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Lecture 11 bash scripting overview c programming overview moving data between c and bash memory and pointers.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 11 bash scripting overview c programming overview moving data between c and bash memory and pointers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 11 bash scripting overview c programming overview moving data between c and bash memory and pointers

2 Computational Physics
For many problems the basic equations determining a system's behaviour are known, but are too complex for an (even approximate) analytical solution. Chaos theory, weather prediction, quantum mechanics,fluid mechanics.....

3 Example bash script To execute: Save the text file e.g. as “”
Change the permissions on the file “chmod a+x” Run with “./”

4 Example bash script To execute: Save the text file e.g. as “”
Change the permissions on the file “chmod a+x” Run with “./”

5 Linux and shell programming
Interpretive language, each line is executed in sequence as if it was typed on the command line.. Environment can be customized e.g. $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH If an executable is not in your path you can run it with an absolute or relative path e.g. ./ /home/tom/bin/

6 Help in Linux Man <command>
Lots of information on how to use a command Google is your friend, if you are stuck someone else has probably already been there

7 C programming Compiled language – More efficient than interpreted
It has become a standard language, many other languages are now based on C.

8 C program structure Include statements interpreted by cpp
Comments help you code Everything is written as a function This is what we pass to the function This is what the function returns The program always starts from the main function To use a function you have to call it Printf is a function defined in stdio.h

9 bash – C interaction Streams open by default Stdin – from the keyboard
Stdout – writes to screen by default. Stderr – writes to screen by default. These streams can be redirected “Prog 2>&1” - writes stderr to screen “Prog < file-in” – redirects file-in to use as stdin “Prog > file-out” – redirects stdout to file-out “Prog 2> stderr-out” redirect stderr to file stderr-out All other files need to be explicitly opened

10 bash – C interaction stdout stdin
Other files need to be explicitly opened

11 Memory Every time we want to store something this requires memory to be allocated. Stack - static memory “int a(100)” pre determined when we compile. Heap – dynamic, can be changed at runtime. malloc





16 Chris Kervick

17 Michael Tierney

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