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10 Monthly Newsletter Templates

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1 10 Monthly Newsletter Templates
By: Heather Perkins

2 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

3 Mrs. McElhaney’s Newsletter
Math-Subtraction with regrouping and we will work On 2 Multiplication Fact. Test on Friday (1 minute). Social Studies-Map Skills, directions, latitude/ Longitude, hemispheres, geographical point on a map. Language Arts- Nouns (ABSTRACT NOUNS)/Plural Nouns Reading-”The Perfect Pet” Skill: Problem/Solution, Predictions & homograph words. Test on Friday. Spelling-Long I (-igh, -ie, -I, -y). Test Thurs. REMINDERS: *Please review and check your child’s homework with him/her every night. *Practice sight word list. Your child will know what list they are working on. **Please practice the multiplication fact (2) for Friday’s Test. SPECIALTY: Mon.: P.E. Tues.: Computer Wed.: P.E. Thurs.: Library Fri.: Music Important Dates **Afterschool Classes Begin Next Week. **Sept. 29: Day school (30 tickets). **Oct. 9-13: Fall Break Heather Perkins

4 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

5 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

6 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

7 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

8 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

9 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

10 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

11 Mrs. Perkins’ newsletter
We are learning Math- Science- Social Studies- Language Arts- Reading- Spelling- Wish List Important Dates Baby wipes Snacks Dry Erase Markers Pencils Paper December 19th- January 2nd-Winter Break January 7th – Progress Reports January 23rd- Field Trip Heather Perkins

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