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Digital Library Overview

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1 Digital Library Overview
CISC September 11, Pete Callas, Administrator Support and Outreach Office Assessment Development and Administration Division Digital Library Overview Welcome and thank you for your interest This presentation will provide information to help you understand the purpose of the DL and how to navigate the system once you are in the Digital Library. This presentation will give you background of the Digital Library so you can support its use by educators in your school district.

2 A Balanced Assessment System
Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback

3 Definition of the Formative Assessment Process
Formative assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ attainment of curricular learning targets/goals. It is also called “assessment for learning.” The inception of DL is the importance of the formative assessment process. Read definition. Stress bold words Definition in terms of learning progressions Formative assessment is also called assessment for learning. When we think of summative assessment at the end of a semester, school year, this assessment is “of leaning;” assessing student growth, what they have learned. Formative assessment if for learning. Checks for understanding during the learning process.

4 Four Attributes of the Formative Assessment Process
Clarify intended learning Elicit evidence Act on Interpret The four attributes make for a continuous cycle. Clarify intended learning (learning goal and success criteria). These should be shared with the learner (students). Elicit evidence: student work, observation of students in a group, a quiz, ticket out the door. Interpret evidence: what does the evidence show about each student’s learning? Has each student reached the learning goal? Are they struggling with one piece of the goal? Do they lack the background knowledge to show understanding? or have they reached the goal or have excelled beyond the learning goal? Act on evidence; which would include grouping students with similar needs; giving advanced students higher-level skills; maybe one-on one with struggling students. In other words, differentiated instruction. Then the process begins again. Read each attribute.

5 The Process of Formative Assessment
Heart and soul of the DL Explain the graphic Feedback lope is pivotal to the process Also pivotal is knowing the crucial steps of the learning progression (points in this graphic where you cannot proceed to the next step without giving feedback, to close the gap, and give differentiated instruction.

6 Digital Library Resources
SNE developed Commissioned modules Types: Instructional Professional learning Combination Two kinds of sources: (read the two on the slide) State network of Educators submit their stellar lessons, units or a colleagues’ lessons. Or they find resources from other learning sites (Teaching channel, Brokers of Expertise; MARs) and enhance them using the Quality Criteria. And then there are the commission modules developed by the Digital Library’s contractor, Amplify Insights. Three types of resources (read them) Next, I will explain : Who submits resources into the Digital Library? What do they submit? How are the resources reviewed and vetted?

7 What the Digital Library Is Not …
A bank of assessment items A learning management system in which educators can register for training or receive credit by completing specific online courses A library for general public (will require registration and login) A site to freely post resources (Read each block) It is not a resource for stand-alone sub plans It is not an assessment of learning, but for learning (no grading)\ Can be used to enhance a lesson; materials can be used with students (videos to use as a demonstration)

8 State Network of Educators
60─150 members per state Comprised of K─12 educators and higher – education faculty Each network has diverse expertise in: CCSS mathematics and English-language arts; science, social science, general education, gifted and talented, English learners, and students with disabilities. Composition Participate in 5 trainings. Help populate the Digital Library in advance of the June 2014 preview. Submit and review resources using the Quality Criteria. Use resources and collaboration tools for members’ own professional learning and instruction. Provide feedback on the resources in the library, review and posting process, Quality Criteria, and usability of software. Expectations Once the gatekeeping and quality criteria were established, the next step was to elicit educators to submit resources and to also review the resources using the criteria established. These educators are called State Network of Educators (SNE) In California: 110 educators (we wanted a balance of subjects, with an emphasis on math and English; but also, history, reading, science, administers, instructional coaches ) We have all grade levels including higher ed– We have a balance of educators from southern, central, and northern CA The yparticipate in 5 trainings, which include how to submit resources and review resources, use the software in the D.L., and all the functionality of the Digital Library.

9 Gatekeeping Criteria Matches Cover Profile
Legible, viewable, functional Understandable Formative assessment process Bias free Free of student records/information Free of charge Advisory panel member developed the gatekeeping and quality criteria which would be used to vet submitted resources GK is essential---it must be passed to proceed—every criterion yes or no. If no, sent back to contributor with specific feedback. Each resource consists of a cover profile and the instructional materials

10 Criteria for Resources
Aligns with Common Core State Standards Incorporates formative assessment practices Demonstrates high-quality instruction Addresses learner differences Is engaging/user-friendly

11 Posting Work Flow Step 1: Resource Submitted Step 4: Step 3: Decision
Cover Profile (contributor) Step 3: Quality Criteria Applied Step 4: Decision SNE 1 Posted Step 2: Gatekeeping Criteria Applied SNE 2 Step 5: If not satisfied, the SLT rejects the resource and sends back to the contributor, providing actionable feedback and rationale. If necessary, the SLT may provide individual, actionable feedback for norming and review improvement to each reviewer. Returned to Submitter SNE 3 SNE 1 Sent to SLT

12 Smarter Balanced Digital Library Preview
Smarter Balanced invites local educational agencies (LEAs) and school staff to preview the Digital Library from June 3 through September 30, 2014. The preview will demonstrate initial functions and provide a limited set of resources to help educators understand the future utility of the Digital Library. Complete instructions for the preview were made available to LEAs on May 30, 2014, via Field Test Flash #20. Digital Library Preview user registration information was sent to LEA CAASPP coordinators. Governance will be sustained at the CRESST Center, University of California, Las Angeles, on October 1, 2014. Preview is to test the large numbers of users in the D.L. and to allow teachers an opportunity to begin using the instructional resources for planning the school year. Also to be used for back to school professional learning for all staff CDE staff can . . . Help with positive communication. Use the Digital Library and share their enthusiasm. Know where to get helpful assistance

13 Tour of the Digital Library
Using filters to find a resource “Posted with Distinction” Collaboration opportunities Commissioned modules

14 For More Information By phone at 916-445-8765
Contact the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Office (CAASPP) By phone at or By at

15 Digital Library Survey
Digital Library Discussion Digital Library Discussion Results

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