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Action Research in the Library

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1 Action Research in the Library
Librarians Supporting Student Success in Community And Technical Colleges

2 Project Outcomes Community and Technical College library faculty attending ACRL’s Assessment in Action Workshop can explain how to use action research strategies to incorporate meaningful assessment practices and processes into their teaching practice Community and Technical College faculty librarians apply action research strategies to devise and conduct action research projects that demonstrate and communicate library contributions to student success.

3 LSTA Grant provided by the Washington State Library
Year 1: Funding = $80,060 LSTA Grant provided by the Washington State Library

4 Year 1: Grant Activities
Workshop, Day 1: ACRL Assessment in Action Program Workshop, Day 2: (Agenda under development) Getting started with a research project? Finding data with ALMA? Working with IRBs? Developing research questions? Drafting research proposal?

5 Year 1: Grant Activities
Mini-Research Grants (January – August 2018) Stipends $1,500 / librarian (24) to: Plan Research Project Conduct Research Project Compile and Analyze Results Report Findings at Research Symposium (Year 2)

6 LSTA Grant provided by the Washington State Library
Year 2: Funding = $70,600 LSTA Grant provided by the Washington State Library

7 Year 2: Grant Activities
2nd round: Mini-Research Grants (May 2018 – February 2018?) 1st LLC Research Symposium (November 2018?) 2nd LLC Research Symposium (May 2019?)

8 December 7-8, 2017 Dumas Bay Centre
Workshop Details December 7-8, 2017 Dumas Bay Centre

9 Next Steps- Get the Word Out

10 Next Steps- Registration

11 Who Wants to Help? Registration Team: Compile registration information and coordinate with Dumas Bay Centre for meals and rooms Preparations for Dumas Bay Meeting Room (ACRL specifications) Mini-Grant Team: Develop grant proposal criteria, create online form, review proposals, award grants, develop format for delivering work product ACRL Workshop contract Work: Travel arrangements for presenters Samantha Research Symposium: Organize event (arrange venue, recruit/schedule presentations, pay travel stipends, etc.) Workshop Day 2 organizers: Develop agenda, arrange for presentations

12 Setting the Stage Discovering our Commonly Held Institutional Priorities In order to develop Foundational Research Questions

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