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Build your Character Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success

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Presentation on theme: "Build your Character Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Build your Character Habits @ Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success
Christian Love Build your Character Habits @ Bishop Justus Embracing Challenge Forward Planning Ready & Respectful Evaluating & Reviewing Time + Effort = Success Presentation, Innovation & Creating Teamwork Resilience Effective Effort Coherent Communication

2 Bishop Justus Church of England School
Morning Worship C S Lewis 22nd November 2016 Bishop Justus Church of England School

3 Let the light of Christ shine in our lives
Gather The Lord be with you And also with you Let the light of Christ shine in our lives

4 Receive An intelligent mind acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. From the Book of Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 15

5 Engage Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963) was a British novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian apologist. He held academic positions at both Oxford University and Cambridge University. He is best known for his fictional work, especially The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Space Trilogy, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, such as Mere Christianity, Miracles, and The Problem of Pain. His radio broadcasts during WWII were very popular and he has influenced recent Christian debate.

6 Engage Some discussion ideas …
C S Lewis used fictional stories to introduce Christian teaching – why are stories a good teaching tool? C S Lewis encouraged everyone to debate and to question – is this a good idea? Why? Activity suggestion … Write a short story that uses a key Christian value, e.g. love, joy or peace. Video suggestion … From the film “Shadowlands” (about C S Lewis) – “why I pray” …

7 Respond God, we give thanks for all those who can help us to understand the Bible and Christianity. Thank you for C S Lewis, for his stories and his teaching. Amen

8 Go out into the world with the light of Christ
Let us bless the Lord Thanks be to God Go out into the world with the light of Christ

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