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Independent Samples Test Independent Samples Test

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1 Independent Samples Test Independent Samples Test
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT Z SCORE NEGATIVELY CORRELATES WITH ALBUMINE LEVELS, STRONGER IN GIRLS THAN IN BOYS ON RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY AUTHORS Lungu A.C.1, Pop A.M.1, 1. Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania – Pediatric Dialysis and Nephrology Department 2. Sf. Ioan Hospital, Bucharest Constantinescu I.1, Piscoran. O.2, Limoncu O.1, Stoica. C.1 INTRODUCTION Growth failure is a common complication in children with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) either on Hemodialysis (HD) or on Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). The aim was to observe the correlation between Height z score and Weight z score in children on Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT). Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Alb Equal variances assumed 11.971 .001 -.193 52 .848 .10815 .19618 Equal variances not assumed -.163 23.886 .872 .12778 .24294 Methods: Single center, retrospective study on 54 pediatric ESRD patients, age 5-19 years, median age ± 3.2 years, 35 boys, 19 girls, 30 on HD, 24 on PD. Median Dialysis Vintage was ± 32.4 months.We quantified the Height (H) and Weight (W) as specific standard deviation scores (z) for age and sex. To realize the correlations we used the Bivariate Pearson Coefficient. Results: For boys, H z score median value ± 1.9, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.137, p=0.029). For girls, H z score median value ± 2.4, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.420, p=0.003). For boys, W z score median value ± 3.5, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.219, p=0.009). For girls, W z score median value -3.9 ± 4.3, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.274, p=0.001). Group Statistics Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Alb Boy 35 3.2060 .28052 .04742 Girl 19 3.2268 .51719 .11865 There was no significant difference between boys and girls regarding the albumine levels Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Alb Equal variances assumed .525 .472 1.439 52 .156 .14743 .10247 .35304 Equal variances not assumed 1.392 41.100 .171 .10590 .36129 Group Statistics DiaModality N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Alb HD 31 3.2761 .33485 .06014 PD 23 3.1287 .41805 .08717 There was no significant difference between Renal Replacement Therapy methods regarding the albumine levels Correlations Sex Alb HzScore Boy Pearson Correlation 1 .370* Sig. (2-tailed) .029 N 35 Hz Score Girl .648** .003 19 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Boys, H z score median value ± 1.9, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.137, p=0.029). Girls, H z score median value ± 2.4, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.420, p=0.003). Conclusions: Our results suggest that there is a statistical significant correlation between Height and Weight z Scores and Albumin value and this is stronger in girls than in boys. Our study showed that Weight z Score had a stronger correlation with albumin than Height z score did, both in boys (p=0.009< p=0.029) and girls (p=0.001< p=0.003). We can conclude that in children on RRT, weight and height does not equally affect de Body Mass Index. Growth failure is primarily due to the low weight and not so much influenced by height Correlations Sex Alb Weight Boy Pearson Correlation 1 .433** Sig. (2-tailed) .009 N 35 Girl .712** .001 19 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Boys, W z score median value ± 3.5, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.219, p=0.009). Girls, W z score median value -3.9 ± 4.3, correlated with albumin level (R2 = 0.274, p=0.001). AKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper is supported by the Sectorial Operational Programme in Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/s/137390/ Contact: Dr. Adrian Lungu ,

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