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The Federal Reserve System “the Fed”

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1 The Federal Reserve System “the Fed”

2 12 Federal Reserve Districts
Commercial banks’ banker Federal Reserve System is comprised of 12 districts, each with a president. very much like a “branch office” Commercial banks join the federal reserve system. are strengthened by it can network with other banks more effectively increase consumer confidence

3 Board of Governors


5 Board of Governors 7 members appointed by president approved by Senate
14 yr. term chairman Ben Bernanke formerly Alan Greenspan

6 6 Major Jobs of the Fed Supply the economy with paper money and coins.
Hold bank reserves. Provide check-clearing services Supervise member banks Serve as lender of last resort. Control the money supply

7 1.Supply the economy with paper money and coins.
“U.S. Mint” Bureau of Engraving and Printing


9 2. Hold bank reserves reserves at the Fed + vault cash =total reserves

10 3.Provide check-clearing services
Facilitates check-cashing between commercial banks. for example, Wells-Fargo and Bank of America

11 Between banks, cities EXAMPLE:
Pete pays Sue for a used car. He gives her a check for $2,000. Sue deposits the check in her bank and is credited with $2,000 in her account. Sue’s bank sends the check to FRB who increases the bank’s reserve account by $2,000. FRB decreases Pete’s bank’s reserve by $2,000 FRB notifies Pete’s bank to reduce Pete’s account by $2,000.

12 4. Supervise member banks 5. Serve as lender of last resort
Fed may “audit” a bank check that the loans it made are good be sure it has followed banking rules verify the accuracy of its accounting. Fed can lend funds to struggling banks. Glass-Steagall Act (1933) establishes FDIC Fed of Minneapolis flies to the rescue. page 291 in text

13 6. Control the money supply. I kept the most important for last!
Tools for changing the money supply Reserve Requirement Discount Rate Open Market Operations Why is changing the money supply important? TO CONTROL INFLATION and/or UNEMPLOYMENT Monetary Policy Stop here and do money supply kinetic

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