3 Day One Key (you) = understood you – used in commands
(you) take (action verb) these (adjective) books (common noun) to (preposition) the (article) library (common noun) when (subordinating conjunction) you (nominative pronoun) go (action verb) and (coord. Conjunc.) (you) ask (action verb) the (article) librarian (common noun) for (prep) a (art) new (adj) bookmark (comm noun) (you) = understood you – used in commands

4 Day Two [take these books (to the library)] [when you go] and [ask the librarian (for a new bookmark)]

5 [take these books (to the library)] [when you go] and
Day Two: Independent Clause prep. phrase [take these books (to the Dependent Clause library)] [when you go] and Independent Clause prep. phrase [ask the librarian (for a new bookmark)]

6 Day Three DO take these books to the library when you go and ask the librarian for a new bookmark

7 Day Three VT DO take these books to the library when you VI VT DO go and ask the librarian for a new bookmark

8 Day Three VT DO OP take these books to the library when you VI VT DO go and ask the librarian for a new OP bookmark

9 Take these books to the library when you go, and ask the
Day Four Take these books to the library when you go, and ask the librarian for a new bookmark. This sentence is stating a command = Imperative When two independent clauses are joined together with a coordinating conjunction, you place a comma before the conjunction. 2 independent clauses + 1 dependent clause = Compound-complex sentence

10 Diagramming

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