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Physical Geography of Northern Europe

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1 Physical Geography of Northern Europe
Landforms Northern Europe is made up of five countries: Norway and Sweden on the Scandinavian Peninsula, Denmark on the Jutland Peninsula, Finland in the eastern part of the region, and the island country of Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean. Glaciation is the primary process by which the landforms of Northern Europe came to be as they are today. During the last ice age, ice filled the valleys and carved out fjords that are now filled with seawater, creating steep, rugged mountains.


3 Physical Geography of Northern Europe
Water Systems Glaciation left hundreds of thousands of lakes in Northern Europe. Iceland’s rivers consist of glacial debris, making them cloudy. Many of the rivers on the Scandinavian Peninsula contain falls and rapids that hamper transportation between cities. The countries of Northern Europe harness the power of these falls and rapids to run hydroelectric power plants.


5 Physical Geography of Northern Europe
Climate, Biomes, and Resources The climate patterns and biomes of Northern Europe are affected by latitude, landforms, wind patterns, ocean currents, and distance from water. Natural vegetation varies from forests to tundra plants. While the area has oil and natural gas resources, the countries of the region are leaders in developing renewable energy.


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8 Human Geography of Northern Europe
Population Patterns Migration and ethnicity have influenced where people have settled. The Sami are descendants of nomadic peoples who lived in Scandinavia for thousands of years. The Nordic countries have lower population densities than most other countries in Europe. Populations concentrate in areas near the sea and in metropolitan areas.


10 Human Geography of Northern Europe
Society and Culture Today While Protestant religions dominate in every Nordic country, society is very secular. Northern Europe is filled with the world's most educated population, with literacy rates at nearly 100 percent throughout the region. The governments function as welfare states, providing social services but levying large taxes. Women are achieving equal status in Nordic society, nearing the same status as men in the workplace.


12 Human Geography of Northern Europe
Economic Activities All of the Nordic countries are small, open economies that rely on foreign trade. Nordic countries rapidly evolved from agrarian- based economies into modern, industrialized countries. Commercial fishing, mining, forestry, and energy are the main resources in the area. The Nordic model emphasizes labor force participation and promotes gender equality and fiscal expansion.


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15 People and Their Environment: Northern Europe
Managing Resources Natural factors and human activity are causing environmental problems. The Baltic Sea has a unique ecology because of its isolation from the open ocean. Increased shipping has brought a number of invasive species, non-native organisms that threaten local habitats. Industrialization has damaged many wetlands.


17 People and Their Environment: Northern Europe
Human Impact Climate change, acid rain, and pollution are affecting Northern Europe. Scandinavian scientists were among the first to understand the environmental effects of acid rain. The high latitudes and steep mountain valleys make climate change more noticeable in Northern Europe.


19 People and Their Environment: Northern Europe
Addressing the Issues Governments and civic groups are taking steps to address environmental problems. Environmental management focuses on sustainability and long-term planning. Conservation has been an important issue for the Nordic countries for over 100 years. The region supports ecotourism, a way to encourage tourism that limits damage to the unique lands of Northern Europe.

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