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Exercise 44 Urinalysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise 44 Urinalysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise 44 Urinalysis

2 Characteristics of the urine
Color Pale yellow to amber Urochrome pigment from the destruction of hemoglobin Transparency Clear Normal change in the color Foods, medications, etc

3 Characteristics of the urine
Odor Subtle fresh urine – characteristic Ammonia-like in standing urine

4 Characteristics of the urine
pH Acid ash foods Proteins, whole wheat Alkaline ash foods Vegetables Bacterial infections Increases the alkalinity of the urine

5 Characteristics of the urine
Specific gravity It is the relative weight of a specific volume of liquid compared with an equal volume of distilled water Urine: <1.001=highly diluted urine >1.03=highly concentrated urine

6 Characteristics of the urine
Diluted urine Diuretics Diabetes insipidus Excessive water drinking Concentrated urine Pyelonephritis Limited fluid intake Dehydration

7 Characteristics of the urine
Renal calculi Caused by the precipitation and crystallization of the solutes of the urine

8 Characteristics of the urine
Normal constituents Water Sodium, potassium Phosphates and sulfates Nitrogen wastes: creatinine, urea, uric acid Calcium, Urobilinogen,etc

9 Abnormal urinary constituents
Glucose Glycosuria Diabetes mellitus Albumin “Physiological” albuminuria Pregnancy Excessive exercise

10 Abnormal urinary constituents
Pathological albuminuria Hypertension Kidney trauma Ingestion of heavy metals Glomerulonephritis, etc

11 Abnormal urinary constituents
Ketone bodies - Traces are normal Acetone Beta-hydroxybutyric acid Acetoacetic acid Ketonuria Excessive fat metabolism, diabetes mellitus, starvation, low carbohydrate diets, It causes acidosis

12 Abnormal urinary constituents
Red blood cells Hematuria Calculi, urinary infections, trauma False hematuria menstruation

13 Abnormal urinary constituents
Hemoglobin Hemoglobinuria Hemolytic anemia Blood transfusion reactions Burns Renal diseases

14 Abnormal urinary constituents
Nitrites May indicated bacterial infection mainly gram-negatives rods Bile pigments Bilirubinuria Hepatitis, cirrhosis, bile duct blockage

15 Abnormal urinary constituents
Urobilinogen is abnormal if: Complete absence Renal disease Obstruction of bile flow in the liver Increased levels Hepatitis A Cirrhosis, etc

16 Abnormal urinary constituents
White blood cells Pyuria Urinary infection Casts Are hardened cell fragments Pathologic

17 Abnormal urinary constituents
Hyaline casts Formed by the denaturation of mucoproteins secreted by the tubules Slow filtrate rate Low urine pH High urine salt content

18 Abnormal urinary constituents
RBC casts Glomerulonephrites WBC casts Pyelonephrites Waxy casts Degeneration of the renal tubule cells End stage of renal disease

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